I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 35 Big-Ticket Transactions, S-Level Encryption!

"I don't know how much I can get?"

Zhang Zhongming calmed down and asked.

"Minimum 300,000 tons of electrolytic nickel!"

Su Chen said in a casual tone.

"How many?"

"Minimum 300,000 tons?"

"I heard that right!!"

When Zhang Zhongming heard this number, everyone went numb.

Song Lao, Shang Weiguo, and Zhang Fangwen were not that much better.

Just now, 200,000 tons of electrolytic nickel made them worry to death.

And now.

Su Chen's opening is a minimum of 300,000 tons of electrolytic nickel.

This made Zhang Zhongming and the others feel that they had suddenly gone from hell to heaven.

That feeling, like a warm current rushing from the tailbone to the top of the head, is so cool!

"You heard that right, a minimum of 300,000 tons of electrolytic nickel!"

Su Chen said.

Hear Su Chen's affirmative answer.

Zhang Zhongming's heart was completely put into his stomach.

Since it is in stock, it is also directly electrolytic nickel.

Then all that's left is to negotiate the price.


Zhang Zhongming asked Su Chen: "I wonder how many patriotic people who are in contact with you, how much per ton do they want to trade electrolytic nickel with us?"

Su Chen asked back, "How much can you give?"

Hear Su Chen's rhetorical question.

Zhang Zhongming immediately looked at Shang Weiguo and Song Lao.

Shang Weiguo, Song Lao, and Zhang Fangwen were all lost in thought at this time.

After all, this thing can't be sloppy.

They all know about nickel.

Under normal circumstances, the international price of electrolytic nickel is about 20,000 meters.

For example, the 200,000 tons of electrolytic nickel that Tsingshan Group now owes is all about 20,000 yuan per ton.

As long as Tsingshan Group delivers 200,000 tons of electrolytic nickel as agreed, then according to the futures contract between buyers and sellers, Tsingshan Group can receive an amount of 200,000 times 20,000 meters, which is 4 billion meters, which is equivalent to 280 yuan in Xia national currency. billion or so.

But the crux of the problem is that if the current Tsingshan Group cannot deliver the goods as agreed, then the compensation will be made according to the current nickel price of 100,000 meters per ton.

That is 100,000 times 200,000, the total price is 20 billion meters of gold, equivalent to 140 billion Xia national currency!

So between deliverables and not deliverables, the price is a full five times wrong!

thought for a moment.

Shang Weiguo motioned Zhang Zhongming to turn on the speakerphone, and then said, "Su Chen, Uncle Shang will give you a lower price. The price I can give at the moment is 50,000 yuan per ton, and I can only ask for 200,000 tons. Nickel, I can't afford any more!"

"I don't know if the patriots who contacted you can accept this price!"

50,000 yuan per ton, 10 billion yuan to buy 200,000 tons, which is 70 billion yuan when converted into Xia national currency!

When Shang Weiguo came, it was already the highest price he could offer.

And at this price, he still needs to sell a house and a car to make up.

However, as long as the final delivery can be made and the Qingshan Group is kept, Shang Weiguo is willing to start all over again!

As long as the Qingshan Group is still there, he will still have the day to turn over!

Song Lao, Zhang Zhongming and Zhang Fangwen couldn't help but admire Shang Weiguo secretly when they saw the decision made by Shang Weiguo.

This kind of thought of giving up everything to keep the Qingshan Group moved them very much.

Even Song Lao has decided to go back and apply for some funds to inject into the Qingshan Group.

This will not only help Tsingshan Group to tide over the difficulties, but also make Tsingshan Group a semi-state-owned enterprise!

Just a few people in Song Lao.

When I secretly admired Shang Weiguo's decision.

Su Chen said, "Uncle Shang, have you ever thought about breaking the current situation in a different way?"

"Since the other party can short the Qingshan Group, why can't we turn around and short the opponent?"

short the opponent?

Su Chen's two words instantly shocked Shang Weiguo and the others.

Then they began to think about the feasibility of Su Chen's words.


They came to a conclusion.

Su Chen's method works.

Since the opponent can short Tsingshan Group, it is certain that Tsingshan Group will not be able to hand over nickel.

That can also be reversed by taking out more nickel and letting rivals buy it at the current high price.

One to two, as long as the operation is good.

