Blade Tooth World.

"Roar. "

The corners of his mouth were raised excitedly.

"This body, at a glance, you can see that it has gone through all kinds of training, and the movements that have just shot are also beautiful. "

"The most important thing is his ability to recover, which is a very suitable punching bag. "

I just saw that the nest seat made a slight move.

Yujiro Fan Ma ignited his fighting spirit!

With his many years of combat experience, he can see at a glance that the Zodiac is very strong!

And it's different from the two-faced sufu and Frilian who are strong on the magic side.

The Zodiac is strong in physical and martial arts!

Fit to be your own opponent!

While watching the video, Yujiro Vanma reacts out the battle with Uzoza in his mind.


And for people from other worlds.

It's just a good look.

"Well, this video is a bloody battle. "

"The person called Yiwoza, the recovery ability is really exaggerated, the ghost clan...... Could it be a vampire?"

"It's his eyes, it's really peculiar, and there are still words written on it, contact lenses?"


Everyone is watching with relish.

[After a period of nonsense. 】

[The Zodiac senses that Cosmic Wave Spot is a strong man. 】

So he sent out an invitation: "Madara, let me tell you why you can't step into the supreme realm.] "】

["Because you are a human being, you will grow old, you will die, become a ghost, Madara, in this case, it doesn't matter if you practice for a hundred years, you can become stronger!"

[Madara Uchiha just casually crossed his arms and replied, "Who are you and me?

[The pupils of the Zodiac shrank, this person is very confident in his own strength, otherwise he would not have said such arrogant words. 】

[Since this is the case, let him see the results of his own cultivation. 】

["Bang!" stepped forward with his right foot, and the moment he landed, the ground collapsed, and the nest seat took a horse step posture and put on a fighting posture: "The technique unfolds to destroy and kill the Luo Needle!"

[The next moment.] 】

[Like lightning, Zowoza instantly rushed in front of Madara Uchiha and started a fierce battle with him. 】

[The two sides fought back and forth, regardless of whether they were up or down. 】

[Dozens of moves in the big battle, Madara Uchiha seized the opportunity to beat Feiyi Woza. 】

[Yi Woza didn't panic at all, and launched a new technique: Destroy and kill the sky!]

[A punch is swung out, and the invisible air bomb generated by hitting the air instantly hits Madara Uchiha's Susanoo.] 】

["Click", and then, Susanoo actually cracked!]

[Madara Uchiha was a little surprised, but only a little. 】

[He is full of firepower, and Susa can be fully deployed, easily defending against all air bombs.] 】

[Then he said: "With this level, 750 you can't defeat me.] "】

"In the first round, it was a physical competition. "

"There you are!"

"Bibo burns. "

"I'm not a human anymore, Madara!"


Naruto World.

The ninjas were dumbfounded.

"How strong is it to make the air bomb that hits the air shatter Susanoh of Madara Uchiha?"

"These ghosts are too powerful!"

"Also, it's good that Madara Uchiha didn't choose to become a ghost, otherwise I wouldn't dare to imagine how bad the future would be. "

"Yes, according to what the Zodiac said, the vitality of the ghost is extremely strong, even if it lives for hundreds of years, it is easy, Madara Uchiha's talent is so strong, if he is given another few hundred years of cultivation time, then ......"

Everyone swallowed, not daring to continue thinking.

Such a future is simply terrifying!

And a certain deep mountain and old forest.

Madara Uchiha, who was reincarnated in the Dirt, had no idea what other people were thinking.

Now he just touched his chin thoughtfully: "Becoming a ghost? Maybe it's a good idea." "

This gives you plenty of time to complete your goals.

And not like before.

Before he could do anything, he died of old age.


JOJO World.


DIO laughed maniacally, "So you were also transformed from a human to a ghost?!"

"That's right! Yes! Yes, there are limits to human beings!"

"If you want to break the limit, you can only be a bad person!"

"It's just a pity that you're not from our world, otherwise, I wouldn't mind being on an equal footing with you. "

Dior admires the Zodiac very much.

The other party's thoughts, Di's thoughts coincide very well.

When you're human, there's so much you can't do.

But to be a vampire......

He's no longer weak! He's the strongest!


Gintama World.

Gintoki Sakata touched his chin.

"Strange, is it my delusion? How do you feel that these two people are not the same style of painting at all?"


No matter what the world is.

The power systems should all be the same.

For example, in his own world, the main thing is physical arts.

And the world in some comics.

Perhaps the moves between the two forces look completely different, but the fundamental power used is the same.

For example:

Spiritual pressure and telekinesis.


The two people who are fighting in the video at the moment.

The power systems are too different!

The [Skull Exoskeleton] used by Madara Uchiha was an unconventional force at first glance.

