I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 64 Su Chen, with SSS-level encryption, shocked the sea division general!

Optical Brain: [To manufacture the nuclear submarine that the host's eyes see, 5 kilograms of gold, silver, copper, aluminum, and iron are needed each! 】

"I go!"

"The resources needed for this are too few!"

Su Chen sees manufacturing the world's first, Ohio-class nuclear submarine with a cost of 12.8 billion meters.

It only takes 5 kilograms of gold, silver, copper, aluminum and iron each to make it.

I was amazed at the power of the mysterious light brain!

"Unfortunately, I can't use this thing! 35

Su Chen smacked his lips, looked at the data sheets and pictures of the Ohio-class nuclear submarine that created Curry, and muttered.

"Forget it, just leave it like that!"

"Maybe it will be used that day!"

Su Chen saw that it was late, so he stopped thinking about it.

Then go straight to bed.

Su Chen fell asleep here.

But at the same time.

Xia Guoguang Province's naval division (navy), but all boiled and could not sleep.

Because the two nuclear submarines they were out on patrol tonight unexpectedly caught a big fish.

It is the kind of big fish that has never been seen before!

at this time.

An office of the Guangzhou Marine Division.

An old man in his 60s or 70s, with an expression of indifference and self-righteousness, was listening to a middle-aged man reporting to himself the big incident tonight.

The old man's surname was Wu, and he was one of the ten generals of the Xia Kingdom.

The same level as Chen Lao, who guards the desert border.

It's just that one of them is a land general and the other is a sea general!

Although the responsible areas are different, their popularity and status are in the same league!

"Mr. Wu, just after the early morning tonight, the patrol team I was in charge of suddenly found an abnormal detection signal in our sea area! 35

"So we immediately tracked it with sonar and radar!"

"It's a pity that the other party fled too fast, and the other party's anti-sonar radar device is more advanced than ours, so we lost it!"

"743" "But what surprised us was that we didn't know what was wrong with their equipment. After we lost the trace of their detection signals, we suddenly received a large number of their detection signals."5

"So we immediately followed the detection signal and found the other party's nuclear submarine. We thought that the other party would escape soon!"

"I never thought that the other party's nuclear submarine suddenly had a short circuit at the bottom and could only be broken to the surface!"

"In the end, a total of 176 people on the other side's nuclear submarine were all captured by our side, including a three-star lieutenant general!

The middle-aged man truthfully told the elder Wu who was in front of him about what happened not long ago.

The middle-aged man, Li Zhengguang, was a vice-level colonel.

Ever since he joined the Guangzhou Marine Division, he has been following Mr. Wu, and he is the soldier brought out by Mr. Wu!

Wu Lao listened to Li Zhengguang's detailed description.

He frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "Have you found out why they suddenly exposed the detection signal, and the reason for the short circuit at the bottom of the nuclear submarine?"

Li Zhengguang shook his head and said, "No. 35

After finishing speaking, Li Zhengguang said again: "Don't say we didn't find out, even their own people have no clue now."

Wu Lao nodded when he heard the words, indicating that he knew it, and then said: "Take good care of them all, especially the three-star lieutenant general, who dares to drive their strongest nuclear submarine to our waters, there must be some plans. Once they are caught, they must pay the price!

"I just notified the Ministry of Internal Affairs about this!"

"I believe that our envoy will announce this matter in detail at the press conference tomorrow!"

"In addition, what happened tonight has greatly boosted the morale of our army. 35

"The above has decided to give you a promotion award, and those who participated in the action with you, one is counted as one, all of them have promotion awards!""

After Li Zhengguang heard this, his face immediately showed an indescribable joy.

But soon.

Li Zhengguang thought of a very serious problem.


Li Zhengguang said to Mr. Wu again: "Elder Wu, our unit's current sonar detection and radar equipment are far behind the United States!

"If it wasn't for the sudden failure of the U.S. nuclear submarines tonight, we would never have been able to find them. 99

"So, can we apply to the Academy of Sciences for the latest technology of sonar and radar detection equipment!"

Sonar and radar detection equipment.

It's like nuclear submarines, as well as ordinary submarines, have eyes and ears in the sea.

Only good sonar and radar detection equipment can see farther and more clearly, and hear farther and more clearly.


There are also anti-sonar and radar equipment, that is, noise reduction for nuclear submarines.

As long as the noise is reduced to the point where sonar and radar can detect it, then your nuclear submarine will be completely invisible in the sea.

After Mr. Wu listened to Li Zhengguang's suggestion.

He shook his head first, then sighed and said, "What you worry about has always been a part of my heart! 35

"It's a pity that, at present, what we have on the nuclear submarine is the most advanced sonar and radar detection equipment in China.

