I Went To Dig Soil On The Moon at the Start, And I Made Money Overnight.

Chapter 72 The three girls compete on the same stage, everyone is completely shocked!


My God, this beautiful girl like a fairy.

It turned out to be Su Chen's friend!

What is her family doing?

To send such a big golden tiger!

It seems that the weight is less than a few hundred pounds!

How much does this cost!

There are also high-quality silk, Hangzhou Longjing and other tea, how much do these cost? Let’s talk about tens of millions!

Finally, there is an 80-year-old welcoming pine tree, which is estimated to start at a million!

The value of these things combined is unimaginable!

Friends and relatives in the living room, as well as the village to join in the fun.

Seeing Shang Rongyue's appearance at this time, all of them were deeply shocked.

Many of them have lived in the village all their lives.

Saw such a scene there.

Even if many people go out to work and see the big world outside.

But they have never seen such a scene that makes them feel shocking!

Actually this time.

It was not only the relatives and friends in the living room that were shocked, but also the spectators who came to join in the fun from the village.

The two brothers Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi were so shocked that they dared not let out. They stared at Shang Rongyue without blinking, their eyes full of surprise and obsession.

The female companion beside them now compares with Shang Rongyue.

no matter what.

That is the difference between clouds and mud, and there is no comparison at all.

And the female companions beside them, seeing that their man had completely ignored them, immediately became angry.

But when they looked at themselves and Shang Rongyue, they could only swallow their anger and turn around to settle accounts for the brothers Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi.

As for the parents of the brothers Su Zhanbo and Su Zhanyi.

At this time, they were all shocked and stunned.

Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing asked themselves what they had seen in the world.

But when they looked at the picture in front of them, they suddenly felt that the world they had seen before was a frog at the bottom of the well.

They thought of the fake gold tiger and fake jade tiger they had just sent.

Looking at the golden tiger with a dazzling golden light that was being carried by four middle-aged people at this time, and whose head was bigger than an adult's head, I only felt that I was a little embarrassed for a moment.

this moment.

They didn't even have the courage to look at Su Chen's family.

For Su Chen to have such a beautiful and rich female friend, he would have to buy a birthday gift for his old man.

At this time, they suddenly realized.

From start to finish, they seem to have killed themselves.

After their remarks just now, it is impossible to get along with Su Chen's family in the future.

Thinking of this 750 points, they suddenly wanted to give themselves a few slaps with remorse, and by the way, they hung their two sons, who love to show off, love to complain, and love to pretend, to the beam of the house and use wicker for three days and three nights to vent their anger. .

In fact, at this moment, it is more than Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing and his wife who regret.

Su Chen's two aunts also looked remorseful at this time, and kept scolding themselves in their hearts, why didn't they go out to help Su Chen's family and deal with Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing in the first place.

And Liu Guihua, who was sitting on the high hall, was in a mixed mood at the moment.

Recalling her attitude towards Su Chen's family over the years, Liu Guihua suddenly felt that she had done too many things wrong.

Then Liu Guihua thought that because of her own reasons, several children in the family did not get along very well over the years, which made her realize that she wanted to find a tree and hang it directly.

It can be said.

All relatives related to Su Chen's family in the living room at this time.

Except for Su Chen's grandfather Su Youwei, everyone else was full of remorse and hated why he didn't get along with Su Chen's family sooner.

If you maintain a good relationship with Su Chen's family early, you can lean against the big tree to enjoy the shade in the future.

"Dad, Rong Yue wishes you a birthday!

Standing beside Su Youwei, Chen Huilan saw Shang Rongyue's appearance and shocked everyone in the living room.

Even Su Youwei, who celebrated his birthday today, was shocked and speechless, so he reminded Su Youwei softly.


"Good good!

"Grandpa didn't prepare any gifts, so he can only give you a red envelope.

Su Youwei was reminded by Chen Huilan, and immediately stood up from his seat, then took out all the red envelopes from his pocket at once, and handed it to Shang Rongyue with trembling hands because he was too excited.

"Thank you grandpa, but one is fine!"

Shang Rongyue smiled slightly, took a red envelope from Su Youwei's hand and said.

Su Youwei took a red envelope when he saw Shang Rongyue. He wanted to give him a list of gifts from Shang Rongyue, but he turned back and discounted it to Shang Rongyue.


When Su Youwei saw the golden tiger being carried by four people in the living room.

There was also the welcome pine at the back, and a large box of silk and tea leaves.

Because he can't afford it.

Even if you sell your ancestral home, you won't be able to afford it!

"Girl, these things are too precious, Grandpa can't bear it!

Su Youwei looked at Shang Rongyue with a trembling tone and said.

