Hongwu period.

Zhu Yuanzhang also squinted his eyes, staring closely at these six characters.

“The Immortal first said that Dorgon killed countless Han people, and then searched for Jiangyin Eighty-One. Is there any connection between the two?”

Zhu Yuanzhang took a deep breath and his eyes became extremely solemn.

Just as he was guessing.

In the huge dark screen, countless barrages surged out instantly.

【Tears! Ming Dynasty’s last dignity! 】

[In one battle, three kings and eighteen generals of the Qing army were killed, and 79,000 people were killed. How magnificent are we, Jiangyin’s 100,000 soldiers and civilians! 】

[One of the most tragic city defenses in history! 】

[Some people say that the demise of the Ming Dynasty occurred when Emperor Chongzhen Meishan hanged himself and Li Zicheng invaded Beijing. But in my heart, the massacre of Jiangyin City marked the true demise of the Ming Dynasty! 】

[After reading through the three hundred histories of Qingpian, I can’t bear the seventeenth year of the Southern Ming Dynasty]

[One hundred thousand soldiers and civilians saved the Ming Dynasty for three hundred miles. How magnificent is the Ming Dynasty! 】

There was a rush of barrage. This was because Zhu Yuanzhang had watched so many short videos.

Apart from the Olympic video, the only other scene that has not appeared yet is the overwhelming barrage.

“The most tragic city defense in history?”

“The Ming Dynasty was destroyed not because Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself, but because he was massacred in Jiangyin?”

Zhu Yuanzhang sat up straight, his eyes full of shock.

Inside Yingtian Mansion.

Zhu Di also had a serious face, “A hundred thousand soldiers and civilians can save the Ming Dynasty for three hundred miles?”

“What happened in this little Jiangyin City?”

Zhu Di clenched his iron fist and stared at the sky.

At this moment, he even forgot what Zhu Zhanji’s nickname of Barbecue King meant!

at the same time.

The scene on the sky screen suddenly changed.

Under the dark clouds.

A majestic city with a primitive atmosphere appeared in everyone’s sight. The three characters “Jiangyin City” were written on the city plaque.

Vigorous and powerful, with the vicissitudes and weight of the ancient city!

Above the city is a garrison composed of Jiangyin soldiers and civilians, while below the city, 200,000 Qing troops are densely packed, pointing their swords at Jiangyin City from a distance!

Two hundred red cannons are aiming at the city head!

Even though they were separated by time and space, everyone seemed to be able to feel the endless power hidden under the dark muzzle!

Li Er suddenly sat upright.

“Such a force just to attack Jiangyin City?”

He was full of shock.

At this time, accompanied by a BGM sound that was extremely tragic to listen to, the sound also came out.

[In 1644, the Qing army broke through Shanhaiguan, entered the Central Plains, destroyed Li Zicheng, and pacified the world. In 1645, the Manchu Qing government issued a hair-cutting order, which caused an uproar and opposed it from all over the world, but this also angered the Qing court]

[Seeing this, Dorgon issued the order to shave his hair for the third time, claiming, “Leave your head without leaving your hair, leave your hair without leaving your head!”]

[Since then, a brutal massacre has begun! 】

[On the 81st in Jiangyin, on the 10th in Yangzhou, and in Jiading, three massacres happened one after another! 】


When this paragraph appeared, all the emperors exploded.

“Keep your hair but not your head, keep your head but not your hair? This Dorgon deserves death!”

Zhu Yuanzhang’s face was filled with rage.

As the saying goes, your body, hair, and skin are affected by your parents. How can you cut your hair casually?

When Zhu Di heard these words, his hands and feet were cold.

He thought of watching the video of Empress Dowager Cixi.

At that time, he was curious as to why the Han people had pigtails with money rat tails, but he did not delve into it.

But now, all doubts are clear.

Hair shaving order!

Hair shaving order issued by the Qing court and Dorgon!

“But…how many people will die?”

Zhu Di was well aware of the uproar that would be caused after the promulgation of this hair-cutting order.

He felt that his guess of 50,000 or 100,000 people was still too few!

At this moment, I’m afraid it’s far from enough.

But then, a surge of anger swept through the entire Jinluan Palace!

Since ancient times, the body, hair and skin have been protected by their parents. This is the dignity of the people of the Ming Dynasty. But now, the Qing court has forced hair shaving.

It was not enough for him to seize the Ming Dynasty;

He wants to destroy the last dignity of the people of Ming Dynasty!

