With the appearance of pictures and subtitles, many ancient people were also extremely surprised.

It turns out that China’s navigation technology has always been ahead of the sea!

But then, how did he become weak?

Thinking of this, the First Emperor’s face couldn’t help but darken.

Qin Shihuang: “@朱元璋???”

Qin Shihuang: “@大清帝的 emperors???”

With the soul of the First Emperor questioning.

Zhu Yuanzhang was sweating instantly.

But he also smelled a bad premonition, this seemed… to be a turning point!

All the Qing emperors also looked embarrassed.

This canopy is too much!

[During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, during this period, Zhu Yuanzhang first issued a sea ban, allowing only official ships to go to sea, and not allowing ordinary people to go to sea. This move greatly suppressed Chinese navigation. 】

[During the Zhu Di period, Zheng He’s voyages to the West became one of the most important events in the history of Chinese navigation. 】

[Zhu Di ordered Zheng He to sail to the Western Ocean. Some people said that he had an uneasy conscience and went to sea to find Zhu Yunwen, the Jianwen Emperor. Others said that he was a usurper of the emperor and needed a big voyage to shock the maritime countries and make them come to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty! 】

[There are various theories, it is difficult to tell whether they are true or false, but the only thing that is certain is that Zheng He’s seven voyages to the West earned the Ming Dynasty endless wealth. 】

[First of all, Zhu Di launched the Jingnan Campaign. The entire north was in a mess and the country was weak. During this period, it took a long time to recuperate, but what did Zhu Di do during the same period. 】

[First, move the capital to Beiping, second, dredge the Grand Canal, third, repair the Yongle Grand Ceremony, fourth, conquer Mobei five times, and promote the prestige of the Ming Dynasty! 】

[All the major things that Zhu Di did required money behind them. You can refer to them, such as the opening of the Grand Canal and the Five Conquests of Mobei. Looking forward, there are also emperors who did similar things. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty also opened the canal. Three Conquest of Goguryeo, but what is the outcome? 】

[The death of Sui Dynasty II only lasted 38 years. 】

Sui Dynasty.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was silent for a while when he listened to Tianmu’s voice.

Open the Grand Canal and conquer Goguryeo three times.

It’s all his doing.

As a result, his underpants were all hacked, but Zhu Di was a wise man.

“I have realized that we should do business first, and we should do money first!”

“These aristocratic families are so cruel!”

Yang Guang looked directly at the sky.

Ming dynasty.

Zhu Di also nodded.

If we want to open the Grand Canal and conquer Mobei in five ways, we will need a huge amount of money.

Zheng He’s voyages to the West were a proper money-making journey.

[But everyone knows that after Zheng He sailed to the West, the sea ban came back again. 】

[The reason behind this is very simple, that is, the civil servants were at work. As soon as Zhu Di died, they immediately joined forces to stop it. 】


Zhu Di punched the dragon chair in front of him with anger on his face.

“To make so much money, these civil servants actually stopped it. They really rebelled against him!”

“I will definitely not give up on this matter.”

[Actually, this group of civil servants cannot be blamed for this matter. It was Zhu Di who was too cruel. 】

Zhu Di: “???”

“I’m too cruel? What does this have to do with me!” Zhu Di looked in disbelief.

[First of all, the money Zheng He earned from his voyages to the West did not go to the national treasury, but to the inner treasury. This was equivalent to Zhu Di’s private treasury, and officials could not make money. 】

[Secondly, Zhu Di actually used spices to exchange officials’ salaries and rewards. This was not a problem in the early days. After all, there were too few spices and they were very valuable. 】

[But as Zheng He brought back carload after carload of spices from overseas, the officials became a little nervous. 】

[This thing is completely ruined. 】

[After Zhu Di’s death, overseas trade was stopped. 】

Zhu Di’s old face turned red, and he felt embarrassed.

When Tian Mu spoke, this was a bit too direct.

But Zhu Di touched his nose and found that this was indeed a fact.

But this is also the tradition of their old Zhu family.

In comparison, Zhu Di was pretty good, after all, he was given spices.

His father went even further and directly rewarded him with treasure money. Once there were too many of these things, it was really hard to wipe his butt.

“I want to change this. It has to be a win-win situation. At least I eat meat and let them drink some soup.” Zhu Di murmured to himself.

Tianmu continued.

[In addition, China has a vast territory and rich resources. Foreign merchant ships can just make money by coming to trade in the Ming Dynasty. Merchants do not have to bear risks, so who is willing to travel across the ocean? 】

[From this time on, China’s maritime trade began to stagnate, and Ming Dynasty also missed the Age of Discovery. 】

[It is no exaggeration to say that the countries that participated in the Age of Discovery and successfully controlled sea power have all become world-class powers! 】

[This is definitely a huge opportunity, but Daming missed it. 】

Ming dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly sat upright. He looked at the sky with a touch of emotion in his eyes.”The Age of Exploration?”

“A great opportunity?”

Zhu Yuanzhang looked serious.

He suddenly thought that the previous Eagle Sauce seemed to have mastered the so-called sea control!

Overseas, it was so terrifying!

He, Zhu, was too narrow-minded after all!

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di was also moved.


“As long as the countries that participated in the Age of Exploration and successfully mastered the sea control became world-class powers?”

“This Age of Exploration, my Ming Dynasty actually missed it?”

Zhu Di’s eyes changed, and an endless momentum swept through him.

Even Zhu Di couldn’t help thinking.

If Ming Dynasty participated in the Great Exploration Movement and mastered the sea control of the ocean.

Would the fate of Ming Dynasty be completely different?

Even the fate of the entire China was completely different?

In addition to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, the emperors of other major dynasties were also shocked.

Qin Dynasty.

The First Emperor’s eyes were moved, and he couldn’t help but say, “This great maritime movement is so terrifying.”

“What exactly is this great maritime movement?”

Tang Dynasty.

Li Er also sat up straight.

“Tianmu said that overseas resources are extremely rich, and this great maritime movement has given birth to a world-class power!”

“Is it… a plunder?”

Li Er narrowed his eyes, and his eyes revealed endless murderous intent.

At this time, Tianmu’s voice sounded.

[If you want to talk about the great maritime movement, you must not bypass the English Empire! ]

[England was originally a small country, until 1588, it completed a revolutionary change! ]

[It was the first country in the world to complete the steam engine industrial revolution, and it was also one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time! ]

[In the three hundred years after 1588, it traveled across seven continents and four oceans, and was also known as the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets! ]

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