"Grandpa can afford it, the value of these things, and what Su Chen paid to our family (biac), are not worth mentioning!"

Shang Rongyue said.

Not to mention palladium, just the "demon nickel" incident, Su Chen is equivalent to saving Qingshan Group.

So in Shang Rongyue's view, the things she gave and what Su Chen gave to their family were completely incomparable.

"Su Chen is so amazing, what did he give to this girl's family?"

"These things are not worth mentioning in comparison with Su Chen's efforts?

"I knew that Su Chen was definitely a dragon and phoenix, no wonder when I saw him just now, I felt purple energy coming from the east!

"If my child had one percent of Su Chen's ability, I would be able to smile Jiuquan!"

After hearing Shang Rongyue's remarks, everyone around them whispered.

At the same time, everyone looked at the eyes of Su Chen's family, and immediately became envious and respectful like never before.

"But these things, in Grandpa's opinion, are too precious!

"Even if Grandpa keeps it, there's no place to put it in this house!"

Su Youwei listened to the discussions around him, in addition to being proud and proud of his grandson Su Chen, he also knew very well that he could not accept these things.

"Don't worry, Grandpa!"

"When I came, I took your concerns into consideration!"

Shang Rongyue smiled, then looked behind her.


A beautiful girl in a bank uniform quickly ran to Su Youwei's side and said, "Mr. Su, I am an employee of our Xiaguo Bank, as long as you agree, we can put this weight up to 800 jins. , The Golden Tiger worth 155 million will help you keep it for you, and give you a cash dividend of no less than 5 million every year!

"At the same time, whenever you want to retrieve this golden tiger, our bank will fully cooperate and help you transport it to the designated location!""

As long as banks get enough weight of gold, they can use the same value of gold to create more profits.

The gold worth 155 million can bring at least tens of millions of profits to the bank every year.

So they are guaranteed to win.

"My mom, the 800-pound golden tiger!!"

"It's worth 155 million, oh my god, there is no less than 5 million interest every year!"

"Master Su is relying on Su Chen to reach the sky in one step, and he will be the richest man in our village in the future!

"I am envious of my tears, how come my grandson has no such ability!

After hearing the words of the female bank clerk, the people around them all had shocked discussions.

"Grandpa, just accept Rong Yue's wishes!"

"As for how to deal with the golden tiger, just follow what the bank staff said!

"Then you go back to Yucheng with us to live!"

Su Chen spoke at this time.

Su Chen is very clear about the truth of not revealing wealth.

Now the whole village knows that his grandfather can receive millions of dividends every year, which will definitely cause safety hazards.

So Su Chen invited Su Youwei to live in Yucheng.

It just so happened that the villa with courtyard he bought in Yucheng Shenghe Yaju was ready to move in in the past two days, and it just so happened that the whole family could move there.

"Well, good, grandpa has taken it!

After Su Youwei listened to Su Chen's words, he stopped rejecting it.

However, Su Youwei has already made a decision in his heart for the dividends generated by Golden Tiger every year, where all the dividends will remain unchanged, and when Su Chen gets married, they will all be used for Su Chen's marriage.

With Su Youwei receiving the golden tiger.

The female bank clerk immediately took out the contract that had been prepared for a long time, and asked Su Youwei to put a handprint on the sign.

Almost less than a minute, the whole operation is over.

In the future, Su Youwei will receive no less than 5 million dividends from Xiaguo Bank every year.

Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing saw that their father could receive 5 million yuan every year from now on, and they suddenly woke up from the initial shock.

Then gather around Liu Guihua and ask Liu Guihua to come forward and get some benefits for them.

However, Liu Guihua had no intention of fighting at this time.

And she was very disappointed with the eldest and third eldest she loved the most.

So I pretended not to hear it, so I sat in the seat so lonely and regretful, and said nothing.

Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing saw that they could not move their mother, so they prepared to go on their own.

The annual dividend of 5 million yuan, if you give them a little bit, that is a few hundred thousand to start.

This number is so fascinating.


Just when the two families, Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing, were going to give their father Su Youwei an ecstasy, with a snot and tears in their faces.

In the living room, there were all the people outside joining in the fun, and suddenly they heard the roar of a plane coming from above.

Immediately after.

More than a dozen soldiers in military uniforms and ropes fell from the sky and landed in the courtyard of Su Chen's old house.

Then a girl whose appearance was comparable to Shang Rongyue's, giving her a wildness, like a little wild leopard, also landed in the courtyard of Su Chen's old house.

As the wild girl landed, the dozen or so soldiers who landed first immediately stood at attention and saluted.

