If only you could learn a trick to prevent wolves.

Maybe you can use it someday


Many of the girls looked at the light curtain seriously.


Video content emerges.

[A muscular man standing in the gym with a punching bag behind his back.] 】

[The strong man admonished in a very serious tone. 】

["Today I'm going to teach you one of the deadliest self-defense techniques in history, and it's important to remember that this move can only be used in life-or-death moments."] "】

"I'm not kidding you. "】

["This move was created by Master YS in 1987."] "】

"Because it's so ferocious, it's forbidden to be used in all fighting matches."] "】

["So, I warn everyone again, be cautious!"

"I, Han Meimei, have to learn this trick no matter what I do today!"

"I swear, I won't learn this trick today, I will never go out!"

"Extension". "

"Emphasis on instructions. "

"High energy ahead, this is not a joke!"

"The next picture is too brutal, if you can run, run quickly!"


Blade Tooth World.

Fan Ma raised an eyebrow.

Don't say anything else.

Just the words "deadliest" and the serious words of the barrage.

It was enough to attract the attention of Fan Ma Blade.

"Roar, really? I want to see how deadly this trick is. "

His gaze was furiously fixed on the light curtain.

The battles he had experienced were all life-and-death, and there was no foul.


It's that dangerous.

Maybe just in case.


Kaguya-sama wants me to confess the world.

Yu Ishigami glanced up.

turned to look at Fujiwara Chika: "Fujiwara-senpai, do you want to learn this trick?"

Fujiwara Chika shook her head: "Don't do it, just by listening to the explanation, I know that this move is very dangerous, and besides, I'm not as cute as Vice President Kaguya, so I don't need to prevent wolves at all." "

Yu Ishigami glanced at the other party's chest and sighed.

Fujiwara-senpai was obviously unaware.

For some perverts.

Sometimes the body occupies a heavier proportion.

As far as Fujiwara's predecessor is concerned, he is definitely the favorite of perverts.

"Forget it, I'll just follow along. "

on this.

Fujiwara Chika asked suspiciously, "Ishigami-san, you won't be harassed at all, will you?"

Ishigami Yuxin said, I naturally won't.


"Just in case, if Fujiwara-senpai needs it one day, I can transfer it to you. "

"In addition, Noyako's guy doesn't know how to refuse at all, and she may be hurt one day, and, with her character, she won't be interested in this video, so ......"


Chika Fujiwara suddenly realized.

Ishigami-san is really gentle.


Barrage's remarks.

It also attracted the attention of other world audiences.

At every turn, you must learn what you are.

and "High energy ahead." "

It can well be imagined.

The self-defense skills taught in this video are absolutely beyond human expectations.

"Wow, everyone in the world behind the scenes said so, this move must be very strong. "

"I must learn it today!"

"I'm the same!"

"The deadliest self-defense...... Just listening to it makes people a little excited. "

"Bring this video and show me how dangerous this move is. "

Their attention is more focused.


Teaching has officially begun!

[The strong man is leaning back against the sandbag with his face drawn, facing the camera.] 】

["Fellow men, when you walk down the street, you may encounter someone attacking you from behind. "】

["Don't panic at this time, just learn this trick of mine to ensure that the other party doesn't dare to attack you again."] "】

["First of all, let's first determine whether there is room for the arm to be used. "】

["If you have one, don't hesitate, use all your strength to give the opponent an elbow blow to the ribs. "】

"Then he will let you go because of the severe pain. "】

[The strong man introduced while showing the corresponding actions. 】

[From how to exert force, to how to perform, the story is clear. 】

[Then, he faces the punching bag head-on.] 】

["The next thing is the most important, don't run away after breaking free! Don't run away, otherwise it will give the other party a chance to react, and he may treat you even more crazy."] "】

["What we need to do is to hit the other party's jaw hard while the gangster is still in pain!"]

[Speaking.] 】

[The strong man twisted his waist and punched hard under his face. 】

Then he hugged the sandbag and continued. 】

["We all know that the jaw is connected to this end of the nerve, and if you take this punch, the other party will definitely lose strength and fall into a coma temporarily. "】

["But, don't run at this time! Don't run, because if you run, the other party will retaliate against you. "】

["The next one is the most critical one. "】

["Grab his face, remember, be sure to keep his head steady, and then ......"]

[The strong man suddenly hugged the sandbag and sucked hard at that face. 】

[I don't know how long this process lasted, and even the sandbag was crushed under him.] 】

[Finally, he let go of the sandbag, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and smiled: "In this way, no one dares to approach you again.] "】

(I've seen it before, but I didn't find the original video for a long time this time, but the content is about the same, and I hope the comrades who have seen it will bear with me.) )

"It's deadly!"

"Especially the last trick is simply the finishing touch, when a person is beaten down in the jaw, he will fall into a state of shortness of breath, at this time, soul sucking on him, there is a high probability that he will not be able to breathe, thus suffocating the other party to death. "

"It's so brutal, it's too deadly. "

"Thank you for helping solve the problem that has been bothering me. "


"Why did I click on this video? I should have run away when I saw the previous prompt!"

"Damn, I've got something unclean in my head. "

"Ask for a pair of eyes that haven't seen this video!"

"Is it solved in this way?

"Ah, Azhen, you're real!"


Card Girl Sakura World.

Momoya Kinomoto pinched his chin thoughtfully.

"Hmm...... It doesn't seem to work, but ......."

Maybe you can use it on someone?


If you do.

