Gu Yanbing was embraced by Su Chen.

The cold pretty face immediately blushed, not daring to look directly into Su Chen's eyes.

Su Chen looked at Gu Yanbing, who was shy in his arms, and immediately leaned down, eating Gu Yanbing's lipstick again.

And this time, Su Chen's hands were also extremely dishonest, playing tricks on Gu Yanbing.

Gu Yanbing gave Su Chen a few symbolic pushes before letting Su Chen go.

However, Gu Yanbing's entire body trembled slightly, and Su Chen clearly felt that Gu Yanbing's body had been in a tense state.

Obviously, Gu Yanbing was very afraid of something that might happen soon.

Su Chen was sensitive to Gu Yanbing's abnormality.

Even though he felt a little distressed, he stopped playing against Gu Yanbing, but hugged Gu Yanbing gently and kissed her on the forehead.


Gu Yanbing's slightly trembling and tense body began to recover gradually.

Su Chen felt that Gu Yanbing was not so scared anymore, and was about to continue to do bad things, but found that Gu Yanbing was snuggled in his arms and fell asleep.

Looking at Gu Yanbing sleeping in his arms, Su Chen could only helplessly smile, temporarily giving up the idea of ​​continuing to do bad things.

Then Su Chen picked up Gu Yanbing by the waist, put it on the rest sofa in the private room, and covered Gu Yanbing with a blanket.


Su Chen went to the bathroom to wash and calm down.

He went back to Gu Yanbing's side, sat beside him and started reading on his mobile phone.

Speechless all the way.

A few hours later, the special plane arrived over the Shanghai Academy of Sciences.

When Su Chen saw that his destination had arrived, he woke up Gu Yanbing who was asleep.

Gu Yanbing saw that she didn't know when she fell asleep, and she was taken care of by Su Chen all the way.

Suddenly, a warm current surged in Gu Yanbing's heart.

Then, Gu Yanbing boldly kissed Su Chen and said, "Thank you Su Chen."

Gu Yanbing's words have many meanings.

Su Chen could hear it naturally.

763 However, Su Chen pretended to be confused and said, "Thank me for what? Thank you, the big bad wolf, for letting you go, the little white rabbit-horse? 35'

Hearing this, Gu Yanbing blushed and said, "En.

Su Chen looked at Gu Yanbing's appearance at this time, and immediately smiled and said: "The big bad wolf is very bad, next time, the big bad wolf may eat the little white rabbit.

Gu Yanbing looked up at Su Chen with a blushing face, plucked up her courage and said, "Next time, the little white rabbit is also ready to be eaten by the big bad wolf. 99

bang bang...

at this time.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the private room, interrupting the atmosphere between Su Chen and Gu Yanbing.

Then, the service staff on the special plane said outside: "Mr. Su, Dr. Gu, we have arrived at the Academy of Sciences.


Su Chen responded and took a bite of lipstick while holding Gu Yanbing.

Then he opened the door of the private room with a smile.

Gu Yanbing blushed and ran to the bathroom to wash up. After she returned to her normal, cold appearance, she also left the private room.

However, as soon as Gu Yanbing got out of the private room, he saw that Su Chen was supporting Old Zhang, who was a little pale, and got off the special plane accompanied by several service staff on the special plane.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Yanbing got off the special plane with a concerned look, and quickly ran to Elder Zhang and said.

"Maybe I caught a little cold from the rain today, plus I have (biac) airsickness.

"So on the way, I slept groggy."

Zhang Lao said a little embarrassedly.

However, after he got off the special plane, the whole person's expression did suddenly improve a lot.

It seemed that he was indeed weak due to cold and airsickness.

And right now.

The medical and nursing team of the Academy of Sciences also pushed a cart to Zhang Lao's side.

Obviously, before the special plane landed, the staff on the special plane notified the people in the Academy of Sciences in advance.

"Teacher, you are sitting on the cart, let's go to the medical department!

Gu Yanbing's tone was full of concern for Elder Zhang.

"Well, Mr. Zhang, let's take a look. 35

Su Chen also spoke.

Zhang Lao felt warm when he saw Su Chen and Gu Yanbing caring about them.

Then Zhang Lao smiled and said: "My own body, can I still not be clear?"

"But in order not to worry you, I will listen to you, and I will go and see. 35

Gu Yanbing nodded and said, "Teacher, I will push you."

While speaking, Gu Yanbing carefully pushed the cart and headed to the medical department of the Academy of Sciences.

Su Chen followed.

soon. The crowd arrived at the medical department of the Academy of Sciences.

After a series of inspections, the final result was similar to what Mr. Zhang said just now.

It is because of the cold and airsickness, and the fact that he has been in the desert for a while, and he has not eaten and slept well, which has caused his body to become weak.