And every move and style of the CICF is inseparable from the body.

Come to think of this.

Sakata Gintoki suddenly scratched his forehead: "Speaking of which, it doesn't seem impossible to make people from two different worlds fall in love and let two strong people from different worlds fight?"

"Ah Yin, what are you talking about, Aru?" Kagura, who was watching with relish on the side, asked instead.

Sakata Gintoki shook his head and joked, "I'm just thinking, Kagura, which of these ghost clans you said is more powerful or your Night Rabbit clan?"

Hear the words.

Kagura pondered for a moment and then said, "In terms of strength alone, we are definitely stronger, but we don't have the recovery ability of the oni clan, so if we can't find a way to kill them and fight for a long time, we will definitely lose." "

Of course, I didn't actually fight, so Kagura just guessed at random.

Look back at the video.

[Madara Uchiha finally decided not to defend anymore.] 】

[He took the initiative to attack, looked from a distance, just took a step forward, and arrived in front of the Nest Seat. 】

[Cut it out with a knife.] 】

[The nest is tilted to dodge.] 】

[The second round has officially begun!]

[With Madara taking the initiative, the battle finally has a colorful head. 】

[In the face of the slash, the Yakuza counterattacked while blocking with his arm.] 】

[Whether it is the arm, the body, or the wound of the Wo Zuo, it can always be repaired instantly. 】

[Two people fought from the empty plain to the depths of the forest. 】

[It's hard to tell the winner for a while.] 】

[Finally, Uzoza seized the opportunity and kicked Madara Uchiha out with a heavy kick.] 】

[Madara Uchiha flew upside down for nearly a hundred meters before stopping, but there was no sign of injury at all.] 】

[It is even said that after personally competing with the Zo Woza, Madara Uchiha got tired of playing. 】

[He used the Filthy Earth Reincarnation Technique to summon a new person to fight for him.] 】

[-A bald head with three eyes!]

[When he appeared, there was a strong BGM sound. 】

"Madara Uchiha is so powerful! I would like to call him the strongest!"

"I can't help it, hahahaha. "

"Blanch! summoned a person from the Tianke Ghost Clan, he is simply a genius!"

"No, no matter what, the painting style of Tianjin rice is too strange, it would be better if it could be polished well......"


Dragon Ball World.

Dumpling turned his head to look at Tianjin Rice: "You were pulled out of the soil." "

Tianjin Fan nodded: "I know ......"

"Your form is so strange, your body is full of cracks, have you been broken?" Dumpling asked again.

Tianjin Fan scratched his forehead and sighed: "I'm still wondering, why does the battle between the two seem unequal, I see, the second creation fight." "

I couldn't see it before.

But now, I've all appeared on video.

Tianjin Rice can definitely tell that this is a second creation video.

Dumpling nodded suddenly.

It turned out to be the second creation, so it was fine.


Naruto World.

"Wait, who is this man, why does he have three eyes?"

"Some kind of blood lineage?"

"Is it possible that he is not from our world?"

"Indeed, he has three eyes! If it were a person from our world, he would certainly not be able to hide it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You seem to be kidding me, we ninjas need to wear forehead guards, he doesn't need to hide, the third eye will be covered. "

"Ah, this ......"

The ninjas looked at each other.

It's the same.

The forehead guard would indeed cover his third eye. []


They're all tangled.

Is this new character some kind of bloodline boundary in their world?

Or is it simply someone from another world?

I can't be sure!


Wander through the world of white books.

Urahan Yusuke turned his head with a smile: "Feiying, you've become bald." "

Sang Yuan Kazuma was not so reserved, pointed at Feiying and laughed: "Feiying, otherwise you will shave your hair, right? I feel that you look much more refreshing without hair! Now you look very gloomy." "

Flying Shadow's face was indeed very gloomy.

It was gloomy as the sea, and the three words "kill you" were written on his face.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down: "It's not me, it's completely different from me. "

Sang Yuan and Zhen tilted their heads: "You haven't shaved your hair, how do you know what your bald head looks like?"

Urahan Yusuke nodded.

As we all know, people with and without hair are completely two people.

Feiying's face became even more ugly: "Even if I don't have to shave my head, I know it's not me!"

"Really?" Sang Yuan and Zhen wondered, "If you want us to believe it, you have to show actual evidence, right?" I think the person on the screen is you. "

Shadow: "He's taller than me." "

"It does. Sang Yuan Kazuma nodded, "So this is you when you grow up, you can't never grow taller in the future, right?"

Flying Shadow stared at him with murderous intent.

Sang Yuan and Zhen were stunned.

Subconsciously blurted out: "You really won't grow taller? It seems that the newcomer on the video is indeed not you." "

He actually said it!

