Of course.

Some viewers said suddenly.

"I suddenly realized that writing letters is a very romantic thing, and I decided that I would start writing letters in the future. "

"Indeed, it's like a time capsule, it's in an important place for us, and when you watch it, you can think of those memories, what a great thing. "

"Why didn't I notice that the letter was so romantic?"

"Speaking of which, these letters were written by that girl, right?"

"It's the simplest words, but it best reflects Yuris's heart and encourages his parents the most...... What did she go through to write such a good letter?"

"I guess it's because her surroundings are full of emotion. "

"I wonder what kind of letters she has written in addition to the current letter, and what touching stories have happened in the process. "

"yes. "

"If only her story were as warm as this letter. "


[Welfare Q&A session. 】

[Question: Letters have crossed time, if you write to yourself ten years from now, what will you write?]

See this question.

Some viewers complained.

"Is this an elementary school homework?"

"I seemed to have done a similar assignment in elementary school, asking me what kind of person I wanted to be when I grew up. "

"Hmm...... How to say, if I can really see it in ten years, I hope I can become an elite in the eyes of others. "

"I guess I want to be more mature. "

"Ten years from now, have you succeeded in slaying the dragon? This is our dream, don't forget. "

"Is it okay to slay dragons?"

"Ten years later, can I stick to my heart with "013"?"

"Have I successfully defended my country?"

"Did I succeed in finding the menu of my life?"

"Am I the Hokage, and if so, what kind of Hokage am I?"

After this discussion, everyone realized that their respective worlds were very exciting.

And then.

30 seconds to come.

[All those who participate in the answer will have their full ability increased by 3%.] 】

Then, a black shadow swiped.

"The only place I can cry is the toilet, and in my father's arms." 》

A new video begins.

[Tomoya Okazaki also encountered a miracle in high school. 】

For him, that miracle is everything he is, his whole world. 】

[Then, on a snowy night, his whole world, after giving birth to a daughter for him, left him. 】

[Tomoya Okazaki, who was heartbroken, lost the light of life. 】

[He handed his daughter over to the care of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and left the familiar place, leaving the place where there were traces of Nagisa. 】

[Engaged in dangerous work, numb and difficult to get through every day.] 】

[And then one day.] 】

[Tomoya Okazaki finally returned to his mother-in-law's house at the invitation of his mother-in-law.] 】

[A very well-behaved little girl, hiding behind a wall and watching him.] 】

[Of course Tomo Okazaki knows, this is his daughter.] 】

[But because he has only met him a few times over the years, he doesn't know what to say to his daughter at all.] 】

[Moreover, it was obviously a friend invited by his mother-in-law, but after arriving at their house, his daughter was the only one. 】

[Because of the agreement, Peng also stayed at his mother-in-law's house until evening, and the couple did not come back. 】

[And Xi always remembered the travel, and in the end, in desperation, Peng also decided to travel alone with his daughter. 】

"CL Push for Life!"

"It's distressing. "

"The defense was broken in an instant. "

"Before the feature film even started, I couldn't stop crying. "

"I've seen it many times, but every time I see this one, I can't stand it. "



The students were talking.

"They're really together. "

"I knew it. "

"It's just...... Suddenly, I felt that Okazaki Peng was so pitiful. "

"Yes, Furukawa-san'......"

And in the midst of many discussions.

Fujibayashi stared at the light curtain outside the window in disbelief.

Sluggish muttered, "No, no...... It's not the ending I want to see. "

Even if you just read the content at the beginning, Fujibayashi knows that it is a sad story.

She also knows that in fact, what she should be most concerned about now is Xiaoxi.


She didn't.

She shook her head "selfishly": "How could it be...... It's obvious that I knew him earlier, and it's obvious that I liked him first, why is this the ending?"

Fujibayashi Xing couldn't help but think about it.

"Am I hesitant?"



I was afraid of hurting Joan, so I didn't dare to confess.

has been dragging on, causing Peng to take the initiative to determine where his heart belongs.


The root cause of this result is one's own hesitation.

And now, even if I have the courage to confess, will I accept it when I see my future friends?

Fujibayashi didn't know.

But she knows that if she doesn't take advantage of the moment to confess, she can really only say goodbye.

The other side.

"I see. Tomoyo Sakagami was stunned for a moment.

Then I thought about it.

Do you want to wake up Tomoya tomorrow?

"If the future changes, some people will say that I am despicable. "

"But...... It doesn't matter, I still want to give it a try. "

"If Peng Ye recognized his feelings and made a choice, then I would give up. "

But now, it's just this strange light curtain that broadcasts the future that the people behind the scenes know. "

"Then I don't have a reason to give up. "

Knowing the future, give up your heart?

Isn't that equivalent to giving away the person you like?

Tomoyo Sakagami didn't want to give up so easily.

She at least wanted to know Tomoya's true heart.

What if you are called despicable?

Tomoyo Sakagami has endured a lot of gossip.

Carry it up and sprinkle water.




World of Dragons and Tigers.

"I can probably understand your troubles, but since you've become a father, you can honestly take responsibility for me!

Takasu Long'er couldn't help but scold.

In order to escape from reality, he abandoned his daughter? (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tomoya Okazaki may be a good husband and a good friend, but he is by no means a good father.

This kind of behavior deeply pierced Takasu Ryu'er's nerves, after all, he and his mother were also abandoned by that bastard father.

That's why he couldn't help but scold.


Hunter World Full-Time.

