[The so-called great navigation movement is actually very simple in nature, that is, plunder! 】

[The journey of England’s rise is essentially a journey of plunder! 】

[In the early fifteenth century, European fleets began to appear in the world. At that time, Spain had a unique vision and set its sights on America! 】

[At this time, America was still full of indigenous people living in the jungle. Spain began to plunder a large amount of resources by force in the Americas! 】

[They resold gold, silver, iron ore, cotton, and cane sugar from the Americas to Europe and made a fortune! 】

[This move made Spain one of the top powers in the world! 】

[It can be called the overlord of the entire Europe! 】

[In 1588, Elizabeth I of England succeeded to the throne. At that time, England was still a wilderness, relying on agriculture and animal husbandry for development! 】

[But Elizabeth passed through the English Channel and kept hearing news about Spain and Portugal making money through navigation! 】

[This made Elizabeth unable to sit still. She keenly sensed that a new era was coming! 】

[Compared with other countries, England has a natural advantage. The distance between each place is only 120 kilometers. Elizabeth I decided to take the risk! 】

[But Spain was too powerful at the time, so England’s strategy was to bypass the entire Spain and go to America to purchase goods. 】

[But Spain is not a fool. Over time, it also noticed England as an uninvited guest! 】

[The battle between the two sides is about to break out. 】

[This battle will determine the true overlord of the sea! 】

[In July 1588, England summoned all its warships on the sea. England gathered its 16,000 soldiers and hundreds of warships. At that time, Spain was known as the Invincible Fleet and the well-deserved overlord of the sea.

[For England, the battle was doomed or not. The two sides fought in the English Channel. England successfully defeated Spain, became famous throughout the sea, and became the new overlord! 】

[Then, England started its own path of expansion! 】

[At this time, there was still a great enemy, the Netherlands, on the ocean, but Yingji used twenty-two years to defeat the Netherlands. At this point, England gained control of the sea. 】

[He began a crazy colonial journey along the four oceans. 】

[I have to say here that one of the major places on the British colonial tour is Asan! 】

[It may be difficult for everyone to guess how much money this Ah San got from Yingjili! 】

As soon as these words came out.

All the emperors’ eyes narrowed and they were a little confused.

Ah San?

How much money did Asan get?

Da Qin.

The First Emperor’s eyes were filled with shock, and his eyes were full of doubts.

Like Ah San, he also appeared in the sky several times.

He is not unfamiliar with Ah San either.

The first time was when Ah San applied for the five permanent members, but was rejected by one vote.

Then came Asan’s delicacies, which were truly unforgettable.

Although he, the First Emperor, did not have Sichuan peppercorns or other seasonings, he saw the food of later generations Asan.

Also quite disgusting!

There was even a feeling of vomiting.

Then, secondly, they could clearly see where Ah San set up his stall.

It was pretty shabby.

Just this Asan, even if it is colonized by England, how much is it worth?

Not only the First Emperor thought this way, but other emperors also looked disdainful.

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin snorted coldly, “Just Ah San, even if it is colonized, how much is it worth?”

“No dog would eat Ah San’s delicacies!”

Li Er thought of Ah San’s delicacies with endless disgust in his eyes.

It’s not that he looks down on Ah San, it’s that Ah San’s food is too explosive!

At that time, he was even fed and vomited. Now, even if Ah San is colonized, what profit can he squeeze out?

[The population under England’s command is nearly 400 million. Compared with their native people, this population is almost ten times faster! 】

[Many powerful countries in later generations, such as the current powerful countries in Europe, are actually inseparable from colonization! 】

[Whoever can plunder more on the ocean will be powerful, even to future generations! 】

[English is one of the strongest countries, and Asan, which he colonized, has contributed a lot of money to him! 】

[According to later statistics, during the two hundred years that Asan was colonized by the British, it received a total of more than 50 trillion U.S. dollars! 】

[More than fifty trillion U.S. dollars, this wealth is so huge that it can be summed up in an astronomical number. It is definitely not an exaggeration! 】

[Even the current generation Yingjiang’s total income in one year or even five years does not have this figure! 】

[In that era, this was an extremely terrifying figure! 】

[It was Ah San’s contribution that directly made YingjiLi became the most powerful country in the world, and even in later generations, it was also ranked among the five permanent members! 】

[At that time, it happened to be the 22nd year of Qianlong! 】

[If we replace England with China and the Qing Dynasty at that time to enslave this Ah San, then China will gain more than 50 trillion US dollars in the past two hundred years. This wealth, it is no exaggeration to say, even if No matter how extravagant Ci Xi is, she will never be defeated! 】

[Even for Cixi, she couldn’t even use up 6 million taels a day for her birthday party! 】

As soon as this statement came out.

All major time and space exploded.

Cixi is synonymous with prodigality!

Cixi time and space.

Cixi was very busy because of the exposure of the sky, but even at this moment.

Cixi was still dissatisfied when she saw the sky.

“Looking down on the Ai family?”

“This mere Qing Dynasty is not the limit of losing one’s family and ruining one’s family!”

Cixi said again, “But one thing is that these fifty-four trillion US dollars are really very difficult for the Ai family!”

“If it were any less, it wouldn’t even be a fraction of it.”

Along with this sound from the sky, all the other emperors became restless.


An invisible domineering force swept the entire world.

Da Qin.

Fifty trillion dollars!

What a huge amount of money.

The First Emperor’s eyes turned red.

If we had this amount of funds, I would be able to do more than just promote education.

It can even lead Great Qin to become an extremely powerful country!

This amount of money is more than the combined GDP of hundreds of small countries.


No wonder England is so powerful. After a long time, this colony is actually so profitable!

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin also looked stunned.

“This Ah San has been squeezed so much. If our Tang Dynasty comes to colonize this place, then wouldn’t the wealth of the past two hundred years belong to our Tang Dynasty!”

Li Shimin’s face was full of yearning.

All the officials on the side knelt down.

Especially Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Gong and other generals knelt down one after another, looking straight at Li Er.

Desire is written on their faces!

“His Majesty!”

“His Majesty!”

Li Shimin looked at these hungry generals and made a decision in his heart.

at the same time.

Ah San, who was all aboriginal at this moment, was also confused.


This was the only thought they had left.

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