"In this regard, we are too far from the United States and the Goose Country, and we will not be able to catch up for a while!

Hearing this, Li Zhengguang had a helpless and bitter expression on his face.

Because he knew that what Mr. Wu said was a fact, and it was a fact that could not be changed in a short time.

"However, having said that, I haven't contacted the Academy of Sciences for a while!"

"Maybe they have developed the latest sonar and radar detection equipment!""

"I'll call and ask first!

Just when Li Zhengguang looked helpless and bitter, Old Wu suddenly gave him hope.


Under the expectation of Li Zhengguang, Mr. Wu picked up his military mobile phone and made a call.


After two beeps, the call was connected.

"Old Zhang, are you still busy with that?""

Wu Lao was the first to speak.

"Well, you know, the matter on my side is the most important right now, so it must be done as soon as possible! 99

Zhang Zhongming, who was far away in the desert, said in a solemn tone.

"Of course I know!"

Wu Lao nodded, and then said: "But a big incident happened here tonight. My people caught a three-star lieutenant general from the United States!"

"And captured a total of 176 people, including Lieutenant General Samsung! 35

"More importantly, they captured a US Ohio-class nuclear submarine!

When Elder Zhang on the other end heard this, he was shocked.

Because this is a big event!

But soon, Zhang Lao realized that something was wrong.

So Zhang Lao asked Wu Lao: "According to the gap between us and the other party's nuclear submarines, we should not have the ability to track and capture them?"

"Is there any coincidence in this?"

Zhang Lao did not raise other people's morale and destroy his own prestige.

Rather, this question is asked with a scientific and serious concept.

Wu Lao listened to Zhang Lao's inquiry, and immediately told Li Zhengguang to him and repeated it to Zhang Lao.

After hearing this, Zhang Lao thought for a while, but couldn't figure out why.

In the end, Zhang Lao said: "It may be their nuclear submarine, there is a problem in some hard-to-find places inside!

Old Wu nodded and said, "That's all I can think about!"


Wu Lao said again: "Zhang Lao, you said just now that our nuclear submarines are far from each other, especially the sonar and detection equipment, the gap is even bigger!

"So I would like to ask, are there any new research findings on sonar and radar detection equipment in our Academy of Sciences recently?"

"I guess it's definitely not as simple as a nuclear submarine that the United States sneaked into our waters!"

"If our sonar and radar detection equipment can be upgraded, it will be easier to find them in the future, and they will not dare to be so presumptuous!

When Zhang Lao heard the words, he immediately said: "I agree with what you said, but at present, there is no more advanced sonar and radar detection equipment in the Academy of Sciences!"

Wu Lao sighed after hearing this, and was about to say something.

But it was interrupted by the words behind Zhang Lao.

Zhang Lao: "But there is one person who may be able to help you solve the problem of sonar and radar detection equipment!


Can someone solve the problem of sonar and radar detection equipment that even the Academy of Sciences cannot solve at present?

After Mr. Wu heard the last half of Mr. Zhang's sentence, the old man's face was full of doubts and confusion.

Then Mr. Wu asked, "Elder Zhang, who is that person you are talking about?"

Zhang Laodao said: "I will send you his information later, with your authority, you can know his existence!

Wu Lao immediately nodded solemnly and said: "Okay, I will wait for you to send it to me!


Both parties end the call.


Wu Lao received a message from Zhang Lao.

Wu Lao opened the message and saw the above content.

Su Chen: Xia people.

Age: 23 years old.


Wu Lao looked from the beginning to the end, and found that it was a very ordinary profile.

But when he thought of what Zhang Lao said.

Wu Lao immediately used the office computer to log in to a website, and then re-checked Su Chen's information.

This time.

Wu Lao saw Su Chen's more detailed information, but that's all.

Because Mr. Wu saw that at the bottom of Su Chen's detailed information, it was marked: SSS-level confidentiality mechanism!

Xia Guo's security mechanism is divided into three levels: S (Secret), SS (Secret), and SSS (Top Secret).

And Su Chen's current confidentiality level, I don't know when, has been upgraded from S level to the highest SSS top secret level!

"It seems that I have to use the permission once!"

Wu Lao looked at the top secret SSS at the bottom of Su Chen's profile, and it hurts a little bit. He used his permission to view the top secret information of SSS.

Because he has only three opportunities to view top-secret information a year.

If there is more, you will have to apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And this year, he has only the last chance to check it out.

With Wu Lao using his authority.

Wu Lao immediately saw more details of Su Chen.

At first, Wu Lao felt nothing.

But when he saw the back, Wu Lao's face instantly became extremely solemn.

"Win glory, you go out first, no one can come in without my order!

Wu Lao said to Li Zhengguang..


Li Zhengguang gave a military salute, and then walked out of the office quickly.

