【Q&A session with prizes!】

[May I ask what is the relationship between Oriki Bongtaro and Mio Akiyama in the video?].

[A: Couples who have confirmed their relationship.] 】

[B: I have crossed paths, but I am not familiar with my classmates. 】

[C: I don't know at all.] 】

[D: What is it? I don't know. 】


See this Q&A.

All the audience was stunned.

"What's the answer to this D?

"6, if anyone chooses D, I'd call him a Warrior. "

"Are you sure?".

"Of course it's certain!D looks like the wrong choice, right? How could anyone choose someone?".

"I have chosen, come, call me a warrior. "

"??? you serious?".

"Of course!".

"Why? Just for the sake of a useless title, you just gave up the reward?".

"You don't understand, for an ordinary person like me, some special names are the most important. Anyway, the reward for answering the right question is dispensable to me, so it's better to let you, the true brave, call me a warrior. "

“6。 "


Hunter World Full-Time.

"Now, I think it's B, Killua, what do you think?" asked Jay.

Killua held his chin and frowned, "This question is too unfair to us, if it is someone who is in the same school as them, it will definitely be easy to answer the question correctly." "

That's right.

But Xiaojie didn't care.

"No way, after all, it happened in other worlds, Killua you have to think so, if there is a video that happens in our world in the future, then the Q&A session will not be fair to them. "

Killua was stunned.

Looking at the problem from another angle, it is really different.



so-called injustice only benefits a small number of people.

The vast majority of the remaining people are within the fair range.

Thinking of this, he was relieved.

"Then I'll pick C. "

"Hey, why?" asked Xiao Jie, confused.

"Intuitively, I feel that this video is very incongruous and incoherent in some places, like splicing together characters and places from several worlds, so I suspect that this is just a second creation video. "

Xiaojie suddenly realized: "I see, then I will choose C too." "


Naruto World.

"Strange, why did you deliberately add the word 'now'?"

"If you only watch the content on the video, do you need to say it? It must be A, but if you add the word "now", maybe it means that the time node of their world has not yet reached the beginning of the story?".

"I pick B!".

Nara Shikamaru analyzed.


It's not just him.

Not everyone can see that this video is a second creation.

The vast majority of the answers are A/B choices.


[The correct answer is C, this video is a second creation, and the two are not in the same world. 】

[Those who answer correctly will have their full ability increased by 10%!].

on this.

Many viewers were stunned.

"It's amazing to bring people from two worlds together, and it doesn't seem to be incongruous!".

"No wonder those barrages call it a big guy, it's really awesome. "

"Yo Xi, if there is another video like this, I will know what to do. "

"Come on, I'm ready for a new video!".

The vast majority of viewers are looking forward to the next question.

After all.

This sudden light curtain brought great joy to their unchanging life.

On the other hand.

Even if it's for the prize Q&A session, they can't wait!



This time, the light curtain was no longer a black shadow, but darkness.


The video ended abruptly.

"Oh, no,

no, is it over? Don't! I want to keep watching, I want to get a reward. "

"Don't get excited, even though the video is off, the light curtain is still there, so it should continue later. "

"So what's going on now?".

"I don't know...... It could be the one behind the light curtain, what is there to do?".



Zhang Chaoyu stretched his waist.

Then click Mine to see the earnings.


After less than an hour of video, the revenue is about to break through the four-digit mark.

It's so comfortable!

The only pity is that I sat in the park and watched the video.

Not only is it uncomfortable, but it's a little uncomfortable when people come and go.

So he decided to change places.


During Zhang Chaoyu's time when he turned off his phone.

The world is not at peace.

Spells return to the world.

Qi Suo looked at the crowd and asked, "Yo, how many questions did you each answer correctly?"

Leaky smacked his tongue: "If you throw away the rewards that you will get, I only answered 2 correctly, I am a spell spirit, how can I understand the logic of human beings?".

"I'm three ways~" the real person replied with his hand raised.

Hua Yu said calmly: "I also have 3 ways." "

"It's really miserable, the accuracy rate is not average, the most important thing is that the biggest four subjective questions are improved, and a few of us only answered one [claypot rice] correctly. "

"Once there is a sorcerer, or ...... If Satoru Gojo answers a subjective question more than we do, we are in danger. "

There was silence for a while.

Having fought with Gojo Satoru, he naturally understands how much improvement he will have if Gojo Satoru answers a subjective question correctly.

"It's not the way to go. He said solemnly.

"Heh, who said that?" said Qi Suo, smiling playfully.

"I suddenly realized that we are the biggest beneficiaries of the light curtain!"

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