Demon Slayer Blade World.

"No, if I don't kill some ghosts, I'll have to go crazy!"

Inosuke roared angrily, and was about to leave with his sword.

It can't be repaired.

Four videos in a row have bad oil-flowing people.

Everybody's angry.

He felt that if he endured it any longer, something would have to go wrong with his psyche.

My wife Shanyi hurriedly grabbed Inosuke: "Wait, we don't have a mission on us now!Where are you going to kill ghosts?".

Inosuke sneered: "There is a way!".

What my wife Shanyi didn't expect was that Tanjiro also lost his mind: "Inosuke is right!".

My wife Shanyi was stunned.

Tanjiro used to be very calm.

Why is it that you are on the same level as Inosuke today?

Although, the content of these four videos is indeed very infuriating.

But ......


It seems like there's nothing to do.

Even my wife, Seon-yi, wants to kill something now.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and gritted his teeth violently: "Damn, it's done!"

The three agreed.

Pack your bags and leave the room.

It didn't take long to go.


"Hey, isn't this the Dawn Pillar, Zenyi, and Inosuke-kun, you're here just in time, and we're going to look for you. "

Hear the words.

Tanjiro blinked in confusion.

That pillar of dawn, as if calling itself?

He asked, confused, "Why do you call me Dawn Pillar?"

The other party replied: "Ah? This still needs to be asked? Of course, it is because, like Li Mingqing, you are fighting behind your family's back." "


Tanjiro was stunned for a moment, and then he yelled, "I'm completely different from him! He's so cruel, more cruel than a ghost, how can he call me by dawn? Who insulted me so much?".

After watching the video, you know how cruel Li Mingqing is.

And now, someone actually calls himself the Dawn Pillar?

Tanjiro couldn't stand it, and he vowed to cut the other party!

"Just kidding, don't be so angry, besides, the first to say this name was Wormpillar Butterfly Shinobi-sama. "


It turned out to be a worm pillar.

That's fine.

Tanjiro was deflated.

As for my wife, Zenyi and Inosuke.

Now they all have a stiff face.

I want to laugh

, but I don't dare to laugh out loud.

They were all worried that they would laugh out loud, and Tanjiro would duel them.


Video of "Snowball Fight".

Let some people add sadness to their anger.

It also made some people even more angry.

And then.

[A total of 84 people answered close to correct.] 】

[Reward distribution: 50% increase in all abilities.] 】

This time.

There was more confusion in the audience's mind.

Although it is uncertain, this light curtain is only available in this world, or in other worlds.

But even if it's only this world.

The population base is also terrible.

Even so, no one answered correctly, only 84 people approached the answer

This [snowball fight] is too difficult?


In a word.

This time.

Another noun is over.

It's time to change the video, right?


Or rather.

If you don't change it, continue to watch these angry videos, they will be really anxious!

That's just at this time.

[Easter Egg Session!].

[Presumably everyone feels very uncomfortable after watching the above four videos, right?].

[In order to soothe everyone's emotions.] 】

[Easter egg noun "stir-fried meat with ginger" released!].

"I'm stupid. "

"It's a bit outrageous, isn't it? "

"But speaking of which, easter eggs...... Maybe this video can be watched?".

"But, after watching the first four videos, I really don't believe that there is a term that represents beauty behind it. "

The audience of all worlds is already numb.

Even if the new noun is "Easter egg." 】

But combine the first four nouns.

They couldn't be happy at all.

I always feel like this video is still going to be very infuriating.

But anyway.

They can't stop it if they want to.

I can only watch it hard.

[Kill important people with your own hands.] 】

[Lost Soul Denji finds Machima.] 】

[The bad woman is very satisfied with the current electricity time, but it is not enough. 】

[She killed her sister Pawa in front of Denji again.] 】

[At this time, Denji was completely saddened more than his heart died, even if he learned the truth of the matter from the bad woman's mouth, he didn't have any response, neither angry nor sad, just numbly obeyed the bad woman's will and learned to bark. 】


The world of the Grim Reaper.

"I knew it!".

Winter Shilang scratched his hair indiscriminately: "Damn! Damn! I know that behind every noun is a tragedy!".

"How can you fix it, I really want to hack this bad woman to death!".

Winter Shilang couldn't hold back at all.


Or rather.

The entire Corpse Soul Realm was in turmoil.

Ice on this side, frost and fog on the

other, and houses on the other side collapsed.

Easter egg videos are just getting started.

The wrath of the Grim Reaper was completely ignited.

"I shouldn't have believed that this was an easter egg video!".

"Wicked bad woman!".

"it, can't someone kill this bad woman? I'm a dog!"

"Captain, can you take us into the void? I'll destroy them!"

"So-and-so, come to a duel!".

"Why should I duel with you? "

"Even if I admit the punishment, I will

duel with you now! Even if you don't accept it, I will force you to accept it!"

One and two down.

What a good court.

Now it's like there was a riot.

PS: There is a vote on the page, the bigwigs hurry up and vote, grateful, knock one!

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