deep city

19:38 pm.

A shop on a bustling street, inside the Jinliufu Gold Store.

Su Chen was listening to a female clerk introduce him to a pair of gold bracelets.

"Mr. Su, the weight of this pair of dragon and phoenix golden bracelets is exactly 200 grams. Do you think it meets your requirements?"

The female clerk was looking at Su Chen in front of her with curiosity and admiration and asked.

Su Chen looked at the pair of gold bracelets on the counter that had just been weighed, smiled and said, "Okay, wrap it up!"

"Then Mr. Su is cash or Weixin Zhifubao?"

The female clerk asked Su Chen with a smile.


Su Chen raised his phone and said.


Su Chen scanned the QR code with his mobile phone, paid almost 80,000 yuan with Zhifubao, and left under the curious eyes of all the female clerks in the Jinliufu Gold Store.

"Wow, this little big brother named Su Chen is so handsome. I don't know that the pair of gold bracelets he bought is going to be given to that girl. I am so envious of that girl!"

"You're a nympho, hurry up to work... But then again, he's really handsome!"

"At such a young age, he can spend almost 80,000 yuan on a pair of gold bracelets without blinking a single glance, and he is so handsome that he really wants to be his girlfriend!"

In the Jinliufu Gold Store, several good-looking female clerks looked at Su Chen's leaving back and said to each other.



"With these 200 grams of gold, the materials to activate the mysterious light brain are gathered!"

"When you get home later, you can try to activate the mysterious light brain!"

"I don't know what abilities the mysterious optical brain has when it is activated."

Su Chen, who walked out of the Jinliufu Gold Store, did not know that he had become the target of discussion among several little girls.

Instead, he looked at the gift wrapping bag he was holding with a 200-gram gold bracelet, and thought to himself.

Su Chen was originally an ordinary employee of a mining company in Shencheng.

But because he offended a new employee with a background, a senior executive of the company dismissed Su Chen directly on the grounds that there were problems with several of the orders Su Chen talked about.

After Su Chen lost her job, she wanted to quickly find a new job to make money.

However, it unexpectedly merged with a mysterious light brain of unknown origin.

However, this mysterious light brain has been in a state of being activated and repaired since Su Chen obtained it. It is useless except for being able to have a simple conversation with Su Chen.

Through some simple conversations, Su Chen learned that if you want to activate and repair the mysterious light brain, the first step is to need 200 grams of each of iron, aluminum, copper, silver, and gold.

This is why Su Chen spent almost all of his savings to buy 200 grams of gold.

And now.

To activate the five metals that repair the mysterious light brain, Su Chen has collected them all.

Just when you get home, give the five metals to the mysterious light brain to absorb at the same time, and then the mysterious light brain can be activated and repaired.

Jinliufu Gold Store is not far from where Su Chen lives.

After ten minutes.

Su Chen carried a gold bracelet worth about 80,000 yuan and came to the gate of Tianlan Community where he lived.

After swiping the card to enter the community, Su Chen went straight to his room.


Su Chen opened his door and entered the house.

Once inside the house.

Su Chen immediately closed the door and locked it.


Su Chen took out the 200-gram gold bracelet and placed it next to the four metals of iron, aluminum, copper, and silver that had been prepared for a long time. Five metals!"

The next moment, the cold voice of light and brain sounded in Su Chen's mind.

【Start to absorb iron, aluminum, copper, silver, gold at the same time! 】

Accompanied by a light-brained cold voice.

Su Chen saw a white light gushing out of his mind, covering the five metals he had prepared: iron, aluminum, copper, silver, and gold.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

The five metals of iron, aluminum, copper, silver, and gold covered by white light all disappeared.

Light Brain: [The absorption of iron, aluminum, copper, silver, and gold is completed, the light brain is successfully activated, and the light brain begins to repair! 】

[Hint: A total of 1000 grams of iron, aluminum, copper, silver, and gold produce too little energy, so only 1% of the progress of the optical brain is restored. The optical brain that repairs 1% of the progress currently only has 100 Click on the initial energy! 】

[Ding: Light Brain unlocks the first function: teleportation! 】

[Introduction to the teleportation function: wherever the host can see, it can be teleported instantly, but after the host uses the teleportation function, the light brain will consume energy points to provide a protection mechanism for the host to open the energy shield, as long as it is under the protection of the energy shield , the host is instantly teleported to any place within the sight of the eyes, and will not suffer a little damage! 】

[Hint: As long as the host prepares 2000 grams of iron, aluminum, copper, silver, and gold each, plus 200 grams of californium, the light brain can increase the repair progress to 2% and open new functions! 】

"The light brain has finally been activated, and a teleportation function has been unlocked!"

"And if you want to increase the repair progress of the optical brain to 2%, in addition to more iron, aluminum, copper, silver, and gold, you also need 200 grams of californium!"

"Although iron, aluminum, copper, silver, and gold all need 2,000 grams, as long as you have money, all these are easy to say, but californium is difficult to get."

"Although californium exists in nature, it seems that humans have not yet found ready-made in nature!"

"At present, all the californium elements in the world are artificially synthesized or extracted from uranium mines."

"And these synthetically extracted californiums are extremely expensive per gram. The most important thing is that you may not get them with money. It seems that you want to quickly increase the progress of optical brain repair to 2% and unlock new Function, the difficulty is not ordinary."

"Forget it, don't think about it for now, let's try the first function of the newly unlocked instant teleportation of the light brain!"

After listening to Guangnao's voice, Su Chen thought to himself.


Su Chen looked directly at the door of the room not far away, and secretly said in his heart, "Start the teleportation!"

[The transmission distance this time is 4 meters, the transmission environment is safe, and the energy consumption standard cannot be reached, start the transmission! 】

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