Pay attention to rest during this time, and take good care of it.

After Gu Yanbing got this answer, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Chen saw that Mr. Zhang was really fine, so he didn't stop at the Academy of Sciences, but was going to go home.

But just when Su Chen said goodbye.

Zhang Lao, who had recovered a lot, asked Su Chen to wait for a while, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.


Several familiar faces of Su Chen came to Su Chen with a metal box.

"Su Chen, here are 100 grams of californium that your friend needs.

"These are all transferred from my personal repository. I currently only have a little stock, and I can't get any more. 99

"Give it to your friends."

Zhang Lao said to Su Chen.


Su Chen did not shirk from her mother-in-law, but directly took over the metal box.

Then, Su Chen said again: "Elder Zhang, Yan Bing, I'll go first.

Zhang Lao nodded and said: "Well, thank you for bringing us the Dragon Soul One Dragon King this time, I will trouble you during this time, try to bring us a few more Dragon Kings from your friends as much as possible!

"After all, there are many areas in our territory that are in extreme drought."

"Whatever your friends need, just mention it, we will do our best to meet it! 35

Su Chen looked at Zhang Lao in such a weak state, still thinking about the arid area, and had a lot of respect for Zhang Lao Zai in his heart.

Then, Su Chen patted the metal box with the pot in his hand and said, "My friends also know that the drought is serious in many places here, so the 100 grams of californium in this is all the subsequent transactions of the Dragon King. chips.

Su Chen felt that he was lacking everything now.

Doing his part to help arid areas solve the problem is what he should do.

As a native of Xia, Su Chen has the unique patriotic feelings in his heart and in his blood.

This kind of patriotism cannot be measured by money or goods.


"That's a real thank you to them!"

After hearing Su Chen's words, Mr. Zhang immediately said with emotion and excitement.

However, although Lao Zhang said so, in his heart, he felt that he could not treat Su Chen's friends badly.

So Zhang Lao secretly made a decision to set up a californium extraction department in the Academy of Sciences in the future, doing nothing but extracting californium.

So that Su Chen's friends can pick it up anytime they need it.

"It's all for the country, and Mr. Zhang doesn't need to see outsiders!

Su Chen didn't know what Zhang Lao was thinking, but said with a smile.


Su Chen chatted with Zhang Lao again, then turned to leave.

Gu Yanbing followed Su Chen, and was very reluctant to send Su Chen away.

After a while.

Su Chen and Gu Yanbing came to the entrance of the Academy of Sciences.

Gu Yanbing looked at Su Chen with reluctance on her cold pretty face, and then she couldn't help but hugged Su Chen tightly.

Su Chen felt Gu Yanbing's reluctance for him, smiled and patted Gu Yanbing's shoulder and said, "When the controllable nuclear fusion research base in Yucheng is built, you can live there, and we can always be there. Stay together.

Gu Yanbing lay in Su Chen's arms and nodded with a blushing face, "Yeah!


Su Chen hugged Gu Yanbing for a while, and ate Gu Yanbing's lipstick a few times by the way.

With a shy and reluctant expression on Gu Yanbing's face, he left the Academy of Sciences, then stopped a car and went to Dongling Mountain with a pretense.

After arriving at Dongling Mountain, Su Chen found a place with no one and no detection equipment, activated the energy armor, switched to stealth mode, and instructed Guangnao to use the teleportation function.

And the location where Su Chen delivered was the hotel suite he rented in Shangjing.

Optical Brain: [Detected that the transmission environment is safe, start the transmission... The transmission ends, this time...]

Accompanied by a light-brained cold voice.

Su Chen found himself in the hotel suite.

The scene in the suite was no different from the last time I left.

After Su Chen locked the doors and windows of the hotel suite.

Immediately open the metal box and instruct the light brain to start absorbing californium.

Light Brain: [Hint: Light Brain currently does not need californium to obtain energy, so after Light Brain absorbs californium, it will use californium as a backup energy reserve. 】

Light Brain: [Start to absorb californium...the absorption is complete, 100 grams of californium brings 100 backup energy to the light brain! 】

Su Chen: "Consume backup energy, refresh the manufacturing library and the creation library!"

Light Brain: [Successful consumption of backup energy, new items are refreshed in the creation library! 】

"This time it turned out that the creation library refreshed the item!

"I don't know what was refreshed?"

Su Chen was full of anticipation and opened the creation library.

After the creation library was opened, Su Chen immediately saw that in the creation library, in addition to the controllable nuclear fusion data, the Ohio-class nuclear submarine data, and the data of the two blood cancer drugs, there was one new item data.

And when Su Chen read the data of the new items in the creation library, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

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