I can't seem to beat him.

Hong Kai quickly switched to Dark Yao form.

Use darkness to fight darkness.

But now Hongkai is able to control that adult's power.

This also means that the Dark Yao form has lost its soul.

The Dark Yao form that cannot go berserk cannot gain souls.

After the two sides struggled for several rounds, Hongkai never gained the upper hand. no way.

In order to defeat Jagura.

Hong Kai can only change back to his original form.

And summoned the weapon Orb Holy Sword.

The origin form is Ultraman Orb's basic form.

But at the same time, it is also his final TV form, his strongest form.

It combines the power of the four elements and has unparalleled combat effectiveness.

After switching to the origin form.

Hongkai immediately gained the upper hand.

After the beating, Jagula began to retreat steadily.

In desperation, Jagula could only try to use his ultimate move to attack Hong Kai to see if he could make a comeback.

Hong Kai also responded with a big move.

One hit to shoot out Orb's supreme beam.

Colorful energy and dark energy collide violently with each other.

The sky and the earth are pale.

Even the earth is trembling

The wave lasts for a long time.

In the end, Hongkai was the winner.

Jakura was beaten to death.

Disappeared in the firelight and disappeared without a trace.

Zeta World.

Jakura in this world has experienced many things.

I am not as eager for light and Ultraman's power as I used to be.

But after seeing that someone like Fuma could gain the recognition of O50 and gain the power of Ultraman.

He still can't hold himself tight

"Oh shit! You idiot O50, change your matching mechanism."

"Don't give it to those who should be given strength, and give it to those who shouldn't be given strength."

"Knock on your uncle! As you are, you will get into trouble sooner or later."

After cursing the black-hearted factory O50, Jagula felt much happier.

He felt refreshed.

By accident, it was evening again.

Lin Nan came home from work

"Mom and Dad, I'm back"

"You're back, let's eat quickly."

Lin Nan went to the toilet to wash her hands and sat down at the dining table.

The family ate happily.

"Xiao Nan, what is that? Today, Aunt Zhang next door introduced you to a man who is about the same age as you. Now you have found a job. I think it is time to think about marriage, so I agreed for you. I will meet you tomorrow evening. Let's go meet the girl after get off work."

"ah? Blind date? Mom, is it too early for me to go on a blind date at this time?"

Lin Nan was almost choked by her mother's words.

She had just found a job for two days, and she forced herself to go on a blind date to find a partner.

How anxious is her mother to hold her grandson?

"253 Damn it, when we were your age, we already had you, obediently, go and meet, let’s talk about whether you like it or not, we agreed, it would be impolite not to meet, right?"

"Okay, okay, I got it, I'll go."

Looking at my mother like this, Lin Nan knew that it would be impossible if she didn't agree.

She could only grit her teeth and agree.

After dinner,

Lin Nan returned to the room and continued to watch videos.

A video titled"Leave Single Drive" made Lin Nan stop

【As we all know, the squeeze driver is a second-generation driver developed by Katsuragi Takumi and has better performance than the build driver.】

【As soon as the first user Kazumi Saruwatari appeared on the scene, he used the squeeze driver to defeat the main rider Kiryu Sento and the second rider Wanzhang Ryuuga.】

【But do you know that the biggest function of the squeeze drive is actually not to fight, but to get out of the singles?】

【In Soki's TV, there are a total of three people who have used the squeeze driver, namely Ichikai Saruwatari, Wanzhanglongga and the honest man Himuro Gentoku.】

【And these three people, without exception, all ended up being single.】

【Only the main rider, Kiryu Sento, had never used a squeeze driver, so he was still alone in the end, and in the end he could only act as a troublemaker with the ex-aid next door.】

【Let's take a look, who are the final destinations of these three Kamen Riders who use the single drive?】

【First of all, I am the second rider on the ten thousand feet long dragon.】

【At the end of the TV plot, he came to the new world with his good friend Kiryu Sento. Since he was a gangster and had no identity, he could only make a living by setting up a stall and selling some of Kiryu Sento's useless inventions.】

【Unexpectedly, I happened to meet the girl Yu Yi while setting up a stall.】

【Because Kiryu Sento used the power of Pandora's Box to create a new world, in this new world, everyone except Kiryu Sento and Wanzhang Ryuuga lost the memory of the old world.】

【Yui is an exception. Not only does she retain the memories of the old world, but she also has an extremely strong hatred for Wan Zhang Long Ga.】

【In the old world, the original Wanzhang Ryuuga was a Kamen Rider who fought for hatred. He only had the idea of ​​revenge against the basilisk. When Yui was in danger, he ignored Yui's plea for help. As a result, Yui and the children were killed. Captured by weirdo organization】

【In the new world, the two reconciled while getting along and developed some different relationships. In the end, Wan Zhang Longga burst out his potential in order to protect Yu Yi who was captured, defeated Killbus, and rescued Yu Yi.】

【The two established their relationship, and at the end, Wan Zhanglong got a kiss from the beautiful woman. ]

In the video, a scene of Wanzhang Longga being kissed on the face by Yui was inserted. build the world.

