Su Chen here.

After listening to Zhang Zhongming's words, Su Chen determined that the other party had received moon soil, and it had been verified.


Su Chen didn't hesitate, and said directly: "My transaction method is very simple, you just need to find an area that is not currently open to the public, and put 200 california and a bank card with an amount of 500 million in that area. ."

"However, I need your assurance that there can't be any camera equipment or personnel within a five-kilometer radius of where you put things."

Su Chen's last sentence just gave everyone in the Academy an illusion.

Otherwise, it would be terrifying to directly take away the californium element and bank card out of thin air within the detection range of the other party.

"it is good!"

"We absolutely do what you say here!"

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, he heard Zhang Zhongming's assurance to him.

Then I heard Zhang Zhongming ask: "How can I contact you after we put the things away?"

When Su Chen heard the words, he informed Zhang Zhongming of his phone number in stealth mode.

After Zhang Zhongming wrote down the phone number, he cut off the call directly.

"Everything is in order, all that's left is to wait for 200 grams of californium elements and a bank card with 500 million!"

After cutting off the phone, Su Chen thought to himself.

"Take a shower first, then go have a late-night snack!"

"The Academy of Sciences will definitely not call me for a while!"

Su Chen lit up the screen of his mobile phone, seeing that it was past 8 o'clock in the evening, he was going to take a bath and have a late-night snack.

But right now.

Su Chen saw a new WeChat message notification pop up on his phone screen.

Unlock the phone screen.

Su Chen saw that it was the message sent by his beautiful landlord, Shang Rongyue.

Shang Rongyue: "Su Chen, I happen to be near where you live. Do you have time? Let's have a late-night snack together?"

Su Chen was just about to have a late night snack.

Plus it's time to pay this month's rent.

So Su Chen typed and replied: "Okay, I invite you, see you at the entrance of Xiangzhong Pavilion next to Tianhe Square in half an hour!"

Shang Rongyue replied to the new news in seconds: "Well, see you soon!"

Su Chen: "See you or leave!"

After the chat is over.

Su Chen's mind came up with how he and Shang Rongyue met.

More than half a year ago, when he was looking for a house to rent, he saw that Shang Rongyue was about to be hit by an out-of-control truck. 's fate.

Since then, he has known Shang Rongyue.

Thinking back on how she and Shang Rongyue met, Su Chen still has a feeling.

It seems that it was no accident that the out-of-control truck hit Shang Rongyue.

However, after the official finally concluded the case by accident, Su Chen stopped thinking too much about it.

"The time agreed with Shang Rongyue is tight, so let's wash up first!"

Su Chen recalled a little bit about how he and Shang Rongyue met.

Instead of thinking about it, he directly closed the energy shield.

Then he took a quick shower, changed into clean clothes, and went out and went downstairs to the meeting place he had arranged with Shang Rongyue.

Su Chen was not far from the meeting place agreed with Shang Rongyue.


Su Chen arrived at the door of Xiangzhong Pavilion as agreed with Shang Rongyue.

Xiangzhong Pavilion is a Hunan restaurant, but because of the taste of their cooking, it is very suitable for the public, and the price is affordable.

So there are a lot of people here every day.

Sometimes it is open all night.

Su Chen stood at the door of Xiangzhong Pavilion and looked at the time.

It was found that there were still about five minutes left before the appointment time with Shang Rongyue.

He took out the mobile phone from his pocket and set up a private room in Xiangzhong Pavilion while familiarizing himself with the new functions in the mobile phone.

A mobile phone transformed by the optical brain.

Although on the surface nothing has changed.

But Su Chen knew that a lot of changes had taken place inside the phone.

The mobile phone that has been transformed by the optical brain, in addition to having a normal mode and a stealth mode.

Su Chen also found that there is also an intrusion mode when making calls in stealth mode or sending messages to others.

The reason why Su Chen was able to hack into the printer of the Academy of Sciences was that he used the hacking mode when talking to Zhang Zhongming.

"Su Chen!"

Su Chen, who was getting familiar with the new phone, suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Follow the reputation.

Su Chen saw Shang Rongyue, who had perfect appearance and figure, got out of a Rolls-Royce commercial car, and walked towards her with a smile on her pretty face.

Shang Rongyue was wearing a long lavender dress today, with a little makeup on her beautiful face.

At this time, there were many people coming and going around Su Chen.

But when these people saw Shang Rongyue.

A look of astonishment appeared on each of their faces.

In particular, many of the male compatriots stared straight at them without saying a word. They were so amazed by Shang Rongyue that they froze in place, causing the female companions beside them to be unable to pull them away.

The female companion beside them was so angry that she slapped them with a backhand, and then looked at Shang Rongyue with a sour face, muttering in her mouth, not knowing what to say to the men beside them.

"long time no see."

Su Chen put the phone back in his pocket and greeted Shang Rongyue with a smile.

"It's been almost half a year since we last met, it's been a long time indeed!"

After Shang Rongyue walked to Su Chen's side, she thought for a while and said.

"I set a position above, let's go in and talk."

"If I don't go in, I'm afraid I will be killed by the eyes around me."

Su Chen smiled and motioned Shang Rongyue to look around and said.

Shang Rongyue heard the words and looked around.

Surprisingly, she found that almost everyone around her was looking at her and Su Chen.


"Let's go!"

Shang Rongyue shook her head helplessly, then took out a mask from her carry-on bag and put it on.


Su Chen took Shang Rongyue and entered the Xiangzhong Pavilion under the eyes of the people around him.


Su Chen took Shang Rongyue into the private room he had just ordered.

"Why did you have such a good date this time!"

"When I asked you out before, you always pushed and resisted!"

After entering the private room, Shang Rongyue took off her mask and asked Su Chen with a smile on her pretty face.


"I didn't push three or four before, I was really busy!"

"I'm just a wage earner, I either go to work or go to work every day!"

"If I hadn't been out of work recently, and you asked me out tonight, I would still have no time!"

Su Chen shook his head and said with a smile.

"Su Chen, I asked you tonight to talk to you about it."

"Come to our company to work!"

"My dad said that as long as you come, I will give you a position as department head!"

"In terms of salary, the monthly guarantee is 30,000 yuan, and the commission is calculated separately!"

Shang Rongyue put her bag aside, looking at Su Chen with a serious and expectant look on her pretty face.

She came this time because after learning that Su Chen was fired, she specially invited Su Chen to join their company.


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