"If, like my dad, he gave me to my aunt to take care of me for the sake of adventure, I wouldn't care, but I would think my dad was handsome. "

"But this kind of behavior like Tomoya Okazaki...... I'm going to hate him. "

Xiaojie said with his chin dragged.

In order to do what he likes, his father had to leave himself in the care of others.

And Tomoya Okazaki is trying to escape.

It is clear which is better and which is worse at a glance.

Killua didn't understand Xiaojie's thoughts.

He just said, "Is that so? I don't think there's any difference between the two of them." "


In fact, everyone can know that this video is absolutely tragic.

But here's the problem.

Tomoya Okazaki's actions are really not well judged.

Therefore, the focus of the audience's discussion is still on Tomoya Okazaki.

"If you don't raise it, why do you want to give birth?"

"Too much, huh?"

"Damn, I'm so angry to watch, doesn't Okazaki Peng feel a little guilty about his daughter? After abandoning the other party, he was still so indifferent and a father in vain. "

"I find it hard to imagine that such a person would regard his wife as the whole world. "

"Definitely. "

"Probably...... For Tomoya Okazaki, the child was just an accident?"

"Even if it's an accident, since it's born, I'll be responsible for raising it!"

Of course, there are those who hold a different view.

"I must be very happy to be married to someone like Tomoya Okazaki, right? "

"yes? That's what I thought. "

"If you like someone, you treat them as all he has, ah! There are such high-quality boys in the world. "

"It's hard not to be excited. "

"Uh, don't you mind if he doesn't think he's responsible for his daughter?"

In order to escape the grief of his lover's death, he had to say that his daughter was handed over to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and if his wife was still alive, he would definitely be responsible for his family... 0"

"Yes, this kind of behavior just shows how much Tomoya Okazaki loves his wife. "

"Anyway, I think that marrying someone like him is definitely very happy. "

"I don't really understand your thoughts. "

"Forget it, let's not discuss it, I'll get the tissues ready and continue reading. "


[On the train, the son next to him made a lot of noise to his mother. 】

[Tomoya Okazaki said fiercely: "It's noisy!

[The child next to him is startled.] 】

[Xi was also taken aback, she didn't expect that her father was such a person, so she turned around and left the carriage silently. 】

[I didn't come back for a while, and Okazaki Peng also chased after him, just in time to see Xiaoxi standing at the door of the toilet with red eyes. 】

[Tomo, who was going to reprimand Xiaoxi, saw this and asked, "Are you crying?"]

[Xiaoxi shook his head.] 】

[Tomo Okazaki also complained: "Don't lie to people. "】

[Xiaoxi replied, Sanae said that she was not allowed to cry, and the only place she could cry was the toilet. 】

[Hearing this, Tomo Okazaki also agreed: "Indeed, no one can find out if you cry in the toilet.] "】

[Then, the two men fell silent.] 】

[At the transfer site, seeing that Xiaoxi has been sullen, Okazaki also chooses a robot toy for her. 】

[Xiaoxi was instantly happy, as if he had obtained a treasure, and kept playing with the robot all the time. 】

[Tomoya Okazaki was speechless again: "A girl's interest is so weird. "】

"Poor Xiaoxi, it's rare to go out with my father, but I saw the bad side of my father. "

"It's all foreshadowing. "

"Remember this quirky interest, I'll have to test it later. "

"To be honest, if it weren't for this foreshadowing, I wouldn't have cried so badly. "

"I think Xiaoxi must also hope that he can be like the boy next door, coquettish to his father, right? "


Audiences from other worlds are even more dissatisfied with Okazaki.

"This Tomoya Okazaki, he doesn't still think of himself as a student, does he?"

"As a father, he actually scolded the noisy mother and son next to him in front of his daughter?"

"Well, don't you know that it's a child's nature to be noisy? Oh yes! Tomoya Okazaki doesn't even care about his own daughter, how can he know. "

"It's no wonder that Xiaoxi would run to the toilet and cry secretly, if it were me, I would probably do the same. "

Add this paragraph.

Everyone felt that Tomoya Okazaki had a bad personality.

And then.

[Q&A session with prizes.] 】

[Question: Does Xiaoxi really like robots, why does she love this machine 4.6 robot?]


Detective Conan World.

"Look at what you said, how can you not like it?" Mitsuhiko wiped his nose: "No child can refuse a handsome robot, right?"

In response, Ayumi shook her head: "Who would be as naïve as you boys and like robots? "

Mitsuhiko thought about it too.

At least Ayumi doesn't like robots.

It's just that.

"You're you, Xiaoxi is Xiaoxi, I look at her appearance, I obviously like robots. Mitsuhiko raised his eyes and looked at the curtain.

"Hey. "

Ayumi sighed: "Xiaoxi is so pitiful, was he raised as a boy? Not only are you not allowed to cry, but she also likes robots, which are things that only boys like." "

"It's all his father's fault! If Okazaki Peng is also responsible, Xiaoxi must be a normal girl!"

Ayumi complained and spoke.


Not everyone is like Ayumi and sees the surface of things.

The world of sounds.

The second floor of the barbershop.

"Smack. "

A drop of water falls onto the board.

Nishinomiya Yuzuru looked up suspiciously.

But I saw Ishida Shoya sitting opposite, and he was already in tears.

She couldn't help but be stunned, silently picked up the camera, and took a picture of the crying Ishida Shoya, and then asked in surprise: "Hey, boss, isn't it?

Ishida Shoya raised his hand to wipe his tears: "Ah...... I didn't cry because of the robot, but because I thought about why Xiaoxi liked this robot so much. "。

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