"Light Brain, activate the planetary navigation map!"

Su Chen instructed Guangnao.

next moment.

The realistic and illusory solar system planetary navigation map appeared in Su Chen's field of vision.

"Search query planets containing helium-3!"

Su Chen used the search query of the planetary navigation map.


Dozens of planets of different colors began to be arranged from top to bottom, according to the amount of helium-3 contained.

Even Su Chen saw the existence of the moon among these planets.

However, these planets containing helium-3, the helium-3 on them is the same as the helium-3 on the moon, which is fused into the soil or rocks of the planet.

Among them, the first place is the solar system He-3A1 star.

"Light Brain, can you directly absorb the helium-3 on this?"

Su Chen looked at the rows of planets in the order of the number of helium-3 in front of him, and asked Optical Brain.

Light Brain: [Back to the host, the current repair progress of Light Brain is too low, and the function of extracting energy has not been unlocked, so the helium-3 on these planets cannot be directly absorbed by Light Brain. 】

[Optical Brain currently directly absorbs the extracted pure helium-3! 】

"it is as expected!"

"Looks like this road won't work!"

After listening to Guangnao's answer, Su Chen shook his head and said to himself.


Su Chen searched for planets containing californium again.

The result is the same.

Although there are many planets containing californium, the californium on those planets is all fused with other substances and cannot be directly absorbed by the light brain.

Since they go directly to other planets, it is impossible for the optical brain to absorb helium-3 or californium.

Su Chen doesn't waste time on this.

Instead, I plan to trade with the Academy of Sciences in two days.

Helium-3 and californium were obtained from the Academy of Sciences.

As for what to do with the Academy of Sciences, Su Chen decided to observe for two days.

With a plan in mind, Su Chen stopped thinking too much about it.

Pick up the phone and check the time.

Su Chen found out that it was already early morning.

Go straight to bed.


And while Su Chen was sleeping.

In the port of Guangshen, which is thousands of kilometers away from Yucheng, many military figures have appeared one after another.


Several military helicopters also appeared in the air at the port of Guangzhou.


A cargo ship that had just arrived at the port of Guangzhou was taken over by the military who had long been waiting here.

As for the people on the cargo ship, they were invited by the military to get off the ship, and they were given accommodation, served them with delicious food, and gave them a time to return the ship.

The crew on the cargo ship naturally had no objection.

Anyway, they have already collected the money for running the boat, and they can't get it if they can finish work early and take a little more rest.

that's it.

The cargo ship transporting palladium did not stop when it arrived at the port of Guangzhou, and headed directly towards the port of Shencheng.

more than an hour later.

The cargo ship arrived at Shencheng Port under the escort of the military.

On the other hand, Zhang Fangwen and Shang Weiguo, with the staff of Shencheng Mining Bureau and some staff of Qingshan Group, waited here early.

at this time.

Zhang Fangwen and Shang Weiguo watched the cargo ship arrive.

They immediately proceeded in an orderly manner and instructed their subordinates to hand over the goods.


The relevant personnel reported the data to Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen.

The cargo ship was indeed all palladium and weighed not badly at 37 tons.

After Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen got the news, they all looked at each other immediately, and then laughed heartily.


the next day

Su Chen slept until he woke up naturally.

I opened my eyes, picked up my phone and looked at it, and found that it was almost half past nine in the morning.


Su Chen also saw a new message.

The news was sent by Zhang Fangwen.

The content of the message is that all the palladium has been verified, and Su Chen is asked to provide him with a bank account.

In a maximum of three days, 37 tons of palladium totaling 1.85 billion funds will be deposited into the bank account provided by Su Chen.

After reading the news, Su Chen directly provided Zhang Fangwen with his overseas anonymous head account, and then went out to wash up.

Open the bedroom door.

Su Chen found out that his parents, mother and sister Su Ting went to work early.

Nuonuo also went to kindergarten early.

"I turned out to be the laziest in the family."

Su Chen smiled and shook his head.


Su Chen took a shower and started to warm up the meals the family had kept for him in the refrigerator.

Meals are cooked quickly.

Su Chen swiped Douyin on his phone while eating.


Su Chen swiped a piece of news related to Qingshan Group

And the news is extremely hot.

The number of likes has exceeded one million, and the number of comments and replies has exceeded 300,000.

Bashu Observation: [Suddenly, the demon nickel strikes: Affected by the Goose-Wu war, the opening price of rare earth metal nickel in the CBOT Chicago futures market today surged 500% compared to yesterday, and the price of nickel per ton increased from 20,000 meters to 20,000 meters. Yuan, once soared to 100,000 yuan, reaching the highest price in history. my country's Shencheng Qingshan Group, as the world's largest nickel processing factory, will it become a world-class enterprise because of this, its market value has skyrocketed? 】

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