I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 61 Su Chen's words, the high-speed rail airport is home!

"Dr. Gu, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you!

"The prescription of this new anti-cancer drug for blood cancer is still in the research stage, and my overseas friend will not sell it!"

"And even if the prescription is sold to you now, your equipment will not be able to produce the unique effect of this special medicine!

"But I can assure you that when my overseas friend has a mature prescription for this blood cancer medicine and can be mass-produced with ordinary pharmaceutical equipment, I will persuade him to let him sell the prescription to the Academy of Sciences. !

Although Su Chen understands Gu Yanbing's thoughts, she wants to benefit domestic blood cancer patients.

But he rejected Gu Yanbing's proposal.

But in the end, Su Chen also gave Gu Yanbing hope that the Academy of Sciences could buy new blood cancer anticancer drugs.

The reason why Su Chen answered Gu Yanbing like this.

the reason is simple.

That is Su Chen is very clear.

Only through the manufacturing function of the mysterious light brain, the imatinib and nilotinib produced have the current efficacy.

Because of their performance and quality, the overall rise was 8%.

Never underestimate the 8%.

Sometimes, a difference of 0.1% in efficacy can cause completely different results.

Not to mention an 8% increase in efficacy.

"Okay, then our Academy of Sciences will wait for that day to come!"

"If that day does come, I think all the blood cancer patients in the Xia Kingdom will remember your name, Mr. Su! 99

After Gu Yanbing heard Su Chen's words, her cold tone was full of expectations.

Although Gu Yanbing and Su Chen didn't get along a few times.

But Gu Yanbing completely believed from the bottom of his heart that what Su Chen said was true.

As for why this happens.

Gu Yanbing was also very puzzled.

She just felt that she really believed in this man Su Chen!

"It doesn't matter if you remember me or not! 35

"As long as I can benefit the public, I am also very happy! 35

Su Chen said with a smile.


Su Chen chatted with Gu Yanbing again, and it was convenient for both of them to end the call.

After hanging up the phone.

Su Chen brushed Douyin to quickly wipe out the food.

Then I used my mobile phone to book a high-speed rail ticket back to Yucheng.

Been away from home for several days.

Su Chen has some thoughts about Nuo Nuo, and his parents, mother and sister.

When Su Chen had no money in the past, Su Chen was busy with work and socializing all day, so he buried the thoughts of his family in the bottom of his heart.

But now Su Chen has achieved financial freedom.

18 Naturally, it will not be the same as before, in order to make money, I will bury my thoughts about my family in my heart, and then I will not go home for a long time.


Just when Su Chen used his mobile phone to book a high-speed rail ticket.

A familiar person called.

The person who called was Song Lao from the State Reserve Bureau.

Su Chen thought about it for a while, and knew that Song Lao must be asking himself about the electrolytic nickel dividend fund.

It happened that Su Chen wanted to chat with people in the country because he wanted to create a controlled nuclear fusion thing.

And Song Lao is obviously a very suitable person.

So, Su Chen didn't say a word, and immediately connected to Song Lao's phone.

"Su Chen, those patriots behind you, their electrolytic nickel dividend this time, just called you from the finance department, did you receive it?!

As soon as the call was connected, Song Lao's familiar voice came.


Su Chen said.

"Okay, just get it!"

Song Laohe laughed twice, and then said again: "By the way, the dawn operation has been a complete success, we have received what you said!"

"Thank you again to the patriots behind you, especially the pawns, for me!"

Su Chen moved his swollen limbs when he heard the words, and then said: "Okay, I will convey it to you!

At this time, Su Chen was thinking, if Song Lao knew that it was him who gave them gifts, I'm afraid the soul would be scared directly...


Su Chen will definitely not reveal the news.

Just some nasty thoughts.

Song Lao on the other end of the phone didn't know what Su Chen was thinking at this time.

Instead, he still had infinite admiration and gratitude for the patriots behind Su Chen, as well as the pawns, and said to Su Chen: "After this dawn operation, our Xiahui has ushered in an earth-shaking change in technology in a very short period of time. Variety!"

"And all this, except for those overseas patriots, the rest of the credit is yours!""

"If it wasn't for you in the middle, as our liaison with those patriots overseas, we wouldn't have access to those things right now!

"So just not long ago, the Academy of Sciences has listed you as one of their academicians!

"You are now the youngest academician in the history of our Xia Kingdom!"

"However, because the gifts sent by the soldiers are currently top-secret files, your name cannot be announced to the public for the time being, nor can it appear on the academician wall of the Academy of Sciences, but you can rest assured that the rights you enjoy now are equal to those of academicians. !

"In the future, you can freely enter and leave the Academy of Sciences, and apply for free resources from the Academy of Sciences that match your academician status!"

"I'm saying this, I hope you understand!