Tsingshan Group will not only have no losses, but also make a profit of at least 10 billion yuan!

"Su Chen, just explain the trading ideas of you and the patriots behind you!"

"Uncle Shang listens to you all!"

Shang Weiguo's face was full of radiance at this time.

Song Lao and several others remained silent, agreeing with Shang Weiguo's decision.

"Our trading idea is simple!"

"The minimum 300,000 tons of electrolytic nickel remains unchanged, and no penny is taken, but there are two conditions below!"

"First: After the nickel is handed over to you, no matter how you work in the end, our side will get half of the profit!"

"Second: someone on our side needs you to provide 300 grams of californium and 300 grams of helium-3 for free."

Su Chen shared his thoughts with Shang Weiguo and others.

The total value of 300 grams of californium and 300 grams of helium-3 is around 57 billion.

As long as you get these things, the repair progress of the light brain can be increased to 3%!

Just this one, Su Chen made a lot of money.

Not to mention the subsequent half of the profit dividend!


Shang Weiguo here.

After listening to Su Chen's trading ideas.

Shang Weiguo immediately wanted to agree immediately.

After all, Su Chen's trading idea is too friendly to him and his Qingshan Group. Not only does it not have the slightest burden, but it can also make a lot of money in the end!

But when Shang Weiguo thought of it.

After he needed to provide 300 grams of californium and helium-3 for free, he suppressed his eagerness to agree to Su Chen, and looked at Zhang Zhongming expectantly.

After all, californium and helium-3 are currently only available in the Academy of Sciences in China.

"Okay, we promise you this trading idea!"

Zhang Zhongming felt Shang Weiguo's gaze, as well as Song Lao and Zhang Fangwen's gaze, and immediately said to Su Chen.

Californium is expensive.

But it can be extracted slowly.

Helium-3, although rare, can also be slowly extracted.

Only the Qingshan Group's affairs cannot be delayed at present.

And the Academy of Sciences will not do anything in vain.

After the nickel finally made a profit, Zhang Zhongming believed that the Shangwei Council would give them the due compensation of the Academy of Sciences.

"Thank you, Elder Zhang!"

Shang Weiguo saw that Zhang Zhongming agreed, and immediately thanked Shang Weiguo!

"Thank you for your effort!"

"In the future, manage the Qingshan Group well and make more contributions to our Xia Kingdom!"

Zhang Zhongming said.

Song Lao also nodded in agreement.

"That being the case, our deal is done!"

"I will contact those patriots overseas later, and strive to deliver a minimum of 300,000 tons of nickel to our country within five days!"

Su Chen saw that things were in order, and his heart was filled with joy.

Because the progress of improving the repair of the light brain is just around the corner!


"Thank you to those patriots overseas on my behalf!"

"I, Shang Weiguo, will remember this kindness for the rest of my life!"

Shang Weiguo said.

"Say hello to them and thank them for me too!"

Song Lao and Zhang Zhongming also spoke.

"I also say hello to them and thank them!"

Zhang Fangwen also said.

"Okay, I'll pass it on!"

Su Chen replied with a smile.


Su Chen, Song Lao, and Shang Weiguo chatted a few more times.

Both parties are satisfied and hang up the phone.

And the phone just hung up.

Song Lao immediately made a call in front of Zhang Zhongming, Shang Weiguo and Zhang Fangwen.


The call is connected.

Song Lao directly instructed the other side of the phone: "List Su Chen as an S-level encrypted figure, this will allow us to keep in touch with the group of patriotic people overseas with great powers, we must encrypt their information!"

"Also, Su Chen's father and mother, and sister, I want to see the news that they have been promoted to three levels within one day. As for the reasons for the promotion, you can think for yourself!"


Song Lao directly hung up the phone under the stunned eyes of Shang Weiguo, Zhang Fangwen and Zhang Zhongming.


Thanks: 14788., skeleton vanguard, 19986, sea rage, one person for three meals in four seasons, palace eunuch fighting at night, soaring into the sky, extremely big monthly ticket, thank you!

Thanks: boss (^~^) for the 1000 reward, kowtow and thank you, I can buy a decent meal to eat.

Thanks: 咻咻咻~~~, three meals for one person in the four seasons, I am super sweet, the 588 reward of the three big guys can let me eat a decent meal again, thank you!

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