"It can't be said that a good work was ruined, it can only be said that JSC failed to give us a good ending."

"Human beings and war, this theme has always been with us"

"We all know that wherever there are humans, there will be wars, and the giants are always around this topic."

"War, a spiral of hatred, is simply unsolvable, I certainly understand that"

"But at least, I hope that my beloved work and every character I like can get a good ending, an ending that I am willing to accept."

"But what can I say...I simply cannot accept the ending of Attack on Titan!"

"Why did we end up like this? jsc!"

"Like the Titans, Lelouch tells a similar story, and even the ending is similar. By sacrificing himself, the world achieves a brief peace."

"But I can accept Lelouch's ending."

"Because the chief villain of Lelouch's world has been killed, I know that everything Lelouch does is meaningful."

"On the other hand, I was left with nothing but anger."The comments were so polarized?

Everyone can see it.

The comments did not really hate"Attack on Titan".

They were just very dissatisfied with the ending.


Your Lie in April

"I understand, I understand."

Miyazono Kaoru sat on the swing in the park, raised her hands to block the sun, and watched the sunset

"It's a good story, but the ending is full of regrets. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to accept it."

"The ending I expect is preferably a happy ending. Even if there must be sacrifices, everyone around the protagonist can get the best ending."

"This is what I am doing... Then let me see what mistakes the giants made so that I can avoid them."

"If everyone can still smile at the end, that would be great."

Miyazono Kaoru shook her feet and stared at the screen seriously.


The world of Attack on Titan.


"I understand! The ending must be that all the demons on the island died, which is why it is so regrettable."

A civilian suddenly said excitedly

"Why do you think so?"

"The Attack on Titan must be from our world, right? And among the nine Titans, the Attack on Titan is not controlled by us, which means he is on that devil's island!"

"Naming it after him must mean that he is the protagonist, right?"

"And this ending is not accepted by people. It must be that he lost to us! In other words, in this battle with the devil, we are the final winners!"

"We, the Marley nation, are the ultimate winners!"

Although these remarks were highly emotional, they did make sense.

Upon hearing this, other Marley citizens also celebrated.

"The future belongs to our country of Marley! Oh!"

The excitement of Marley did not spread to Paradis Island.

In fact, many people on the island were worried at this time.

They couldn't help but think

"Could it be that after all our efforts, we still lost to the giants?"

At this moment.

The video begins

【Two boys and a girl wearing a red scarf are playing in a warm-looking town.】

【Then, a huge giant destroyed the city wall, and countless pure giants poured into the town, eating people everywhere.】

【Countless people were killed and injured at once, and Allen's mother also died in the mouth of a giant.】

【"I must kill all the giants!"The oath begins from now on】

【Allen served as a soldier, trained, and continued to fight the Titans. In the process, he gained new friendships and also lost companions.】

【During a mission, he was eaten by a giant, awakened the power of the giant, and then helped humans fight against the giant.】


One Punch Man World

"This world is really terrible.

Although those giants were not strong,

Saitama still frowned.

Because the scene in the picture was too tragic.

He couldn't stand it and wanted to help destroy all the giants.


Above the lighthouse.

Looking at the light curtain in the sky.

Ran Bing sighed:"Ah, it turns out there are other worlds that are troubled by monsters."

"It would be nice if there were fewer worlds like this."

She said from the heart

"Sister Ran Bing." Erica came over with a smile and said,"We can't take care of ourselves, how can you still care about other worlds?" Ran Bing nodded seriously:"It is because of what we are experiencing that we hope that other worlds will not suffer from this, right?"

Erica touched her chin and thought for a while:"That makes sense."

"It's just that... the ending of this story doesn't seem very good, right? I just hope our story can be better."

Ran Bing was stunned.

His expression became lonely.

He forgot

《Attack on Titan is being shown because of its regretful ending.

Can the endings of me, you, and everyone else be accepted by the people who wrote those words?


The world of Attack on Titan.


"What the hell? Didn't they say that all the people on the island were demons? Why...why were they also fighting against the giants?"

The people who were brainwashed by the upper class all watched the video in disbelief.

What did they see?

A warm family was destroyed because of the giants.

Countless children lost their parents because of the giants.

"Are they really demons? Aren’t they... the same as us?" someone murmured.

"Don't be fooled by the content of the picture! They are demons!"

"Does anyone feel sorry for them? Why do you have such naive thoughts?"

"Have you forgotten how those demons killed our ancestors? This is retribution!"

"That's right! Retribution! The devil died under the power of the devil, there is no���They deserve to be eaten!"

Many people echoed this.

【The contract has been signed. Please feel free to feed it. It will make the data look better and increase the exposure of this book. Thank you so much! 】

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