Ming dynasty.

Zhu Di was also dumbfounded.

Although he has been thinking about this issue, sometimes he even feels that there are too many doubts in the world.

But no matter how he thought about it, he never thought that humans evolved from apes.

“This world is so crazy!”

Zhu Di murmured to himself.

He stared at the sky with his eyes, and there was a guess in his heart.

If it is true as Tianmu said, this video will definitely subvert everyone’s perception!

After all, from the Qin Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, and even during the Warring States Period, it was almost universally acknowledged that Pangu created the sky and Nuwa created humans.

No one delved deeper.

But now that the sky has been broken, the nature of this matter is extraordinary.

Nuwa made humans out of mud?

Is it true or false?

This is a question that everyone must consider.


Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Gaoxu and others were also stunned.

There was fear in his eyes.

This is the fear of an unknown territory!

The sky screen plays slowly.

[Over thousands of years, many theories have been born about where humans came from, the most famous of which is the theory of evolution! 】

[That is, everything in the world evolved! 】

[Different creatures will gradually evolve as the environment changes! 】

[And we humans evolved from apes to modern humans. Of course, because ancient times are too far away from us, the theory of evolution lacks evidence in modern times and has been subject to many doubts. 】

[But the current common theory is still based on the theory of evolution. In this video, we will not discuss the theory of evolution, but look at how powerful humans were in ancient times! 】

[Why are humans known as the terrifying upright apes? 】

Following these words.

The pupils of all dynasties and generations shrank.


But these words also made them all breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, Tianmu did not say that humans must have evolved from apes. This theory of evolution may not be 100% correct.

At any rate, this made them relieved.

After all, in the eyes of the ancients, humans are the most noble creatures in the world, so how can they be monkeys?

Everyone was taken in by these words.

They started thinking about this problem.

Why is man known as the terrifying erect ape, and how strong is he?

Eastern Han Dynasty.

Xu Chu couldn’t help but said, “How to start talking about the terrifying Ape erectus?”

He is known as the Tiger Maniac.

In his early years, he witnessed tigers.

But the tiger he saw was not an adult, but even so, he paid a huge price.

If it were an adult tiger, he would never dare to provoke it.

Song Dynasty.

Wu Song also nodded when he saw this video.

“How can humans be as powerful as animals? Even though they are not as big as that tiger, humans still have fine wine!”

“Drinking fine wine kills tigers like chickens!”

Wu Song directly blew the whistle.

The tiger he met back then was also a cub. Its claws and body shape were not much different from his.

Therefore, three punches to death!

Speaking of which, he missed the tiger a little.

Just as Wu Song opened his mouth and drank wine freely.

In the sky.

A slightly cute and honest tiger appeared in everyone’s sight.

At the same time, the sound of the sky curtain sounded.

[On Jingyanggang, Wu Song defeated the tiger with three punches, which gave rise to some interesting dialogues across time and space in later generations. 】

[Tiger: Dear Song, seeing the words is like meeting each other, and the letter is soothing. 】

[When you read this letter, I am already in a national first-level protected zoo. You are thinking that you have to step on the sewing machine. Time flies so fast. It has been many years since I left Jingyanggang. Now I eat well, sleep well, and don’t have to worry about someone getting drunk and hitting me on the mountain. Oh, by the way, I also got to know a gorilla, and I’ll introduce you to him if I have the chance. 】

[Song, I miss you. The wind tonight is as exciting as the night in Jingyanggang when I first met you. The only difference is that you can no longer hit me. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop. , the tiger skin is itchy and loose. I wish you could come back and take a look at me, even just once! 】

Then, another voice sounded.

【My brother is close to the tiger, seeing words is like meeting each other. I think that time is like a crane passing through the gap in the clouds, and the years are like a song. Although the song stops, the thoughts never stop. I am filled with emotion and joy when I see my brother’s words today. I think of the farewell in Jingyang, just like yesterday. My heroic posture and bravery in begging for mercy are still in my brother’s heart and will not go away for a long time. 】

[My brother is very happy to have prospered and prospered like he did back then. I should answer my brother’s words and never do that evil thing again. Although my brother is far away in the sky and no longer enjoys the shadows of bamboos and the moonlight with his brother, the younger generation has many tricks, which are no worse than the foolish brother, so they should not be underestimated. 】

[If you stop writing for a moment, the ink will dry and the tears will flow. Love is like waves, there is no word to describe it, I can only talk about it with my brother in my dreams, and then listen to the wail of my brother on Jingyang Mountain, which is as majestic and unyielding as thunder and lightning. Everything is fine, brother, and he is still powerful. Don’t worry about me. It’s late at night, the lamp has run out, no more words. Itchy tiger skin is a wake-up call. The world is far away, and the pines are also there! 】

The words fell.

Emperor Qin Shihuang:”???”

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: “???”

Li Shimin: “???”

Wu Song: “???”

People from all dynasties and generations were all dumbfounded.

What kind of tiger-wolf talk is this?

Wu Song and a tiger’s letter?

Wu Song was also dumbfounded.

Will future generations be so good at playing?

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not stopping, the tiger’s skin is itchy but the looseness is not there!

“But if I beat him in the future, he will have to step on a sewing machine?” Wu Song’s eyes were strange.

Da Qin.

The First Emperor stared at the sky.

He couldn’t help but have a weird look on his face. According to what Tianmu said, the tiger was beaten to death by Wu Song with three punches. Will future generations write such a gay letter?

“If this tiger that was beaten to death was reincarnated and knew that there was such a letter in the future, he would probably be angry to death!”

The corners of the First Emperor’s mouth twitched and he felt like it was exploding.

But he suddenly realized something.

Was this tiger killed? ? ?

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