After Kiryu Zhantu read the previous introduction, and then looked at this scene, his heart was torn apart.

Become Kiryu Tantan and Kiryu Usagi

"Why! Why can this thief have such a lovely girlfriend, and even have a girlfriend? Horse riding! Why am I the only one with no one? Don't I have a partner?"

It would be fine if only Saruwatari Kazumi and Himuro Gentoku had girlfriends.

The key point is.

Even a hot-blooded fool like me, Wanzhang Ryuu, has a girlfriend.

But I can't get a girlfriend. It's true that uncle can bear it, and aunt can bear it. I can't bear it.

Kiryu Zhantu is jealous and hateful.

With a strong resentment, he can feed ten evil sword immortals without any problem.

I am in a state of confusion right now

"I? Got a new girlfriend?"

Ever since his ex-girlfriend was killed by Faust, he has never thought about this.

Unexpectedly, he will be able to find a new girlfriend in the near future.

And this new girlfriend is so similar to him. A wonderful fate.

How can I say this?

It can only be said that love is coming, and nothing can stop it.

Wan Zhang Long Gao couldn't help showing a nymphomaniac expression. He was dreaming about a better future.

Kiryu Sentu became even more angry when he saw Wan Zhang Long Gao's expression.

Fuck it Blade, I wish I could kill the dragon with one blow.

We agreed to go together as good friends, but you secretly found a girlfriend behind my back.


Seeing that the situation was not right, Saruwatari Ichikai immediately rushed over to stop Kiryu Zhantu

"War Rabbit! calm down! That is something that will happen in the future, and it has nothing to do with now. He is still single now!"

"correct! And you, why do you, a bastard, have a girlfriend! what on earth is it?"

Kiryu Sento immediately changed his target and vented his hatred on Saruwatari Ikkai.

While avoiding Kiryu Sento's pursuit, Saruwatari was watching the video and wanted to know where his girlfriend came from.

【Next is Sarutoichikai】

【In the final battle with the basilisk in the TV plot, he sacrificed his life and used forbidden power. Although he successfully defeated the enemy, he also died due to side effects.】

【In the new world, his love finally moved his idol, Ishidomi Misora, and he finally embraced the beauty, and Ishidomi Misora ​​took the initiative to confess to her. 】

In the video, there is also a scene of Ishidomi Misora ​​taking the initiative to confess to Saruto Ikkai.

"Stay with me!"

"Um?"Arudu Yihai was confused.

"Just, stay with me!"

"ah?"Zudu Yihai was shocked.

"I mean! Please date me! Ah Hai!"

"!!!"Ape crosses the sea and is ecstatic

"Hahaha! finally! finally! finally! Finally Mi Tanjiang and I are together! Mi Tan Jiang actually confessed to me! Is this a dream? If this is a dream, then I don’t want to wake up in my life!"

Saruwatari Kazumi saw the scene in the video in which Ishidomi Misora ​​confessed to him. He almost went crazy.

What is that?

That is something that he did not dare to even dream about.

He did not dare to dream about it, but reality can make it happen. It became a fact.

This made Saruwatari Kazumi so excited that he didn’t even know his last name for a while.

"ah? I would actually be with him? And even took the initiative to confess? How can this be?"

At this time, Ishidomi Misora ​​has not been impressed by Ichikai Saruto. She is a little disgusted with Ichikai Saruto.

Especially when she saw Ichikai Saruwatari jumping up and down, she was as excited as a monkey, which made her even more disgusted.

"I’ll fight you with my special code! Even if you have a girlfriend, Misora ​​actually confessed to her on her own initiative! Die to me! You die!"

Kiriyu Sento's anger was all vented towards Saruwata Ikkai.

His fist was flattened against Saruwata Ikkai.

But at this time, Saruwata Ikkai was immersed in the dream of being confessed by Ishidomi Misora. He even forgot about the pain (bici).

Let Kiryu and Zhantu beat him up violently without fighting back

【The last one is the honest man Himuro Gentoku. He also came together with the female reporter Takigawa Sayu in the side story, and the two talked for a whole night in the hotel room.】

【Although we don’t know what they were talking about, given his honest character, if he said he was talking freely, it’s really possible that he was just talking freely and nothing else.】

【Kiryu Zhantuo is also pitiful. He risked his life to create a new world, but in the end, all three of his friends were single, and he was still single.】

【This can also be said that he personally created a world where he has no girlfriend. ]

In this video, Takigawa Sayu and Himuro Gentoku are posted, wearing unique couple outfits, showing off their love in front of Kiryu Sento and Wanzhang Ryuuga.

Although not as impactful as the first two videos.

But it's much more boring than the previous two videos. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Are you two together?"

"Yes, Ah Huan"

"Yes, little Shasha."

Just hearing the name is a bit overwhelming.

At the end of the video, there is also a famous scene of Kiryu Sento roaring at the basilisk.

However, the subtitles were changed from the original name of the basilisk to"Why didn't I girlfriend!"


