Steeling the world.

Dozens of national alchemists surrounded an ordinary private house.

"It's a shame. "

"It turns out that two years ago, the talking synthetic beast was synthesized by him with his wife and animals, and we gave him a certificate. "

"Now, you want to train your daughter into a synthetic beast in the same way, and then pass the alchemist exam?"

"It's shameful. "

"No, in fact, the most important thing is that he was discovered and spread to the world, presumably because of him at this time, ordinary people are resistant to alchemists. "

"What a scumbag, because by being alone, we all have a lower reputation. "


Edward and Al overheard the men's conversation.

Some are unbelievable.

"What are these people talking about? They care more about their reputation than Nina's innocent life?"

Al also felt that this was different from what he thought of the world.

But now there are more important things.

"Brother, Tucker is likely to jump off the wall, so let's sneak in. "

Edward came back to his senses and nodded, "Hmm." "

That's true.

This group of national alchemists doesn't care.

But I care about Nina very much.

He and Al moved from the shadows towards the house.

Not much.

The crowd was in a commotion.

The two brothers looked up.

found Shao Zuo holding Nina, whose eyes were red, and walked out of the room.

With a gloomy expression, he said to the others, "The criminal Tucker used Nina as a hostage, and now he has been ambushed. "


two Edward brothers looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

That's great.

It's just wonderful.

It's good that Nina is saved.


The world of the Phantom Front.

"One thing you are right about is that human progress is indeed inseparable from animal experiments. "

Klaus clenched his fists, and his joints rattled.

"But you're getting it wrong, progress, it's not in conflict with damning. "

"You bastard!".


Klaus couldn't stand it anymore and smashed the table in front of him with a punch.

Even if you lift up the waste table, you have to throw it out.

See here.

"Calm down!" K.K. said coldly.

Klaus took a deep breath and turned to look at K· K。

"I'm sorry, I've lost my temper, but I've endured two videos, and I can't stand it when I see this video again, especially when I hear the other party's remarks. "

"In the name of progress, I blended my daughter with a dog...... What a fuck. "

As the scolding came out, Klaus also calmed down a lot.

He sat back down and took a deep breath: "Let's end here, if there is a new term, I will probably really go berserk." "


Detective Conan World.

"Experiments on animals may be cruel, but the end result will be for the better. "

"And what if this Tucker's experiment succeeds?"

"You can only continue to combine people and animals, and continue to carry out crimes, which is not called progress. "

Conan sighed.

So many great truths have been taught.

But actually.

Tucker failed to fundamentally understand what "progress" was.

Progress is what

is beneficial to human development.

Tucker's behavior will only exacerbate social contradictions.

Progress? Hehe, moral regression is about the same.


One Piece World.

Miles of Sunshine.

It wasn't until he watched the video that Luffy, who didn't realize what a synthesizer was, was stunned.

Chopper is the same: "So that's what it means to understand people?".

"No kidding!".

"What is this?".

Chopper also thought that after watching the video, he could find the same kind.

But I didn't expect that this was not the case at all.

Combining humans and animals?

How could you do such a thing yourself?

Holy Land Mary Joa.

The five old stars gathered together.

"You have all seen it, combining humans and animals will make you have a lower IQ and become an obedient monster. "

"We need synths like this. "

"Send the captured pirates to Vegapunk and other researchers, and let them study the synths on the video. "

A technique that limits the mind.

It can greatly consolidate the dominance of the Draconians.

As for the opinion of the people......


Don't worry.


One Punch Man World.


A hill turned into nothingness in an instant.

In front of the ruins, Saitama scratched her head and looked at her fist.

"Ah, I'm so angry that I can't control my strength. "

Originally, it was because I wanted to relieve my anger that I came out to find the weirdo.

But I didn't expect that.

became even angrier.

It's just a ghost-level weirdo, but he will solve it with a serious punch because of the video.


Saitama turned her head to look at the hill that had been smoothed out by the fist wind.

My heart became bitter again.

"What can I do? There is no ...... of a mountain


It's hard to explain.

"Anyway, let's just say that the weirdos did it. "

Saitama was irritable.

The heart is mixed, angry, embarrassed, and bitter.

He urgently needed to release all his emotions.

"Please, don't use the noun, the next video, give me a very cool story, let me relieve my emotions. "

Saitama pleaded.

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