[Nearly one-third of people answered the question correctly, and their full ability increased by 50%.] 】

A black shadow swipes.

A new video title appears.

"Four-year-old man assaults a 17-year-old girl".

When you see this title, it's hard for anyone to hold back.


Detective Conan World.

"Hey, isn't this title reversed?" Mitsuhiko said in confusion.

"A four-year-old man? a man? Can a four-year-old be called a man?"

"And, in a grade like this, where you don't know anything, can you really attack a 17-year-old girl?" Conan also wondered.

At this point, his brain was burned with a cold.

Sexual harassment happens all the time in the real world.

And it's true that there are some Zhengtai and Loricon, doing some very disgusting and infuriating things.


The four-year-old "man" attacked a 17-year-old girl, Rao is Conan is also the first time he has heard of it.

To be reasonable, this is too outrageous, right?

Whose 4 children would have that kind of mentality to contact adults?

If you solve this kind of case yourself.

There's no way to solve the case, right?


Spy on the world of home.


The famous spy twilight, one couldn't help but squirt out, looking at the title dumbfounded.

"Would a little boy who is only a little younger than Ania do something to attack a 17-year-old girl?"

"No, no, it's impossible, isn't it?"

"Do you mean a dwarf? four-year-old appearance, seventeen-year-old psychology?"

"Or is he actually a spy who was secretly trained at birth?"

"This contact is just for some kind of intelligence?"

Lloyd's idea was very bold.

Startled, Ania couldn't help but turn her head to stare at her father.


It's not like Lloyd wants to overcomplicate things.

It's just that this incident is just outrageous.

A four-year-old man's attack on a 17-year-old girl, no matter how you look at it, is it very unrealistic?

If it really happens, the reasonable explanation is all magical.

Let's say the child is possessed by an evil spirit.

Or maybe the child has rejuvenated.

Or maybe he was reincarnated with a memory.

Either way, it's outrageous.


And in the small new world of crayons.

Guangzhi is serious about educating Xiaoxin.

"023 Listen, Xiaoxin, you will meet the big sister again in the future, it's no problem to communicate with the other party, don't move your hands and feet, understand?"

Xiao Xin asked suspiciously, "What does it mean to move your hands and feet?"

Hiroshi was stunned for a moment.

Xiaoxin didn't even know what it meant to move his hands and feet.

Unexpectedly pure.

He turned to say, "In short, don't take the initiative to reach out to those big sisters. "

"Don't do it, if you don't make contact, how can you talk to them!" Xiaoxin immediately refused.

Hiroshi was speechless: "But I doubt that the protagonist of this video is you, after all, there seems to be no other child besides you who would do such a thing." "

Hearing this, Xiaoxin shyly twisted up, learned the movements of the little girl, and patted Guangzhi.

"Oops~ Dad, you said it earlier, I know, I will be more reserved in the future and not let those big sisters touch me. "

Hiroshi: "......"

Miya: "......"

The child is hopeless.

I hope the protagonist on this video is not Xiaoxin.

Otherwise, I feel that as a parent, I will be criticized by the audience for having a problem with education.

"Miya, are you ready to apologize?"

Mei Yan nodded, and said with a firm expression: "It's done! When the answer session begins, I will kneel down and ask for everyone's forgiveness." "

If the child does not teach, it is the fault of the parents.

The evil consequences committed by Xiaoxin will be calmed down by those of us as parents!

It was also when Miya and Hiroshi strengthened their hearts.

The video officially begins.

[What kind of event can make the elderly, children, minors, little fairies and other BUFFs gather at the same time?]

[What kind of incident caused a minor injury in the first degree, but there was no compensation?]

[That's right, this is the incident of 4 men attacking a 17-year-old girl!]

[The cause of the incident was a 72-year-old man who clashed with another 17-year-old girl while taking his 4 grandchildren in the elevator. 】

[The girl said that 4 men patted her chest and demanded that she apologize. 】

[The old man wanted to apologize for the child, but was refused.] 】

[Then the girl stepped forward and grabbed the child's arm, and the old man had a physical conflict with the girl in order to protect his grandson. 】

[After hitting the elevator, (daed) caused lumbar trauma, thoracic vertebra fracture, lumbar vertebra fracture, and the injury was identified as a minor injury of the first degree. 】

[The result of the subsequent handling was the administrative detention of the girl involved for 15 days and a fine of 1,000 yuan. 】

[There are no other penalties.] 】

"The case has been solved, and the child is actually a detective, who looks like a child, but is actually a 17-year-old high school student. "

"Awesome! can win against the 4 and 72-year-old disadvantaged groups, this girl can be described as invincible in the world!"

"The average age of the grandparents and grandchildren is 38 years old, which is equivalent to bullying an underage girl with two middle-aged people, and the girl is in legitimate defense, what do you know? If it is not legitimate defense, how can there be such a light punishment?"

"Upstairs is statistical. "

"Got it? This is version T0. "

"The old man and the child are not T0 for a long time. "

"I hope that our country will be full of such wonderful scenes, and justice will blossom everywhere!"

"Actually, this kid is the reborn Emperor of the Desolate Heaven. "

"A four-year-old child already understands a lot, and being young is not an excuse for him to make mistakes, and he has to bear them if he makes mistakes!"

"What's wrong with making the bear child apologize? Don't move if you have the ability?"

"The main old man with children will be overly spoiled. "


Detective Conan World.

Conan was already sweating.

Barrage brother.

Otherwise, just name and forget it.

Who is the child on the outside, the detective on the inside, and do you need to say?

If your identity is exposed now.