When Wu Lao saw Li Zhengguang leave, his face was shocked and incredible, and he continued to read Su Chen's information.

After a while.

Wu Lao closed the page with a shocked expression, and then murmured: "The electrolytic nickel was actually made by him, and even the Ghost Bomber and the 2-nanometer light technology were also led by him!

"And then he even cooperated with the Ministry of Internal Affairs to carry out controllable nuclear fusion!

"I really opened my eyes tonight. I didn't expect that there are young people with such great skills in our Xia country."

"If you want to come to those patriots behind him, it is estimated that they are all top-secret SSS figures!""

"Old Zhang really gave me a big surprise, if this Su Chen is willing to help, it shouldn't be a problem to get the most advanced sonar and radar detection equipment back from abroad!

"But what should I come up with to represent my sincerity in asking him to do things?

Wu Lao fell into contemplation.

Su Chen here

It was Su Chen who slept until he woke up naturally.

After two nights of rest.

I feel that my limbs are not so sore.

Look at the time.

It was found that it was past ten o'clock in the morning.

Su Chen immediately got out of bed to take a shower, then warmed up the food and swiped Douyin while eating.

As soon as Su Chen entered Douyin, he was attracted by the first video.

Xia Guo Daily: [Last night, our naval division captured the world's number one nuclear submarine, the US Ohio-class nuclear submarine, and captured 176 personnel, including a three-star lieutenant general. Currently, we are negotiating with the US side. !] Red heart likes: 12.54 million, comments 6.84 million!

On the news, there is also a picture of a group of foreigners wearing American military uniforms being arrested.

Which also gave the three-star lieutenant general who kept Fake Fake, a great close-up.

And the comment area.

It is also a variety of comments that Xia Guo netizens like to hear.

"Haha, looking at the desperate foreigners in the picture, I'm dying of laughter!"

"Talent, driving the world's No. 1 Ohio-class nuclear submarine can be arrested!

"I thought Lu Bu was invincible, but I didn't expect someone to be more brave than him, please tell me, whose subordinate is this!

"Back to Cao Thief, this is Lao Mi's subordinate!

"The good news has continued during this period of time. Before, there was the demon nickel incident that reversed the harvest of more than 30 billion meters of gold from the three major consortiums, and later, a three-star lieutenant general of the United States was arrested driving a nuclear submarine!

"Seeing those foreigners who were arrested in the picture, I thought of the monkey who was arrested in Mount Emei..."

"Lieutenant General Samsung: What are you doing..."

"My Cao, don't shoot randomly upstairs, your own people, your own people!"

Su Chen looked at the various brain-opening comments of netizens, and suddenly a knowing smile appeared on his face.

Then I just liked the video.


At this time, a phone call suddenly came.

Su Chen looked at the caller ID and found that it was an unfamiliar number.

However, the remarks on the number show that it is from the Marine Division of Guangzhou Province.

"What is Master Guangshen doing to me?"

Su Chen was puzzled and answered the phone.

"Is it Mr. Su 0.2?"

Just after the call was connected, Su Chen heard the voice of a middle-aged man across from him.

"I am, may I ask you?"

Su Chen asked back.

"I'm Li Zhengguang from our Guangzhou Marine Division, I'm much older than you, you can call me Uncle Li! 35

Li Zhengguang on the other end said.

this year.

Are people so familiar with themselves?

If you open your mouth, you will take advantage of your seniority...

Su Chen shook his head and smiled, and then he didn't care about the other party.

Su Chen has always admired soldiers.

So it's a little cheaper to be dipped in by the military, Su Chen feels that it's nothing.

In saying that the other party is indeed much bigger than himself, it is not a loss to call Uncle Li.


Su Chen followed Li Zhengguang's words and said, "Uncle Li has something to do with me? 35

Li Zhengguang said immediately: "It is inconvenient to say specific things on the phone.

"Let's meet face to face, I wonder when Su Chen will you have time?"

Su Chen thought about it after hearing the words, and felt that he had nothing to do today, and immediately said: "Today, I have nothing to do today!

When Li Zhengguang heard it, he immediately said: "Really, that's really great, I'll go pick you up and come to our Guangzhou Marine Division Headquarters!"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll wait at home!"

Li Zhengguang said: "Okay, I will definitely be there within twenty minutes!

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

And Su Chen secretly said with a bewildered face: "In twenty minutes, from Guangshen to Yucheng, won't it be coming by helicopter again!

Thanks: Extremely Cold Sky, Silent Wings, 13981, Lin, a13037, Song of Sensen, 18365, Linglong Xiaoxianger, monthly passes for several bosses!

Thanks: 18365 boss for the reminder ticket!

Thanks: 100 reward of 13632 boss, thank you!

(Finally ask for automatic subscription!).

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