Great Qin.

The First Emperor sighed with admiration, “The most brilliant method in the world is to use human nature.”

“If you can use human nature well, it will often produce miraculous effects.”

“This Fan Zhongyan has good methods!”

The First Emperor spoke with admiration on his face.

He spoke involuntarily, and Li Si beside him nodded.

The Legalists used laws to restrain people’s behavior, and one of the things they must master is human nature.

Only by knowing the weaknesses of human nature can you restrain human nature!

“Come on, write down all three methods of Fan Zhongyan for me. Such methods must be imitated!”

Following the voice of the First Emperor, eunuchs in the Xianyang Palace hurriedly wrote down Fan Zhongyan’s methods.

Not only the Great Qin.

Other dynasties were also shocked.

The Han Dynasty.

Emperor Wu of Han smiled, “Sorry, since I saw it, then this strategy is mine!”

“If there is a disaster in the Han Dynasty, officials all over the world can follow suit!”

Tang Dynasty.

Li Er waved his hand, “Come here, pass on my order, and immediately write down these three methods of Fan Zhongyan in the future!”

Their plan was also very simple, just copy it, after all, which dynasty did not have natural disasters?

Some grain merchants were also stunned.

They all widened their eyes, damn!


This incident taught them a lesson.

Fan Zhongyan was too cruel.

In the future, pie in the sky, you can’t even look at it, it’s all problematic.

Especially since the government doesn’t allow them to sell at a low price, they have to be careful.

For a time, Fan Zhongyan’s name resounded throughout the dynasties, and everyone remembered these three tricks.

Gao Yang also admired Fan Zhongyan very much.

These three strategies for famine relief are indeed worthy of his reputation as a conspiracy through the ages.

Thinking of the absurd things in the Northern Song Dynasty, Gao Yang was also quite emotional.

Mr. Fan, you are really a ray of light in the Northern Song Dynasty.

He swiped his finger, and the next video slowly played.

[Under the clan system, even the emperor is just a CEO who works for others. (Immersive history)]

A huge title appeared on the sky, and for a time, all the major dynasties were shocked.

Under the clan system, the emperor is just a CEO who works for others.

Han Dynasty.

When Emperor Wu of Han saw this title, his brows furrowed.

“Under the clan system, the emperor works? CEO?”

“What does this work mean, and what does CEO mean?”

Liu Che looked at the sky with a look of shock on his face.

Although he didn’t understand what working and CEO meant, he felt bad just by listening to this sentence.

This seems to be a derogatory word!

Tang Dynasty.

Li Er’s eyes were slightly cold, “Aristocratic family?”


Although Li Er didn’t understand what working meant, he understood the aristocratic family.

What is the difference between aristocratic families and noble families?

In the Tang Dynasty, noble families have great power, and some people, even Li Er, have to avoid them.

This is the power of noble families!

During the reign of Emperor Gaozong of Tang.

Li Zhi hugged Wu Meiniang, his eyes were solemn.

During Li Shimin’s reign, he always wanted to deal with the aristocratic families, among which the largest aristocratic family in the world was the Guanlong family.

But as strong as Li Shimin was, he didn’t deal with the Guanlong family until he died, and he didn’t destroy the Guanlong family until he ascended the throne!

Among them, the first person to be killed was his uncle, Changsun Wuji.


The explanations of related terms first emerged in the sky.

Aristocratic families, working, CEO, all appeared in the sky.

For a time, the faces of the emperors were full of astonishment.

Some of them couldn’t believe it, “What? The aristocratic families are so powerful, I work for them?”

All the emperors looked gloomy.

During the Han Dynasty.

Liu Che was even more furious, and couldn’t believe it.

Although he knew the power of the aristocratic families, in his heart, the most powerful person in the world should be the emperor.

Isn’t it a joke that the aristocratic families make the emperor work?

Tang Dynasty.

Li Er also said, “Although I also admit that the aristocratic families are powerful, the emperor is the emperor of heaven and controls the people. The aristocratic families also need to kneel down and kowtow in front of the emperor. How can the emperor work for them?”

As for the people of all dynasties, they were all stunned.

They looked at the picture in front of them and felt incredible.

The emperor is the supreme ruler, ruling the people, and the aristocratic families can be more powerful than the emperor. How is this possible!

At this time, the picture was played slowly, and the sound of the sky curtain sounded.

[In ancient times, the power of the aristocratic families was very large, and sometimes even the emperor was ignored. 】

【But the emperor controls the army and has the most supreme power in the world. Why does heCan’t we just kill all these powerful people? 】

Tang Dynasty.

Li Er’s eyes were cold, and he laughed at himself, “It would be great if it was really that easy to eradicate the clan.”

[You lived in the Western Han Dynasty and were a child of a poor family. 】

[Of course, no matter how poor the family is, it is still a family. These are not ordinary people, but their ancestors were wealthy and then declined, so they are called children of a poor family. They are not poor scholars. 】

[Because you are from a poor family, your living standard is not even a little higher than that of the common people at the lowest level. At the very least, you don’t have to work in the fields early like ordinary people’s children. On the contrary, you can devote all your time and energy to studying. I hope that one day I can serve as an official in the court and shine brightly on my family! 】

[Of course, your starting point is just a little better than that of the common people at the lowest level. If you want to become an official in the court and shine on the lintel, there are countless thresholds in front of you waiting for you to cross. 】

[First of all, the first difficulty you face is paper. During the Western Han Dynasty, paper had not yet been invented, and texts were recorded on bamboo slips and brocade silk. 】

[Needless to say, there is no need to say much about brocade and silk. Except for princes and generals, almost no one can afford it. You have never even seen it. 】

[In your eyes, even bamboo slips are a luxury among luxuries. Not only are they difficult to make, but they are also afraid of insects, water, and fire. If you come from a poor family, even if you are given a scroll for free, it will be difficult for you to preserve it intact. Come down. 】

[The term “learned and rich” refers not only to the level of knowledge, but also to a powerful family behind it. It is never an exaggeration to use one sentence to show off your wealth! 】

[Some people think it is an exaggeration, but you must know that if you look further back, in the Qin Dynasty, ordinary people did not even deserve to have a surname! 】

[That’s not to mention the bamboo slips! 】

[Secondly, Qin Shihuang burned books to resist Confucianism. After Xiang Yu burned Epang Palace, a large number of books were destroyed. If it weren’t for Zhang Cang, a nerd, many systems would have been difficult to preserve. 】

[During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deposed hundreds of schools of thought and only respected Confucianism. He even used Confucianism as a criterion for selecting officials. 】

[This led to a common phenomenon in the Western Han Dynasty: these remaining Confucian classics were regarded as treasures and were easily refused to be passed on. 】

[After all, if you control these Confucian classics, you will control the scholars; if you control education, you will control the official position! 】

[Isn’t this what scholars study hard all their lives? 】

[If you can’t be an official, then you have a full stomach. Will there be a buff when you swing the hoe? 】

[Fortunately, although you come from a poor family, your family is quite wealthy, so bamboo slips are not a problem for you. 】

[In this world, as long as you have money, you can always search for Confucian classics and extract them. 】

[But when you get these Confucian classics, you will be dumbfounded again, because the ancient books handed down from the pre-Qin Dynasty all have small meanings, but often a few words cover everything. If there is no teacher to help interpret, you will not understand it at all. 】

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