The girl also saluted more than a dozen soldiers, and then walked into the living room with a box in her hand, in the courtyard of Su Chen's old house and the shocked eyes of everyone in the living room.

Seeing the person coming, Su Chen immediately shook his head and smiled again.

Because the person who came was Wu Yuechan, the granddaughter of Mr. Wu, who was the leader of the marine division of Guang Province.

at this time.

Under the watchful eyes of many people around, Wu Yuechan walked up to Su Youwei and said, "Grandpa Su, I am Wu Yuechan from the Haiji in Guang Province, and a friend of Su Chen!

"This time, I'm here with the Sergeant Medal awarded to you by the Marine Division of Guangzhou Province!"

The voice fell.

Wu Yuechan opened the box she was holding, revealing the sergeant medal inside.

Su Youwei burst into tears when he saw the medal in the box.

He was a private soldier for many years, and he was still a private soldier until he was discharged.

But now, after being discharged from the army for fifty or sixty years, and having passed the 80th birthday, he actually jumped five times in a row, jumping directly from private to sergeant!

"This... this medal..."

Su Youwei was in tears and didn't know what to say.

Because he didn't know why he suddenly jumped five times.

"Grandpa Su, don't doubt, this is for you!

While speaking, Wu Yuechan took out the medal and put it on the collar of Su Youwei's clothes.

Her rank is second lieutenant, so she is eligible to award Su Youwei a medal.

After awarding the medal to Su Youwei.

Wu Yuechan added: "As for the reason for your promotion, it has something to do with your grandson Su Chen, it is inconvenient to say the specifics!

while talking.

Wu Yuechan looked at Su Chen.

But when she saw the peerless Shang Rongyue next to Su Chen.

There was a hint of surprise and surprise in her eyes: "Is she the girlfriend of Su Chen, the king of cow hides? It's so beautiful, no wonder Su Chen's face was so calm from beginning to end when he first saw me. !

Although she knew that Su Chen didn't brag about the Ohio-class nuclear submarine, she had privately given Su Chen the nickname of the King of Leatherheads.

And, for some unknown reason, she felt a sour feeling in her heart when she saw Su Chen and Shang Rongyue standing together.

"I was so shocked that it was related to Su Chen again, and Mr. Su is so blessed!

"It's really scary that Su Chen can make his grandfather's military rank jump five times in a row. It seems that Su Chen has a solid military background!

"Why are Su Chen's friends all such beautiful girls, and they are all so capable, one is rich and the other is powerful, I am envious and jealous!"

"From now on, the Su family is really the No. 1 family in our village, even in our township, and it is estimated that it will not be long before many people of the same clan scattered around the Su family will come to build a new genealogy!

"When will my child have one-thousandth of Su Chen's ability, hey, it seems that my child beats less, so I need to take care of him when I go back!

The people around, after hearing Wu Yuechan's words, all of a sudden they were talking with shocked expressions.

The two families Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing originally wanted to find Su Youwei for ecstasy.

After seeing Wu Yuechan appear with more than a dozen soldiers, she shrank her neck and instantly dismissed the idea.


That's all people with guns.

At this moment, they thought of their attitude towards Su Chen's family not long ago.

There was also his attitude towards Su Chen's parents when they were not separated in the early years.

They were really scared now, Su Chen suddenly threw them up and beat them.

Then they really don't even have a place to reason.

this moment.

The family of Su Kangyong and Su Kangbing completely dispelled the idea of ​​receiving dividends from their father.

bang bang...

at this time.

People in the living room and in the yard heard another roar of cars, parked near Su Chen's old house and turned off the fire.

Then everyone heard the sound of dense running.


Everyone saw that there were more than a dozen soldiers, very orderly, pouring into the courtyard of Su Chen's old house.

Before everyone knew what was going on.

An ice-cold-looking beauty with a face full of strangers not allowed to enter, with a beauty comparable to the Shang Rongyue and Wu Yuechan they had just seen, walked into the yard with a metal box.

Su Chen was a little surprised when he saw the person coming.

Because the person who came was Gu Yanbing, whom Su Chen never expected.

"Grandpa Su, I'm Su Chen's friend Gu Yanbing, working in the Academy of Sciences.""

"I gave this thing to you on behalf of our Academy of Sciences!""

After Gu Yanbing entered the living room, he handed the metal box in his hand to Su Youwei, and said in a cold tone.

I go!

Another girl related to Su Chen!

And still so pretty.

What is Su Chen doing outside?

This is also too magical.

The three girls I know are all beautiful and beautiful, and their backgrounds are terrifying.

After everyone heard Gu Yanbing's remarks, they were all shocked and numb all at once.

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