Su Chen smiled and said, "Understood!

Events listed in top-secret archives will only surface on the day they are announced.

Otherwise, it is not a top secret file.

For these, Su Chen naturally understands!

"You boy, you are so adorable!

Song Lao saw that Su Chen didn't care at all, just having a false academician title, suddenly felt a lot of guilt towards Su Chen in his heart.

"Hehe, it's all for the country! 35

"Actually, whether you give me the title of academician or not, my patriotism will never change!"

Su Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Song Lao laughed suddenly, obviously he liked what Su Chen said to him.

Then Song Lao said again: "Ren Lao still doesn't know about Operation Dawn. When he knows, you may also become the youngest senior president in Huawei's history!"

When Su Chen heard it, he immediately understood what Song Lao meant.

Once Huawei has a lithography machine, it can get rid of the US sanctions on his chips.

At that time, he, the intermediary who led the dawn operation, will definitely be rewarded by Warwick.

As for the senior president, it should be what Mr. Ren mentioned to Mr. Song in private.

However, at this time, Su Chen didn't have much interest in senior executives.

Now Su Chen, I just want to quickly get controllable nuclear fusion out.


Su Chen sorted out his thoughts and said to Song Lao: "Song Lao, discuss something with you!

Song Lao heard that Su Chen's tone was very serious, so he said solemnly: "You said, as long as it's your business, no need to discuss, we will handle it directly!

When Su Chen heard the words, he knew that Song Lao must have thought that he had encountered some difficulties.

However, Su Chen's reaction to Song Lao still felt very warm.

There is no need to discuss anything, just handle it directly. This already shows that in the hearts of Song Lao and others, the weight is extremely exaggerated.

"I want to circle a piece of land around Yucheng!

Su Chen spoke out his inner thoughts.

"I thought it was something, but it turned out to be just a piece of land!

"Tell me how big you want to be, and what you're going to do, I'll go back and say hello to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I'll send you the land directly!

Song Laohe said with a smile.

"Song Lao, the land I want to enclose is not a small piece..."

Su Chen listened to Song Lao's praise of Haikou and said with a smile.

"Not a small piece?"

"How big is that?"

Song Lao was puzzled.

"Minimum 10 square kilometers to start! 35

Su Chen said.

How many?

10 square kilometers!!

When Song Lao heard this, he immediately doubted whether he heard it wrong.

After all, 10 square kilometers is almost one-fifth the size of an ordinary county.

Song Lao was stunned at the moment.

He really doesn't understand what Su Chen is doing in such a large area.

But soon.

Song Lao adjusted his mentality, and then asked Su Chen: "What are you doing in such a large area? 99

Su Chen said: “My friends overseas, they have recently theoretically realized an epoch-making new technology.35

"Once this epoch-making technology succeeds, it will benefit the people of a country, so they entrusted me to establish a science and technology research base in the country to study the new technology that they have already succeeded in theory! 39

Su Chen made an excuse that he had long thought of.

Theoretically, realize the epoch-making new technology?

And if it succeeds, will it benefit the people of a country?

What technology is this?

It actually sounds thousands of times more powerful than the lithography machine and the ghost bomber!

Song Lao felt that his brain capacity was not enough.

"What are you talking about, the theoretically realized new technology?"

Song Lao asked in a solemn tone.

"Controlled nuclear fusion!

Su Chen said truthfully.

"Controlled nuclear fusion? 35

Song Lao was shocked when he heard the words, and instantly understood why Su Chen said that once the new technology is successfully researched, it can benefit the people of a country.

Although Song Lao is the head of the State Reserve Bureau, he does not know much about science and technology.

But the thing about controllable nuclear fusion, he is like thunder.

Because many countries around the world are trying their best to master nuclear fusion.

Once a certain country takes the lead in mastering nuclear fusion, it will then be applied to various fields.

Then this country will undoubtedly be number one in the world!

"That's right, it's controlled nuclear fusion!

Su Chen said with certainty to Song Lao.

After finishing speaking, Su Chen said again: "In addition, the dividends of the electrolytic nickel you just called me, those patriots overseas have entrusted me to take out 100 billion of them and put them all into the controllable nuclear fusion. Research above! 95

Oh my God!

I really heard that right, it's really controlled nuclear fusion!

And directly put out 100 billion for investment!

Those patriots overseas are really magic tricks. They have theoretically achieved the controllable nuclear fusion that has plagued many countries around the world!

After confirming that he heard correctly, Elder Song took a deep breath.

Then he immediately understood that what Su Chen said was of great importance and he could no longer solve it.

Immediately, Song Lao said to Su Chen: "Su Chen, I will ask the above about this matter. If there is no accident, if you want to encircle the land, I will give it to you for free!"

