"I've pulled a kilogram of moon soil so quickly..."

Su Chen heard the prompt sound of Guangnao, and immediately stopped pulling the moon soil with his hands.

Then I called up the energy point of the light brain and looked at it, and found that there were still 75 points of energy.

"The energy of the light brain still has 75 points."

"That is to say, from the time I teleported here to look at the surrounding environment, plus the time to dig the moon soil, 25 seconds have passed."

"The remaining 75 points of light brain energy, if used well, is enough for me to go back and forth between the earth and the moon about three times."

Su Chen looked at the light brain with 75 points of energy remaining, and secretly said in his heart.


Su Chen directly instructed Guangnao: "Guangnao, activate the instant teleportation function, target, the teleportation coordinates set on the earth!"

Light Brain: [The distance of this transmission is about 390,325 kilometers, and the transmission environment is safe. 】

【Start sending! 】

[The transmission is over, the destination has been reached, and the total time taken is one ten-thousandth of a second! 】

Accompanied by a light-brained cold voice.

Su Chen only felt the flowers before his eyes, and then found himself back in a very familiar room.

No extra action.

Su Chen showed that he put the plastic bag with moon soil in the lockbox in the room.

Then start thinking about a problem.

That is lunar radiation!

Su Chen, who has been with the mining company for several months.

Although it is known that the radiation of the moon soil is extremely slight, even if no measures are taken, it will not cause harm to the surrounding environment and creatures on the earth.

But just to be safe.

Su Chen still asked Guangnao: "Guangnao, check the moon soil I brought back. If you just put it here, will it cause radiation damage to the surrounding environment and creatures!"

Light Brain: [Please rest assured, the host, although the moon soil has extremely slight radiation, it will not cause any radiation and damage to the environment and creatures around the host. Unless someone eats it directly, it may cause fatal damage. . 】

After listening to Guangnao's answer, Su Chen was completely relieved.

But to be on the safe side.

Su Chen continued to ask Guangnao: "Is there any way to isolate the moon soil I brought back without radiation?"

Light Brain: [The host only needs to consume 1 point of light brain energy to build an energy shield that lasts 24 hours and can only be seen by the host itself. Under the protection of the energy shield, the moon soil Does not leak a shred of radiation. 】

[And under the protection of the energy shield, without the consent of the host, no one can break the energy shield and touch the password box containing the moon soil without relying on heavy gunpowder weapons. 】

[Does the host consume 1 point of light brain energy and use the energy shield to cover the password box containing the moon soil? 】

"Consume 1 point of light brain energy to cover and protect the password box!"

After Su Chen listened to the method given by Guangnao, he chose to consume 1 point of Guangnao energy without saying a word, and covered the password box containing the moon soil with an energy shield.

[Consume 1 point of light brain energy to successfully provide energy shield for the password box containing the moon soil. 】

An ice-cold voice sounded in Su Chen's mind.

Hear the cold voice in his head.

Su Chen saw that a transparent energy shield appeared around the password box containing the moon soil.

After seeing the password box containing the moon soil, it was covered and protected by the energy shield.

Su Chen was completely relieved.

Then Su Chen picked up another plastic bag and went back to the window, looking at the moon in the night sky to start the second teleportation.

Su Chen: "Light Brain, turn on teleportation, and target the moon in my eyes!"

Light Brain: [The distance of this transmission is about 406,236 kilometers. 】

[Ding: Warning, the living environment at the location of the teleportation is detected, which is extremely bad for the host. After the teleportation starts, the light brain will consume 5 energy points per second to provide the host with an energy shield, and carry out an all-round and no dead angle for the host. Protect! 】

【Transmission is on! 】

[The transfer is over, the host's target location, the moon, has been reached, and the total time taken is ten thousandths of a second! 】

[The current host environment temperature is: -248 degrees]

[The oxygen content of the current host environment: zero. 】

[The gravity of the current host's environment is: one-sixth of that on Earth. 】

[The current light brain still has 70 energy points left! 】

[In order to protect the safety of the host, after the energy point is lower than 10 points, the light brain will directly transmit the host back to the teleportation coordinates set on the earth! 】

Accompanied by a light-brained cold voice.

Su Chen found himself in an extremely dark and gloomy environment.

If it is not for the energy shield to provide lighting for itself, it will illuminate the environment within one meter of the whole body.

And Su Chen's feet were really on the ground.

Su Chen felt that the moment he teleported here, he would be startled by the dark environment around him.

Because the one-meter lighting environment provided by the energy shield is extremely dark, let alone five fingers.

Su Chen felt that even with a strong flashlight, the lighting distance was estimated to be no more than 20 cm, and the light would be consumed by the endless darkness.

The surrounding environment gave Su Chen the intuitive feeling that it was like being in a black hole of absolute darkness.

"I'll go, I'm randomly teleporting to that place on the moon this time!"

"The surrounding environment is completely dark, and the temperature is as low as a terrifying minus 248 degrees."

"This temperature is 273.15 degrees from the current known absolute zero, which is only less than 26 degrees higher!!!"

"In this extremely terrifying low-temperature dark environment, the energy shield protection provided by the light brain actually consumes 5 energy points per second!"

Su Chen looked at the pitch-dark environment around him, and the 5 energy points that had been reduced all of a sudden, secretly said inwardly.

The flesh hurts the flesh hurts.

However, Su Chen also understood one thing through these two transmissions.

That is the position where he teleports to the moon every time, probably because of the rotation of the earth or the autobiography of the moon, the transmission is random.

"It seems that if you want to teleport to a fixed location on the moon, you can only set a teleportation coordinate similar to the earth on the moon!"

"And the light brain can only set one teleportation coordinate when it only repairs one percent of the cases."

"If you want to increase the number of transmitted coordinates, you can only wait for the progress of optical brain repair to reach 2%!"

Su Chen looked at the surrounding environment that seemed to be in a black hole, and whispered softly.

"Forget it, don't think about these, Guangnao wants to improve the repair progress, and needs the element of californium. At present, it is impossible for me to get the element of californium!"

"Let's dig moon soil first!"

"The moon soil in this place should be somewhat different from the moon soil dug just now."

"After all, they're in different regions."

Su Chen sighed with emotion, then put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, and looked around within one meter of the surrounding area.

On the lunar surface visible within one meter, in addition to the lunar soil, there are several lunar rocks of different sizes.

Look around at the moon rocks of different sizes.

Su Chen's eyes quickly locked on one of the pieces the size of an adult's fists, and then bent over to pick it up.


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