Something big is definitely going to happen.

First of all, those in the liquor shop will not let themselves go.


The friends around you will probably alienate themselves.

At last.

How will Xiaolan see herself?


As long as their identity is exposed.

That's no different from death.


The barrage did not say its real name.

That's the only thing to be thankful for.

And yes.

If it's me, how can I take the initiative to touch the girl's body?

This is a frame-up!

"Conan, what's wrong? Why isn't your face too good?" Mitsuhiko said suddenly.

Conan came back to his senses: "Huh? "

Mitsuhiko looked at Conan suspiciously and said seriously, "I know!"

Conan's heart tightened.

These friends of their own, although they usually don't look out of tune.

But when it mattered, their brains were very bright.

Mitsuhiko wouldn't have guessed who the detective was on the barrage, right?


If Mitsuhiko can think of it, then so can others.

That's just at this time.

I only heard Mitsuhiko say: "You must be angry too, right? This girl is really too much, and she is slandering people for having a hand!"

"If it's just a simple frame-up, forget it, she actually beat the old man?"

"It must be a sister like that. "

Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

nodded in agreement: "Indeed, I don't understand it either, they all caused first-degree minor injuries, why is the punishment so light?" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"I don't know. Ayumi shook her head.


April is your world of lies.

"No, that's too much, isn't it?"

Sawabe Tsubaki couldn't help but say in an angry manner.

"I'm 17 years old, and I don't know about the old man?"

"What else do you say, 4 men touch her?

"What kind of thinking do you have to say such vexatious things?"

"What's the deal with the barrage?

She was about to get angry.

As long as you know a little bit about things, you know that you need to let some old people and children, right?

This girl is completely reversed?

People who have watched this video, what will they think of girls her age?

How do you see yourself?

You don't think you're going to be as rude as her, do you?

One person ruins the reputation of a group of people, right?!

More critically......

The barrage is still defending her?


What qualifications does this kind of person have to be maintained?

What else about two 38-year-old strong men......

Oh my God, if only everything could end in numbers.

Let's just say that everyone is 38 years old now.

And also.

What a wonderful scene, what justice blooms everywhere.




Is there any misunderstanding of these two words?

It's normal for such a bad incident to be condemned by public opinion!

"What kind of world is it, and the three views can be distorted to such an extent. "

Tsubaki Sawabe couldn't help but complain.

This incident can no longer be said to be morally turpitude.

It's that the world is distorted.


Crayon Little New World.

Miya and Hiroshi breathed a sigh of relief.

It's great that I don't need to apologize.


"Xiaoxin, have you seen it, if you touch the big sister in the future, it is likely that something like this will happen. "

Xiaoxin nodded obediently: "This big sister is so fierce." "


Other worlds are also lively.

"Ah...... It's really amazing. "

"T0.1.2 is a game term, and it is generally used to describe intensity. "

"Now when it is used on people, do you want to say that in the world in the video, underage girls have the highest social status?"

"Although the status of minors + girls can't be too low, no matter how you say it, it can't be higher than the elderly and children, right?"

"I still don't understand, why do you have such a high status?"

"In general, it's earned. "


"It's very simple, selling miserably, selling social injustice, and public opinion on the Internet will naturally be biased towards the victim. "

"That's how I fought for it, 6. "

"But I suppose that T0 will be counterattacked by this kind of behavior, right?"

"Definitely, it will cause dissatisfaction among people from all walks of life, and it won't be too long before this kind of T0 may be reduced to T3-T4. "

"Unless the world in the video is very deformed, and people are easily numb to the status quo, T0 time can go on forever. "

"So what's the right way to fight for it?"

"Self-improvement, a group of people through their actions tell the world that they should be respected and treated fairly, so that even if the status of the T0 won will be reduced to T1 later, they will still be respected as they deserve. "

"If you sell miserably while doing infuriating things, such a version of T0...... Even if it is T0 on the surface, it is criticized in private. "


As he spoke.

【Q&A session with prizes!】

[Question: Did a four-year-old child touch a girl?]


See this issue.

People from all over the world were stunned.

"No, I must have touched it, if not, the girl has no reason to find fault. "

"That's what I thought, too. "

"Even if there is a reason, if there is no reason, the girl will injure someone to a first-degree minor injury, it is too chilling, right?"

This moment.

For a lot of viewers.

I hope that the boy did meet the girl.

That's the case.

The girl's actions were at least motivated.

But if the boy didn't touch the girl, the girl backhanded the old man to a first-degree minor injury.

The girl was only fined 1,000.

Such a result...... It's simply unacceptable.

The degree of deformity of society is simply terrible.

"This is no longer a matter of respecting the old and loving the young. "

"If the girl hadn't been touched...... Hey, I suddenly didn't know what to say. "

"Suddenly, I realized that this world is so bad. "

That's just at this time.

[There is surveillance in the elevator.] 】

[The surveillance clearly shows that the child did not touch the girl.] 】

[Regarding this incident, five-star critic MacArthur said: A 17-year-old baby girl can hardly hide her decline, and a 4-year-old man shows the demeanor of a king. 】

"To be honest, when I see similar news, I don't get angry, but laugh, it's outrageous, it's magical. "

"It's so exciting. "

"It's a wonderful world, and I can watch magic news every day. "

"I've seen things in reality, and no matter how magical the novel is written in the future, I can read it patiently. "

"After all, the plot of the novel is not yet realistic. "

"Sbarassi. "

"It turns out 4 17. "

PS: Ask for some flowers, can you break 10,000, can you break 10,000, can you break 10,000!!。

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