[Universe: the collective name for all space, time, matter, etc. and everything produced by it! 】

[The universe is the whole body of matter and is the largest research object in physics and astronomy. It is also called the world in philosophy. 】

[The word universe has been described by Zhuangzi a long time ago. It is called the upper and lower four directions, which is called the universe. It has been called the universe in the past and the present! 】

[From ancient times to the present, even in ancient times with extremely backward technological means, the ancients have never stopped exploring the world! 】

[What’s on the other side of the mountain? What is the end of the sea? What is beyond this vast sky? 】

[With the development of modern science and technology, the emergence of astronomical telescopes and various scientific and technological means, the mysteries of the universe are also revealed before our eyes. 】

[In this vast universe, not to mention us humans, even the entire earth is as small as dust! 】


“In front of this universe, not to mention the entire human race, even the earth is as small as dust?”

Following these words, the ancients from all time and space all widened their eyes.

They looked incredulous.

This universe is so big and mysterious?

A picture appears.

I saw the camera appear from the animal on the ground, and then slowly rise into the sky, stretching with the height.

In the eyes of the ancients, they were like flying birds, starting to overlook the entire ground.

Both the buildings on the ground and the people on the ground have become extremely small…

The lens continued to move upwards, and even the towering mountains and rivers became extremely small or even disappeared.

Soon, an unprecedented space appeared in the eyes of the ancients.

A figure wearing a spacesuit floats in the vast space. Under his feet is a blue planet.

Looking around, small spheres came into view.

The sky screen is also thoughtfully marked.

Sun, moon, earth, Pluto, Mars…

When this scene appeared, all the emperors suddenly stood up.

Da Qin.

The First Emperor looked surprised.

“This, this, this!”

“It turns out that there is a wider world at the end of the sky. Is this the universe?”

The First Emperor’s face was filled with fascination.

His domineering face was full of shock.

On the side, Li Si was also stunned.

He never imagined that there was a universe in this world, and that there was a world beyond the sky!

To a Legalist, this is simply a science fiction movie!

Li Si stood there blankly, looking at the sky with his eyes, fascinated by this unprecedented world.

Eastern Han Dynasty.


Cao Cao was also stunned.


“This is the moon? The moon in the sky is actually a round sphere. Not only the moon, but also the earth is also a round sphere?”

Cao Cao couldn’t believe it and his eyes flashed.

He actually lives on a ball!

“Since there really is a moon, and future generations can climb up to the universe and get a glimpse of the true face of the moon, can we go to the moon and see if Chang’e inside is real or fake?”

“It would be great if Cao went to the moon!”

“Huainanzi” recorded in the second year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty records that “Hou Yi asked the Queen Mother of the West for the elixir of immortality, and his wife Chang’e stole the elixir and ran to the moon…”.

Just to avoid the name of Emperor Liu Heng of Han Dynasty, people at that time adapted the name and added the character “姮”, but “姮娥” is the Chang’e we know well.

The story of Chang’e flying to the moon shines into reality.

In this universe, there really is a moon.

It’s even possible to climb!

Xu Chu looked at Cao Cao in disbelief. He had never admired anyone in his life, but Cao Cao was really the first!

Can this also be associated with the wife Chang’e?

Are you not satisfied with the wives on earth and start thinking about the wives in heaven?

But Xu Chu said, “If my lord can land on the moon, you can take Xu Chu with you to protect you. When the time comes, Chang’e will belong to your lord and the rabbit will belong to me.”

Cao Cao: “???”


Tang Dynasty.

Li Er looked at the sky, with a sense of disbelief in his eyes.

“I actually live on a ball?”

“Doesn’t that mean that no one can live under the ball, otherwise once you step under it, you will fall?”

Li Er was frightened when he thought of that scene.

He must remember this firmly. He must not fight blindly in the future. The bottom of the earth will be gone once troops are sent there.

In the eyes of the ancients who didn’t know about gravity, this was an extremely scary thing.

The world is actually a ball!

If you say this, who would dare to believe it?

Northern Song Dynasty.

Su Shi was also shocked when he saw this scene.

“Is this the vast universe?”

“It seems that my words are a little more conservative. I send ephemera to the sky.”The earth is just a drop in the vast ocean. This simply cannot describe the vastness of the universe! ”

For a time, everything in the universe made the ancients unable to take their eyes away, and their faces were full of horror.

The canopy voice continued.

[The vastness of the universe is unimaginable. 】

[In this regard, even with the rapid development of modern science and technology, it is still difficult to understand the mysteries of the universe. 】

[Even the earth is as small as dust. We might as well have a new question. 】

[In this vast universe, are there still intelligent beings that are similar to humans, or even different from humans? 】

[This is an unknown field that has been studied by countless people, and it cannot be denied that this is nonsense. 】

[On the contrary, this is very possible. 】

[Based on the deductions of scientists, a method for classifying the levels of civilizations in the universe has been proposed! 】

[He proposed to divide the civilizations of the universe into three major levels based on their ability to master and utilize energy. 】

[In the end, I felt that the three major levels were too few, so I expanded it to seven levels! 】

[The higher you go, the higher the level of cosmic civilization. 】

[The first among them is the zero-level civilization. The biggest feature of the zero-level civilization is that it uses the resources on the earth, but it is not fully utilized. 】

[Just like wood and stone on the earth, they can only use some surface resources, but they have no ability to develop these resources! 】

[The major feudal dynasties in ancient times were probably around 0.1. 】

When the ancients heard these words, they looked at each other in disbelief.

They didn’t expect that their era was only a fraction of that.


“I actually only belong to level zero civilization?”

The pride of the Great Qin Shihuang was a little unbearable in an instant. The dynasty he created was only level 0.1!

Li Si on the side was also a little unbelievable, but he still said, “Your Majesty, it is actually not difficult to understand. Like the later generations who destroyed a city with one bomb, they could not only go to heaven and earth, but also travel thousands of kilometers in a day. Such incredible things The means are only 0.73.”

“Our 0.1 is not that small. It is not a complete zero-level civilization.”

The First Emperor: “…”

For some reason, after hearing these words, the First Emperor’s heart actually became balanced.

After all, a civilization as powerful as later generations is only 0.73, and their level 0.1 is not too much.

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