Does a snow rabbit get angry?

Anyway, maybe give it a try.


Demon Dao Ancestor World.

Wei Wuxian touched his lips.

turned his head lazily and looked at Gusu City that was not far away.

"I wonder if he will be able to hug me behind my back one day?"

When the time comes.

Maybe I can take that opportunity to confess to him, and be the same as at the end of this video.

Evolve to that point.

It would be nice if I could.


Gintama World.

Kagura looked disgusted: "Bah, what's so deadly? "

Sakata Gintoki said thoughtfully: "No, maybe this is really a surprising move." "

"Do you think, suddenly kissing each other, it will definitely make his brain blank for a while, right? As long as you can hurry up and ......" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kagura couldn't imagine that picture.

But she could probably think of it.

Maybe Yinshi could really do such a disgusting behavior.

So he said: "Ah Yin, I warn you, if you dare to do such a dirty thing in front of my eyes, I will definitely sew up your mouth." "

Yinshi pouted, "What are you talking about? Even I can't do this to the same sex, I mean the women, and the good-looking ones!"

"As for the video...... Just leave it to the new bar to do it, and he will accept it. "

"Won't it be good!" retorted on the spot.


"Love is to be after conquering the world" world.

In the superhero headquarters.

The heart is not moving in the body of dead beauty.

After seeing this video, I suddenly shouted: "There is!"

He was so excited.

So much so that his companions subconsciously stayed away from him: "Eh, don't move...... I didn't think you still had this kind of fetish. "

"What, everyone is a partner, please don't make a move on me. "[]

He looked at those people inexplicably: "Why should I make a move on you?"


It's completely impossible.

Immovable heart.

It only belongs to the dead beauty!

As for why he was so excited......

There's only one reason!

At the right time.

Prince Wild Hayato asked suspiciously, "Then why are you so excited after seeing this video?"

Aikawa didn't move to open his mouth, and then said as a matter of course: "I'm not excited because I saw this video, but because I thought of a new move, you watch first, I'll absorb the knowledge." "

After speaking.

Quickly run to the toilet without moving.

Take out your phone.

[Don't move: Dead beauty, next time we meet on the battlefield, let's use this trick on the video!]

[Dead Beauty: But...... But ......]

[Fudo: I'm also very shy, but this trick allows us to openly kiss me in battle, and I can't help it. 】

[Dead Beauty: I, I know, but you are a hero, not suitable for active relatives, when the time comes, you seize the opportunity, hug me from behind, and I will take the initiative to kiss ...... ...... pro】

[Dead Beauty: You just need to know what it means!]

[Immovable: Oss!]

He couldn't help but clench his fists.

It worked!

Dead Beauty agreed to come down!

That's great!

It's just that.

You don't have to go to the battlefield.

With the death of the beauty agreed to come down.

I didn't move, but I just thought of the cherry mouth that was dead and beautiful, and took the initiative to approach my picture.

He couldn't help but blush.

There was even a nosebleed coming out.

He didn't dare to think about it.

What would happen to me if I was really kissed by the United States from the battlefield.


Get rid of these imaginary people.

Audiences from other worlds are more speechless than the other.

"Is there a mistake?"

"What video did I watch?"

"I can't stand it, it's too perverted, who would use this kind of self-defense!"


"It turns out that there are really perverts, you like men?"

"Hehe, you guys, you're so naïve. "

"Who says it has to be a man?"

"Think about it, if there is a girl who is playing a game of [guess who I am] with you, you have a silky combo, hug each other and kiss each other, and then say that you are just defending yourself...... Do you think someone will talk about you?"


"Damn, then why did you send it out on the barrage?

"Now, everyone knows that you have ulterior motives, and this trick is useless. "

"yes, why should I say it?"

"It's all to blame on you fools who can't draw inferences, and I lost my precious plan!"

"If you're smart enough, you won't say it. "

"It's over!"

"Hey, what are you wailing about? Isn't it (Zhao Nuo's) that you can't kiss your sister? But you can still kiss a good-looking man. "

"Cut, again, I'm not Kei. "

"I am. "

"It doesn't matter if you don't learn, I'm sure I'm going to learn. "

"What a wonderful self-defense technique! Why didn't I think of it sooner?"

"Perverted ......"

"Well, I'm not a pervert, but what if, I mean, if it's Hideyoshi who attacks me from behind, I can hold him for a year. "

"Forehead ......"

"If you say that, I'm not sleepy. "

"Hideyoshi...... Hideyoshi, damn it! Hideyoshi is not in our world, woooooooooo "

"Teach you a good idea. "

"Learn the first two tricks, turn around and see if the other person looks good, if it's good-looking, don't hesitate, dear......! Hmph, kick the other party's lower body. "

"Men and women?"

"As long as the face is good enough, is there any difference between genders?"

"It doesn't seem like there's a ......"

"Are you all so thirsty for wolves?"

"It's that you're too rigid about gender, I'm different, I'm just an ordinary member of the Appearance Association, as long as people are good-looking, everything else is casual. "

“6。 "


There are many viewers.

There will not be too little perversion.

Such a perverted video can benefit many people a lot.

It's outrageous!

It can be said that it is not only the video that is spicy to the eye.

The barrage is also very spicy-eyed donkey.

Many viewers regretted why they spoke.

Wouldn't it be good to let these perverts discuss it themselves?

They just want the next video to come quickly.

Let these perverts say a few words less.


A black shadow swipes, and a new video title appears.

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