Kiryu Zhantu's anger was completely ignited.

"You three! All three of you actually have girlfriends!"

"Why! Why! Why!"

"Why am I the only one without a girlfriend?"

"Can anyone tell me why this is?"


Kiryu Zhantu roared up to the sky.

He didn't understand.

Just because he has never used a squeeze driver, so he doesn't have a girlfriend?

And this world without a girlfriend was created by himself.

Is it because he has never used a squeeze driver? Because I don’t have a girlfriend because

I don’t have a girlfriend? Is that because I don’t want to use it? []

It’s obvious that my IQ is too high and I can’t squeeze the driver.

Can you blame me?

Kiryu Sento doesn’t know what words to use to describe it. My current complex mood.


All the emotions converge into one sentence

"Tired, destroy it!"


Kiryu Zhantu collapsed.

He didn't want to continue struggling in this world without a girlfriend.

What's more, he didn't just have no girlfriend in this world.

Even in the new world.

He didn't have a girlfriend.

Without a girlfriend, It was a fate that he could not escape.

Saruwatari Kazumi and Wanzhang Ryuuga finally calmed down. The two looked at each other and smiled.

They walked to Kiryu Sento and raised Kiryu Sento on the left and right.

Saruwatari Kazumi Said:"Zhan Tu, don't be so excited. Think about it, although you don't have a girlfriend, you are free. You are free without the constraints of a girlfriend. How wonderful it is."


A knife pierced Kiryu Zhantu's heart hard.

Wanzhang Longga then added the knife:"That's right, Zhantu, although I have a girlfriend, and my girlfriend is so cute and beautiful, but it took a lot of effort. After thinking about it, it’s pretty worth it, don’t you think?"


Another knife pierced Kiryu Zhantu's heart.

Kiryu Zhantu was about to cry without tears and almost vomited blood.

Saruwatari Ikkai and Wanzhang Ryuuga each showed a victorious smile.

So what if you are the protagonist?

So what if you have the strongest power?

You have no one.

Based on this alone, it’s useless no matter how powerful you are.

I can only be a loner.

The world of Time King.

Tokiwa Shougo smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Zhan Tu is so miserable. Everyone else has a girlfriend, but he doesn’t. I mourn for him. Gates rolled his eyes:"It's like you have it.""

Lin Nan had nothing to do and scrolled through the comment area of ​​this video.

: If Zhantu knew that using the squeeze drive could help him get out of a single relationship, he would definitely have tried his best to use the squeeze drive to transform.

: I originally thought that Dragon I am Zhan Rabbit's official partner, but as soon as the rumors came out, Zhan Rabbit became a loner.

: If Zhan Rabbit is given a Yak drive, will his resentment control Yak in turn?

: Zhan Rabbit, take them with you. Let’s all go eat barbecue! Everyone will die together!

: Zhan Tu finally created a world where only he is single.

: Being single is not scary, the scary thing is that everyone around him is single, and he is the only one.

: Because he can’t find a partner, So Zhantu went next door to fall in love with Yongmeng?:

Zhantu, why don’t you have a girlfriend? Do you not want to fall in love?:

Upstairs, you scolded me really dirty.

Build world.

Kiryu Zhantu saw the comment The content in the district.

It is even more hopeless.

If you are miserable, it is not really miserable.

When everyone feels that you are miserable, then it is truly miserable to the extreme.

Kiryu Zhantu is like this now.

If he is just Being single, actually, I don’t think it’s a big deal yet. It’s not like I’ve never been single before. Anyway, I have been single for more than 20 years.

The key to the problem is that the three idiots around me are all single.

And the girlfriends I have found are pretty good..

I have no partner and have been single all the time.

This step on the horse is very frustrating.

After all, these bastards still use this matter to laugh at me.

It is even more unbearable.

Now Kiryu Zhantuo really wants to transform, so why not Let's just die together with these three single bastards.

But then I thought about it.

It seems that these three bastards are not single yet.

In the video, they found partners, which happened in the new world.

It's not the old world.

Now the new world It hasn't been created yet.

They want to be single.

Then they have to ask me if I am willing first. As long as I don't create a new world, they will never think of being single!

Thinking about it,

Kiryu Zhantu suddenly felt a little relieved.

Use I glanced at Ryuu Ryu and I and Ichikai Saruwatari with very subtle eyes.

Ichikai Saruwatari and Ryu Ryuu and I didn’t know why.

Suddenly they felt numb all over.

The two of them looked at Kiryu Sento at the same time.

I saw Kiryu Sento with evil intentions. Looking at themselves.

The two of them immediately had a premonition that Kiryu Zhantu was not holding something back.

"Zhan Rabbit, what do you want to do?"Wanzhang Longga asked weakly.

Kiryu Zhantu shook his head in denial:"No, I don't want to do anything."

However, the more Kiryu Zhantu acted like this, the more frightened the two of them became.

Saruwatari Kazumi said:"No, you must be doing something like this, to be honest! If you don't tell me, I feel uncomfortable in my heart"

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