I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 23 They Are There, There Is The Intelligence Center!

I saw the message from Shang Rongyue.

Su Chen immediately replied: "Are you in Yucheng now?"

Shang Rongyue replied in seconds: "Near Dennis in Yucheng."

Su Chen: "That's not too far from me, I'm in a cultural park."

Su Chen: "You may not believe it when I say it. As soon as I got home, I was arranged to believe it by my mother. /Laughing with tears in my face/"

Immediately after.

Su Chen sent Shang Rongyue his own positioning, and the positioning was accurate to within 50 meters.

Shang Rongyue: "Have you met your blind date? /Gossip emoji/"

Su Chen: "I just arrived, I haven't seen that yet. I guess I'll see a few in turn later. I think this is what this is all about. /smiling expression/"

Shang Rongyue: "Is there a favorite object at the scene? /Gossip emoji/"

Su Chen: "No... I don't really like getting to know the opposite sex in this way."

Su Chen: "Let's not talk about this, why don't you come and help me out of the siege, if you come, I just have an excuse to leave!"

Shang Rongyue: "No problem, I'll be there in a minute! /Slap the chest to ensure the expression/"

So far.

Chat is over.

"Finished talking?"

When Chen Huilan saw that Su Chen put away her phone, she immediately asked.

"Well, a friend of mine said he wants to come over, and it won't be long!"

"So I won't participate in this event for now!"

Su Chen picked up Nuo Nuo and said to Chen Huilan with a smile.

"You kid, didn't you just find an excuse to lie to me?"

Chen Huilan looked at Su Chen with a vigilant look.

"it is true."

"We'll sit there and wait for a while, my friend will be here soon."

Su Chen picked up Nuo Nuo who was looking around, pointed to the stool not far away and said.

"Your friend's boy or girl?"

Chen Huilan asked with anticipation and curiosity on her face.


Su Chen said casually.


Chen Huilan asked tentatively.

"No, friends of the opposite sex who have a good relationship..."

Su Chen smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, listen to you, you can skip this activity for now!"

"But if I find out later that you lied to me, then you and I will come here every day for the next week to participate in blind dates!"

Chen Huilan temporarily let Su Chen go, but gave Su Chen a more serious warning.

Several neighborhoods around.

She is about the same age as Su Chen, and has been married and had children one after another.

Chen Huilan was anxious when she saw it.

So as soon as I saw Su Chen came back, I immediately arranged for Su Chen to come here for a blind date.

As for the many harsh conditions of blind date.

In Chen Huilan's view, as long as the blind date meets the right one, various conditions can be slowly found.

"Okay, you have the final say!"

"But if I didn't lie to you, in the next week, or even when I'm at home, don't ask me to participate in this kind of activity."

Su Chen listened to Chen Huilan's warning, walked to the stool with Nuo Nuo in his arms, sat down and said with a smile.

Anyway, Shang Rongyue will come after a while.

As long as Shang Rongyue came, everything was solved.

"You kid..."

"Okay, okay, Mommy listen to you!"

Chen Huilan nodded helplessly and said.

Since Su Chen didn't like this kind of blind date so much, she felt that she didn't need to be too reluctant.

Just as Su Chen and Chen Huilan were talking.

Su Chen saw three familiar middle-aged women in the same community, with three little girls, walking towards this side.

"Hui Lan, this is Su Chen coming back?"

One of them looked at Su Chen and said hello to Chen Huilan.

"Well, just got back today!"

Chen Huilan said with an unnatural expression.

As soon as she brought Su Chen on a blind date, she was caught by several women in the community who love gossip, which made Chen Huilan a little embarrassed.

When the three middle-aged women heard this, they all looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen gave them a slight smile and nodded as a greeting.

Su Chen had a very bad impression of the three middle-aged women around him at this time.

Because these three middle-aged women are the people in their community who love to be short-sighted, show off themselves the most, and make fun of others because of yin and yang.

It can be said that when these three middle-aged women appeared there, there was a small intelligence center.

Because as long as there is something going on in the community, these three middle-aged women know about it.

It won't take a moment for the entire community, as well as several nearby communities, to know all about it.

So Su Chen had a bad impression of these three middle-aged women.

"I haven't seen you for over a year, Su Chen has lost a lot of weight!"

"Su Chen, I heard from your parents that you work in a large mining company in Shencheng. You must have made a lot of money this year, right? Are you coming back to buy a new house and get married?"

"You should be around twenty-three this year, right? When my child was your age, I was already married and had children!"

Three middle-aged women began their talent for gossip and hurting others.

And the children who followed them invited Nuonuo to play games with them.

The world of adults is complicated, but the world of children is simple.

Although Su Chen had a bad impression of the three middle-aged women around him.

But seeing their granddaughter, they all looked at themselves expectantly and invited Nuo Nuo to play.

Su Chen smiled and let go of Nuo Nuo's hand, and said to Nuo Nuo and the three little girls, "Be careful when you play, don't knock!"

"Good big big brother!"

The three little girls said with a happy smile.

Then they took Nuo Nuo and went to play the game that their little girl liked to play.

"It's okay for more than a year, I made some money!"

"I do have plans to buy a house, but I have no intention of getting married yet!"

Su Chen looked at Nuo Nuo, who was playing with the children not far away, and said to the three middle-aged women around him in a casual tone.

When the three middle-aged women heard this, they looked at each other immediately, then they all found a seat beside them and sat down and said:

"No plans to get married? It seems that we haven't talked about a partner yet. You are here to find someone, right? Do you want Aunt to introduce you to one?"

"You generation, there are more men than women, you have to hurry up to find someone, otherwise it will become more and more difficult to find."

"Actually, it's not hard to find. My family Xiaopeng, as you all know, is two years younger than Su Chen. Now my girlfriend has been talking to me for five or six years, but it makes me sad. Sometimes I think, he If I can be like Su Chen, it would be great to earn a few years of money by working peacefully for a few years."

The three middle-aged women looked at Su Chen and said at a loss.

"Sister Chen, Sister Zhang, Sister Sun, Su Chen just came back from Shencheng and is waiting for his friend right now!"

"If you want someone to talk to, just tell me!"

Chen Huilan's face was a little unsightly, and she opened her mouth to help Su Chen.

The three middle-aged women looked at each other in disbelief after hearing Chen Huilan's words.

Obviously, they all felt that Chen Huilan was helping Su Chen and deliberately said that she was waiting for her friends here.

Because in their opinion, the young people who can come here are basically for a blind date, and who has nothing to come here to wait for friends.

"Su Chen!"

Right now.

The three middle-aged women suddenly heard a clear and pleasant voice from nearby.

Just listen to the sound.

The three middle-aged women felt that the owner of the voice must be a very beautiful girl.

Then they all looked for fame.

I saw it, not far away.

A tall, fair-skinned girl wearing a black mask, wearing a white T-shirt on the upper body and denim shorts on the lower body, showing her perfect body incisively and vividly, is walking towards this side.

"Rong Yue, it's coming so soon!"

Su Chen looked at the approaching face, and just relying on his posture, he surprised the three middle-aged women around him who liked to gossip and hurt others, and Shang Rongyue, who was so amazed that he was speechless, got up from the stool and said with a smile.


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