"UP’s summary is great!"

"The story of Dragon Ball is indeed cliché, but it makes people's blood boil"

"I still remember when I was a kid, I cried when I first read the Namek story. I was so scared that Son Goku would be killed by Frieza."

"Who isn't? I kept begging them to surrender, just so they could survive."

"Even we bystanders were so terrified, I can’t imagine how scared Gohan and the others must be."

"But they still continued to fight, and I called them stupid while cheering them on."

"When I saw Krillin being killed, ugh... I got a lot of sand in my eyes."

"But how can I put it...Krillin offers sacrifice to the heavens, his magic power is boundless!"

"Coming soon, a mountain that cannot be surpassed in the history of animation!"

"The most shocking scene in history!"

The dense barrage of comments whetted the appetite of everyone in the universe.

While the narration was narrating, the picture kept changing, showing half of Kakarot's life in just 30 seconds.

Everyone saw Kakarot's efforts through the short video. He was either practicing or fighting.

At the same time, it also showed Frieza's terrifying sense of oppression and absolute strength suppression.

Four forms!

The weakest form has a combat power of 530,000!

Almost 30 years ago, he could destroy a planet with a single blow!

When facing the Z warriors who were invincible on Earth, he showed only ease. How could he be so powerful?

There was no chance of victory at all!

The people of the Ten Thousand Worlds also felt the despair.

Naruto World

"He actually possesses such terrifying power that he can destroy an entire planet with just one strike? Can such an enemy really be defeated?"

Naruto, who was training with Killer Bee, couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

If it was Frieza who invaded Konoha

, what could a weak person like me do?



The world of death.

Soul Society

"How shocking a scene would it be to become an insurmountable mountain?"

All the Death Gods were staring at the screen intently.

According to the comments,

Krillin's death was the turning point of this battle.

What was going to happen next was probably Kakarot's"explosion".

Moreover, the comments said that the next scene was the most shocking in history.

How could they not be looking forward to it?


Dragon Ball World.

Raditz, who originally looked down on Kakarot, is now dumbfounded. He is extremely shocked.

He originally thought that Kakarot was a waste and a disgrace to the Saiyans.

Why does he feel that... he is the waste now?


It was King Frieza who put him in a desperate situation?


He didn't even have the courage to resist Frieza.

And Kakarot, his brother who had never received proper training, was able to fight the king? He even succeeded in injuring the king? Is this a joke?

Why is he so powerful?!

In addition,

"You must not let others know that Kakarot is my brother! Otherwise……"

Raditz didn't even know that the King had heard about this.

How would he die



Main ship.

All the men under Frieza's army knelt on the ground in fear. They dared not breathe.

They never thought.

There is someone in this universe who can injure Frieza! They never thought.

This picture was actually seen by themselves through the light curtain!

Isn't this a joke?

With the king's temper, he certainly doesn't want others to know that he has lost face.

Will he die like this?

Damn it, who made this light curtain?

Don't let me know, otherwise I will kill him!



Frieza did not kill everyone in anger.

Instead, he said with regret:"Vegeta and Raditz have been under my command for so many years, but they are not even as good as a wild monkey. It's ridiculous."

"Tell them, I will give them a year to become stronger. They don't need to be too strong, just 1 million combat power is enough, otherwise there is no need for them to exist."


All the members of Frieza's army left the main ship in a hurry.

They were really afraid that the king would suddenly kill people.

Of course,

Frieza didn't even need to tell him this.

The proud Prince Vegeta couldn't help it.

He was a prince!

Enjoying the best training resources.

In the end, the person standing opposite Frieza and competing with Frieza turned out to be a Saiyan he had never heard of?

How could he tolerate this?

Where would his pride and dignity go?

"Kakarot? Wait for me! I will let you know that the one who will defeat Frieza in the end must be me, Vegeta!"

He no longer paid attention to the light curtain. He took the time to practice.


In the picture


The narration disappeared.

Only the golden thunder roared around Kakarot.

The author of the short video wants to tell all the audience in the most original and undecorated way how shocking it is when Sun Wukong transforms into a Super Saiyan for the first time!

Under the clear sky, lightning and thunder roared.

The whole planet trembled because of Kakarot's anger.

The golden thunder seemed to celebrate the birth of the new king, flashing continuously.

Finally, in the lightning,

Kakarot's hair turned golden.

His pupils turned green.

He tilted his head and stared at Frieza.

His expression was indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

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