Flying Shadow directly drew his sword: "RNM, I have to kill you today!"

Urahan Yusuke and Kurama hurriedly grabbed the lost Flying Shadow.

"Don't be impulsive, after getting along for so long, you must be able to tell that he is a fool. "

"What's up against a fool?"

Feiying turned his head to look at the two of them, and said with a cold face: "Before you say this, do you dare not hold back your laughter?"

Urahan Yusuke and Kurama pursed their lips and turned their heads.

They didn't want to hold back their laughter, but it was really hilarious.


Demon Slayer Blade World.

Onimai Tsuji looked at the light curtain.

"It seems that it is indeed a second creation video. "

Reincarnation of the Dirt?

Obviously not the power that this world can have.

"It's just, the barrage said that these three eyes are the natural enemies of our ghost clan?"

"Hehe, ghosts have natural predators? I want to see where he restrains us. "


[Again said a piece of nonsense.] 】

[Tianjin rice walked out of the coffin and looked at the nest playfully. 】

["Okay, I'll show my real strength to fight you, but I'll give you a piece of advice in advance, no matter how strong you are, if you encounter my trick head-on, you will definitely die."] "】

[Tianjin Fan smiled evilly: "The one who will win this battle is my Tianjin Rice Da!"]

[Woowoza narrows his eyes disdainfully.] 】

[Anyone can brag about it!Awesome, you really beat me to death!]

[Tianjin Rice puts his hands on both sides of his head in a strange posture. 】

[The nest will not sit still. 】

[He took a deep breath and laughed wildly: "Destroy and kill the style!"]

[And Tianjin rice is finally accumulated: "Sun Fist!"]

[A strong light like daylight, blooming with Tianjin rice as the center, he is like a humanoid sun!]

[Seeing this, the pupils of the Zodiac shook violently, and he fled as fast as possible!]

[But even if he is a ghost, he still belongs to the category of living beings, how can he outrun the light?]

[The next moment, the sun shone on his body, and the nest was extinguished. 】

"Off the line. "

"A1 high flash, okay?

"I can't help it. "

"I guessed it was Sun Fist a long time ago. "

"I can't think of a way to do it. "



Demon Slayer Blade World.


Onimai Tsuji was completely stunned.

No wonder it is said that the Tianke ghost clan.

It's just a walking sun!

"It's good that he's not from our world. "

Onimai Tsuji is not miserable, and his heart is palpitating.

He felt that he also had PTSD for Tianjin rice.

Shine in the night......

Natural enemies!

This is definitely the natural enemy of the ghost clan!

The other side.

"Sun Fist, Sun Fist, you are a punch!" to be honest, even if you release the sun's rays with your fist, I can recognize the name. "

Said it was Sun Fist, but it turned out that he didn't punch at all!

Isn't that a foolish move name?


Naruto World.

After a while, I was afraid.

Everyone finally realized the truth.

"This Sun Fist is definitely not ninjutsu. "

"I've never heard of any light escapes. "

"Huh, it turned out that this is the second creation video, great, I thought there would really be a ghost invasion of the ninja world in the future. "

"Have you ever thought about a question? "


"The Zodiac is an existence in other worlds, but the Uchiha Madara who was reincarnated in the filthy earth is real. "

"There will be no ghost invasion in the future, but ...... Madara Uchiha will definitely be resurrected by someone reincarnated in the Dirt Earth!This is our biggest threat at the moment!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone changed their relaxed expressions and became nervous again.

That's right!

How can such an important thing be overlooked!

They were breathing.

Could it be said.

Do you want to feel the fear brought by Madara Uchiha in the future?


Wander through the world of white books.

Sang Yuan and Zhen suddenly realized: "It turns out that this person is really not Feiying!"

Feiying's heart is so dark, how can it shine?


Gintama World.

"What, it turns out that they are also afraid of the sun. "

Sakata Gintoki was speechless and said: "Terrifying physical fitness, fear of sunlight, isn't this no different from your night rabbit?"

Kagura tilted her head: "It's not the same Aru, the sun can't kill us." "

But Yinshi just mentioned it casually.

He turned to envy and said, "But speaking of which, how can I learn this move?"

Kagura immediately said vigilantly: "Ah Yin, what are you doing with Sun Fist, you won't want to deal with me, will you?"

Sakata Gintoki shook his head in surprise: "Why do you think so? "

He pinched his chin and said to himself, "I just thought that if I could learn Sun Boxing, I would be the most beautiful boy in the Kabuki Hall, and I would be the most high-profile person wherever I went." "

Kagura imagined it for a moment.

- When he walked down the street, his head shone like the sun.

Everyone was so shaken that they couldn't open their eyes......

Doesn't that seem to be eye-catching, right?

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