Is this an easter egg video?

Not only is it pleasant, but you don't have to answer questions to get rewards.

Loved, loved.

"I solemnly declare now!I am the dog of the Easter egg video!".

"Easter Egg Video YYDS!".

"But speaking of which, the easter egg video is over, it's time for a new video, right?"

"If it's a funny [noun] next, it's okay, I'm afraid it's still very tragic like the few that are currently playing. "

"Just to be on the safe side, let's have a new video!".


As he spoke.

A black shadow swipes.

A new title emerges.

[Famous interview scene].

Demon Slayer Blade World.

My wife Shanyi clenched her fists: "Great! Finally a new video! Wuhu!".

All the world's audiences were happy.

Finally, I don't have to continue to be tortured.


famous scene of the interview, it is very interesting to listen to

After the discomfort.

It's perfect for watching some interesting videos to relieve stress.

Video begins!

[A man in a black shirt slowly walks towards the camera.] 】

[The reporter stretched out the microphone and asked, "Hello sir, are you a local?"].

[The man nods.] 】

[The reporter asked again what he thought of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda.] 】

[The man looked back: Big Wild Goose Pagoda? What is there to see in this rotten Big Wild Goose Pagoda? Look at how many outsiders have come, all of them look at the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. 】

[Isn't this the place where Tang Seng translates scriptures......].

[After the disgusted introduction, the man was about to leave, and at this moment, he suddenly noticed the microphone and asked in surprise: Hey, are you going to be on TV?].

[Reporter: Hmm.] 】

[The man changed his disgust, tidied up his clothes, spat at his hands twice, and thinned his bald head. 】

[A serious introduction: This Big Wild Goose Pagoda is in 600 A.D., after Master Xuanzang came back from the scriptures, the Tang Emperor in order to praise his great achievements, in the Great Ci'en Temple, for Master Xuanzang to build this Big Wild Goose Pagoda. 】

"Famous scene!".

"Professional players are not allowed to compete. "

"It's easy to put away hahaha. "

"Brothers, play professionally on fairness!".

"To be honest, that is, this big brother has very little hair, otherwise I thought that he would stage a play of the same style of indigo-dyed [hairspray hand]. "

"Hahaha, upstairs, that's what I thought too. "


The world of the Grim Reaper.

Dotted circles.

Aizen raised her eyebrows in surprise.

I didn't expect to see my name on the barrage.

But hairspray hand ...... What does it mean?

He thought for a moment, then it dawned on him.

When he left the Soul Court, he did change his hairstyle at will.

"So they call this [hairspray hand]?".

It's an imaginative name. "

Aizen shook his head and chuckled.


On the other side, the present world.

"Hahaha, the change in attitude before and after is inevitably too interesting. "

Ichigo Kurosaki's shooting was amazing.

I was

disgusted a second, but when I noticed that it was an interview, I immediately introduced it professionally.

Even if it's an interview, it's very funny to watch.


The world of light girls.

Yui Hirasawa scratched his head.

"Hey, I haven't recovered from the previous videos, and now I can't laugh at all even when I watch funny videos. "

"Mio-chan, what about you?".

Mio Akiyama turned her head with red eyes: "I can't laugh either." "

Yui Hirasawa blinked.


Mio was still crying, and of course she couldn't laugh.

The entire light sound club is now only the rhythm team laughing by themselves.

"Poof, look, he actually wants to fix his bald head?"

"If I saw such a picture in reality, I would have to laugh. "

As it is, the focus is really different.

But at the end of the day.

This action is really nonsensical.

Recalling the appearance of the man solemnly arranging his bald head, Yui Hirasawa, Azusa Nakano, and Sleeve couldn't help but laugh.

"Ritsu! look at the atmosphere!" only Mio Akiyama couldn't help but complain.

Ritsu tilted his head: "I'm looking at the atmosphere, the sad video has passed, and now it's a happy video, I'm laughing with the atmosphere, but you're ......."

There's nothing wrong with that.

Mio Akiyama had nothing to say.

Turn away and stop bothering with the law.


The first interview scene ends.

The second came soon.

[BGM: Buttercup sounds.] 】

[The female reporter stood in front of the crowd and said slowly.] 】

[The national football game is over, although it is a pity that the result did not satisfy everyone. 】

[However, our fans, at the Suzaku Stadium site, 41,000 fans, they did not leave to accompany the national football team to the last second!].

[After speaking emotionally, she handed the microphone to the fans.] 】

["Mom, return the money!"] The fan shouted out directly. 】

[Female reporters are stupid. 】

[She didn't expect this kind of development, and she spoke incoherently: "It's hard to use, in fact, it's hard to express in words, but I still want to ask you a few questions." "】

["I want to ask the fans, what do you think of today's result...... Feeling disappointed?"].

[A male fan stood up and replied: "I'm so disappointed, I'll knock!"].

[The female reporter's brain was hit again, her tone completely lost her sense of excitement, and she continued to ask: "But the game of our national football team has only been played in three ......"].

[Before he finished speaking, a red-faced brother stood up: "It's over!"].

[Female reporter: ".......] 】

[She took a deep breath and continued to ask intermittently, "Then there are still seven games left.] "】

[Without waiting for the words to finish speaking, a tall man with eyes said indifferently: "Can you win all seven games?

[The female reporter didn't know it at all, and instead interviewed a few young people.] 】

[But while he was still talking, a big brother stuck out his head: "I'm so disappointed!"].

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