"However, controllable nuclear fusion is of great importance, and I think the above will definitely invest, can you understand this?'""

Su Chen said: "Understand!"

Song Laodao said, "Well, wait a moment for me, and I'll call and ask the above!"

When the voice fell, Song Lao hung up the phone.

Xia State Department of State, a certain office.

Old Man Lu and several other old men were still dealing with the work they were doing.


This is, the phone rang suddenly.

Elder Lu directly picked up the access channel: "What's the matter with that department?"

Song Lao, who was far away in the desert on the border of the Xia Kingdom, heard Lu Lao's voice and immediately said: "Lao Lu, that child Su Chen, brought us another big surprise!"

When Lu Lao heard this, he immediately put down all the work he was doing, and asked with a smile on his face, "What surprise?"

Several old people around Lu Lao also all put down their work at this time and listened quietly.

Because just last night, Su Chen just brought them a big surprise.

It was only one night later that it brought another big surprise.

This made Lu Lao and the others have to pay attention!

"The child of Su Chen said that those patriots overseas have achieved controlled nuclear fusion in theory!

"Now they fully entrust Su Chen to build a 10-square-kilometer land in Yucheng District, and then directly invest 100 billion to establish a controllable nuclear fusion research base!99

Song Lao simply and quickly told Lu Lao what Su Chen said.


Has Controlled Nuclear Fusion Succeeded in Theory?

And direct investment of 100 billion!

Then this is definitely not a joke, this is for real!

Elder Lu and several old people around him were all shocked when they heard Elder Song's words.

As the helms of the Xia Kingdom, they naturally knew better than anyone the importance of controllable nuclear fusion.

That is simply an epoch-making product that changes the global landscape!

"Old Song, you tell Su Chen directly, the land in Yucheng, he can circle it!

"But we need to invest 50 billion here to buy 10% of the shares of the controllable nuclear fusion research base!"

"If the other party doesn't agree, it's fine. These 50 billion yuan should be regarded as start-up funds for those patriots!"

743 "In addition, we will plan a high-speed rail and plane route from Shanghai to the controllable nuclear fusion research base! 39

"And unconditionally provide the talents needed for the controllable nuclear fusion research base!

Old General Lu's inner thoughts were immediately told to Old Song.

As for whether Su Chen's controlled nuclear fusion is a hoax.

Old Lu didn't care at all.

After all, Su Chen helped Xia Guo with a 2-nanometer lithography machine and a ghost bomber.

The potential value of a 2nm lithography machine alone is not a matter of 50 billion, let alone a ghost bomber!

Moreover, he also helped Qingshan Group to solve the "demon nickel" incident, and helped Xia Guo bring more than 100 billion revenue through the "demon" incident!


Old Lu didn't care whether what Su Chen said was a scam.

Because even if this is a scam, Xia Guo has nothing to lose.

on the contrary.

If they show a strong welcome and help to Su Chen and the patriots behind Su Chen, it will increase their goodwill and facilitate more cooperation in the future!

"Okay, I'll pass on what you said to Su Chen!

Song Lao said immediately after listening to Lu Lao's decision.


Song Lao and Lu Lao chatted for two more words, and it was convenient for them to end the call.

And Song Lao directly dialed Su Chen's number.

Su Chen here.

After Su Chen saw Lao Song calling.

I knew right away that things were working out.

The call was immediately connected.

The phone just got connected.

Su Chen listened to Song Lao and said: "Su Chen, the above means, you can circle the land, but it will cost 50 billion to buy 10% of the shares of the controllable nuclear fusion research base! 35

"Of course, if the patriots behind you are unwilling to sell, the money will still be paid out as start-up funds for those patriots behind you!"

Directly out 50 billion!

Even willing to give up!

Su Chen listened to Song Lao's words, and was somewhat surprised and surprised in his heart.

But this also made Su Chen see that the above wanted to have a better relationship with him, as well as the non-existent patriots behind him.

"I agree to the above conditions in place of those patriots!"

"Both cooperation can achieve win-win!"

Su Chen said.

"Haha, if that's the case, that's great!"

Song Lao laughed happily, and then he added: "Also, the above has decided to directly plan the high-speed rail that will go directly to the controllable nuclear fusion research base, as well as the aircraft route and airport!

"And I am willing to do my best to provide all kinds of talents needed by the controllable nuclear fusion base!

I go!

Sure enough, it is good to do things with the back of the country.

Circle anywhere!

Talent is provided with best efforts!

And also plan high-speed rail and plane direct routes.

Su Chen listened to what Song Lao said, and only felt that it was too reliable to rely on the state to do things.

At the same time, Su Chen also sighed inwardly: "My word, the country is directly repairing the high-speed rail and airport to the home...

"It is estimated that Yucheng will also usher in earth-shaking changes because of this idea of ​​mine!

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