[As soon as the hair-cutting order was issued, people all over the world were furious. Among them, the one hundred thousand soldiers and civilians in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province resisted the most fiercely! 】

[Jiangyin gathers 100,000 troops and will never fulfill the order to shave their heads! 】

[But this also angered Dorgon, so more than 200,000 Qing troops gathered at Jiangyin City, carrying two hundred cannons! 】

[Jiangyin City was isolated and helpless, and one hundred thousand soldiers and civilians single-handedly created the most tragic city defense in history! 】

[In this battle, the soldiers and civilians of Jiangyin and the Qing army fought bloody battles for eighty-one days. In the end, at the cost of 60,000 deaths, 80,000 Qing troops were killed, 18 generals were killed, and three kings were killed! 】

[Jiangyin guard Yan Yingyuan saw the Qing army conquering Jiangyin City, so he asked his subordinates to take out a pen and write an eternal song under the wall! 】

【Eighty Days BeltExpress your allegiance and express your loyalty to the people of Taizu’s seventeenth dynasty! 】

[One hundred thousand people die together to show righteousness, which represents the three hundred miles of Ming Dynasty! 】

in the screen.

As the sun set, Jiangyin City was covered with corpses. The Qing army rushed into Jiangyin City like bloodthirsty wolves, tigers and leopards.

Yan Yingyuan was covered in blood, and he wrote this eternal song with grief and anger!

Then, he led a hundred people to charge towards the densely packed Qing army!

Advance and retreat eight times!

In the end, he committed suicide by stabbing himself in the chest, but failed and was captured alive by the Qing army!

Ming dynasty.

Inside Yingtian Mansion.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes were already blood red!

“Yan Yingyuan, we remember you!”

“One hundred thousand people will die righteously and save the Ming Dynasty for three hundred miles!”

Zhu Yuanzhang tried his best to control his inner emotions, but found that he couldn’t do it at all.

At this moment, he wanted to kill someone!

Yongle period!

Zhu Di looked up to the sky and said with grief and anger, “I want to kill these Tatars!”

“If I don’t destroy them in this life, I swear I won’t be a human being, I swear I won’t be a human being!”

Zhu Di drew out his sharp sword and smashed the table into pieces. He was filled with murderous intent!

Obviously, the anger has reached its extreme!

Chongzhen knelt on the ground, with tears streaming down his face.

“This is all my fault!”

“It’s all my fault!”

“After I die, I won’t have the face to meet Jiangyin’s elders!”

The picture is still playing, accompanied by the tragic BGM.

[After the Qing army broke through the city gate, the people of Jiangyin still refused to surrender. They retreated to the alleys with the frontline soldiers and started bloody street battles! 】

[However, the Qing army was powerful, and Jiangyin could not stand alone. Countless people chose to die for the Ming Dynasty! 】

[Instructor Feng Dunhou wore official uniform and committed suicide while looking in the direction of Beijing. His wife and sister committed suicide by throwing themselves into a well! 】

[An unknown woman from Jiangyin wrote: The battlefield is full of exposed bones and bones, and the lonely loyalist who is thousands of miles away refuses to surrender. She sends a message to passers-by not to cover their noses. The living are not as fragrant as the dead. 】

[Then, die generously! 】

[Commander Chen Ming died in a street fight. Forty-three members of his family threw themselves into the fire and burned themselves. He fought with the Qing soldiers with a knife, and finally leaned against the wall and died fighting! 】

[Zhongshu Qi Xun wrote on the wall before he died: Qi Xun died here! 】

[Xu Yongde set himself on fire with his entire family on fire! 】

[The archer Huang Yunjiang has always liked to play the harp. After the city of Jiangyin was destroyed, one man came out with the harp in his arms, greeted thousands of people, and was pierced by thousands of arrows! 】

[The Qing army guarded the east gate and ordered that no one be killed if they went out from the east gate, and no one under the age of thirteen would be killed. However, the people of Jiangyin refused to surrender, and instead died generously! 】

[Men, women and children, old and young, threw themselves into the water, burned themselves, cut themselves, and hanged themselves in countless numbers. Six rivers including the Inner and Outer City River, the Tiao River, and the Yudai River were all piled with corpses. Even in a four-eye well, more than 200 people committed suicide! 】

[The Qing soldiers finally sealed their swords because Jiangyin City had become an empty city and there was nothing left to kill! 】

[All the more than 172,000 soldiers and civilians in the city died in the battle. Only the Yinbai monk and more than 50 people, old and young, who were hiding in the temple tower, survived! 】

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