The voice of the sky curtain sounded.

[In fact, for Ran Min, all of Shi Hu’s sons had ideas about the throne, but he was the only one who was different. ]

[He had no idea at all, because he was a Han Chinese, and the Jie people looked down on him at all! ]

[As a result, Shi Zun said this to him. ]

[Ran Min was excited. Wouldn’t the prince be the next emperor? So he started to fight hard. Under the attack of Ran Min, the first fierce man in the two Jin dynasties, Shi Zun was pushed to become the emperor. ]

[As a result, as soon as Shi Zun ascended the throne, he made a show. He made his nephew Shi Yan the prince! ]

[Ran Min was confused. Didn’t we say that I would fight for you and you would be the prince? Why did you change your mind directly! ]

[He was dissatisfied, but what if he was dissatisfied? Shi Zun was already the emperor! ]

[Ran Min made a show. He began to reward his subordinates lavishly, and even almost emptied the treasury. ]

[This made Shi Zun unhappy. Although I am sorry for you, as a dog of my Jie people, I have given you enough face. ]

[If you are still not satisfied, then die! ]

[Shi Zun wanted to kill him, but was discovered by Ran Min in advance, so Ran Min took the lead to kill Shi Zun and Shi Yan! ]

[Ran Min did not proclaim himself emperor. On the contrary, he established Shi Jian as emperor, but Shi Jian did not have the heart to repay Ran Min. On the contrary, he wanted to kill Ran Min five times! ]

[Once, twice, Ran Min endured it, but until the fifth time, he could not endure it, so he killed Shi Jian! ]

[And the latter is also the point that Ran Min caused controversy in later generations, this is the order to kill the Hu! ]

[It is precisely because of the order to kill the Hu that Ran Min was selected as one of the Ten Sages of the Net Temple and was praised as the savior by later generations! ]

For a while, everyone looked over curiously.

Killing the Hu Order, made Ran Min deeply controversial in later generations?

Li Shimin looked over.

Zhu Di also looked over.

Their eyes were all focused on Ran Min, who had killed the Jie emperor twice on the sky.

[Why is it said that the order to kill the Hu people polarized Ran Min’s reputation. ]

[This must be said about the order issued by Ran Min before the order to kill the Hu people! ]

[After killing the Jie emperor twice, Ran Min issued an order to the whole city, those who went with the officials went, and those who did not agree were allowed to know anything! ]

[Then Ran Min opened the city gate. ]

[Note that Ran Min did not say the same tribe, but the same heart! ]

[His meaning was very simple, I want to see how many people in the city agree with me and how many do not agree with me. ]

[He had expectations, perhaps because he had fought the Jie people for a lifetime, he felt that these Jie people still recognized him. ]

[But everything that followed caught Ran Min off guard! ]

[Because after he gave this order and opened the city gate, the Jie people fled one after another, but the Han people entered the city from a hundred miles away! ]

[We don’t know what Ran Min was thinking at this moment. He had Han blood flowing in his body, but he worked for the Jie people. He was at the city gate, watching this incredible phenomenon! ]

[The Jie people fled frantically, afraid of his butcher knife, but the Han people regarded him as a relative. Even though he was a traitor, the Han people didn’t care about that. As long as you had Han blood flowing in your body, they would come to surrender! ]

[At this time, he issued an order to kill the Hu people! ]

[This was also praised by later generations as one of the most abusive advertisements in the past thousand years! ]

[Any Han people who cut off the heads of the Hu people and sent them to Fengyang Gate can be promoted three levels as civil officials, and all military officials will be appointed as Yamen generals! ]

[Ran Min’s order to kill the Hu people not only conforms to the general trend, but also the content of this order is even more explosive. ]

[In fact, this is what Shi Zun taught him, to draw a big cake with one hand. At that time, this reward was impossible. ]

[But Ran Min’s idea was also very simple, to draw a big cake first, and then build up the atmosphere! ]

[When this order was issued, the whole city was in an uproar, and then it boiled! ]

[At that time, it is estimated that Ran Min himself did not expect the power of his words! ]

[Before this, the Hu people had always regarded the Han people as slaves, looked down on the Han people at all, and even called the Han people two-legged sheep. They killed millions and tens of millions of Han people, so Hu women looked down on the Han people at all, and the Han people would never like Hu women. ]

[There was no great integration of intermarriage, so who was Han and who was Hu was clear at a glance! ]

[Then, the disadvantages of the order to kill the Hu people also came out, but all Han people who looked like Hu people were mistakenly killed! ]

[Ran Min might have thought that once his order to kill the Hu people was issued, the Hu people would be slaughtered, but he would never have thought that this order to kill the Hu people would spread so quickly! ]

[Within one day, tens of thousands of Hu people were slaughtered. Within a few days, more than 200,000 Hu people were killed. This was just in the area of ​​Yecheng. ]

[Ran Min also ordered that the order to kill the Hu people be spread throughout the land of China. HeWe must kill all the barbarians! 】

[So here, here are two controversial points about Ran Min, the King of Wu Dao Tian, ​​entering the Ten Zhe of the Net Temple. First, Ran Min’s motivations. Judging from Ran Min’s experience, it is clear that he cannot survive among the Jie people. Being able to be with the Han people triggered the killing of Hu Ling! 】

[The barbarians all over the city ran away. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 】

[It’s not that he couldn’t stand the slaughter of the Han people and suddenly rose up, he did it out of self-protection, and until the end he tested a wave of people’s hearts, so the fact that he is a hero is very controversial! 】

[Secondly, the advantages and disadvantages of killing Hu Ling are obvious. The advantage is that it saved the northern Han people, but there are still a large number of Han people in the Eastern Jin regime. The disadvantage is that killing Hu Ling also killed too many Han people by mistake. 】

[It’s hard to comment on the fact that a national hero saved the Han people! 】

[Judging from the results, Ran Min is a hero, but obviously not from the process and purpose. In addition, there is also the Eastern Jin Dynasty, so there is a lot of controversy! 】

[Secondly, after Ran Min received a large number of Han people seeking refuge, it stands to reason that he had been cleansed and became a hero. However, after killing Hu Ling, he made himself emperor and rewarded his son with a thousand Jie tribesmen as personal soldiers. ! 】

[This Qianjie tribesman finally killed his son, which can only be said to be life-threatening! 】

[Ran Min’s actions and motives also made him fall into the whirlpool of public opinion in later generations, and eventually became one of the Ten Philosophers of the Net Temple! 】

[But compared to Ran Min, Zu Ti, who heard the chicken dance at the same time, is an undisputed hero! 】

[He has great ambitions and dances after hearing the chicken dance. After he became an adult, he repeatedly requested to send troops to the Northern Expedition. However, Sima Rui continued to doubt him and only gave him rations for thousands of people, without even armor or weapons! 】

[But Zu Ti took these rations, recruited soldiers, crossed the Yangtze River north, and stationed himself in Huaiyin! 】

[He smelt iron, forged weapons, and continued to recruit soldiers here! 】

[Subsequently, more than two thousand people started the Northern Expedition, which was unstoppable. All the lost land in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River was recovered, which once made the people in the north cry! 】

[But Zu Ti was ignored because of Sima Rui’s suspicion, and finally died of depression. After his death, all the recovered territories fell into the hands of the barbarians! 】

[If there are true heroes in the two Jin Dynasties, Zu Ti must be the first! 】

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