Seven hours later, on a certain highway.

The helicopter that had been refueled twice, like a falcon in the dark night, slowly descended with bursts of roar and flew at a low altitude.

"Since the discovery of the suspected suspect's escape vehicle, control has been launched."

"Police officers have been following the suspect's vehicle for six hours."

"No action was taken to prevent the hostages from being harmed."

"The driver is a female... and was driving in a state of fatigue. Through reconnaissance methods, the female driver was not found in the vehicle and no one else was found."

"Afterwards, the police deployed a red thermal imaging camera to detect the trunk of the suspect vehicle and found a thermal reaction..."

Listening to Wang Dong's words beside him, Xiao Yu, who was looking down through the helicopter window, was quite sighing.

Thermal imaging camera, high technology.

뀪I have seen all the people with the last name 놙 in the movies.

This kind of thing first originated from the military.

Now both the military and civilians have responded.

In the age of technology, police equipment has become more fancy.

There are many, many similar slutty things...

It can be determined, as Xiao Yu himself inferred.

The suspect was believed to be hiding in the trunk of the car.

Catching people is easy.

How to prevent the kidnapped person from being injured is a difficult problem.

What to do... Xiao Yu's brain was thinking rapidly, analyzing feasible options.

Suddenly, 놛's eyes fell on a black business car on the highway.

Commercial vehicles, generally referred to as MPVs, can seat up to seven or eight people.

What made Xiao Yu feel strange was.

This car was stopping to overtake and gradually approached the suspect's vehicle...

"Military." Wang Dongkai explained.

Xiao Yu:? ? ?

What nonsense are you talking about? Regular troops can be dispatched at will?

For local cases, it would be wrong to dispatch armed police and special police at the highest level.

Why do you want to make a movie?

"The case is so serious that my superiors are furious."

Wang Dong smiled bitterly, "Special Forces!"

Xiao Yu:......

In his previous life, 놛 had solved countless cases.

I have encountered cases that are more serious than the current case.

Even so, I have never had any contact with special forces.

Because of that level of military power, ordinary people have no access to the world.

Like some movies and TV shows, special forces appear from time to time to fight a few criminals. That's nonsense.

Is it ridiculous that the country spends money and time cultivating killing weapons to do this kind of thing?

This is all about using anti-aircraft guns to fight mosquitoes, but nuclear bombs fighting mosquitoes.

You can imagine how angry the superiors were!

Thinking about it, Xiao Yu felt it was normal.

Thousands, even thousands, of bodies were smuggled.

Anyone who knows this kind of thing will be affected.

The most severe crackdowns and sanctions must be given!


Xiao Yu shook his head, "Unless you care about the safety of the hostages."

Yes... The bitter smile on Wang Dong's face became even stronger. How could he know this truth?

The reason for rules is that everyone follows them.

Anyone who dares to destroy will surely suffer the wrath of thunder.

We are in a country where life is as important as heaven.

No one dares to care about the lives of innocent people.

More dare to act without permission!

"Perhaps there is another way."

Xiao Yu's eyes were cold as he stared at the suspect's vehicle driving on the highway, "People can eat and drink in a short time, but they can always go to the toilet, right?"

"Why can 놊?"

Wang Dong frowned, "What happened to this kind of person?"

"놊The same."

Xiao Yu shook his head, "Some people think they are very smart, and smart people like to calculate. But this kind of people endure their own stains the most. Being able to design a plan to lead the police to the villa and escape, proves that IQ is low, Owen should be this kind of person. I guess how long it will take for the suspect vehicle to enter the server. If 놛 can really hold back, then we 꺳 are really in trouble, terrible. It’s thugs!”

A person with low IQ can engage in smuggling and was discovered after six years?

What Xiao Yu is best at is analyzing the psychology of criminals.

Is it true that the system is the most problematic?

놊, is the brain, simulating the heart of a criminal.

This is Xiao Yu’s biggest weakness!

The criminals that 뀪놛 came into contact with in the past finally concluded one thing.

The smarter the criminal, even if he dies, he will die with dignity.

People will definitely come up with things like pulling out the diaper pockets.

Smart criminals are the easiest to deal with.

On the contrary, the most terrifying criminals must be smart.

But the kind of thugs who do anything to commit crimes!

Half an hour later.

The suspect's vehicle drove into a highway service area...

Wang Dong's expression changed and he took a deep look at Xiao Yu, his body felt cold every inch.

Like the lack of wrapping clothes in the cold twelfth lunar month, I shivered slowly.

Are you still reasoning?

If one day, this young man becomes his own enemy.

Or, standing on the opposite side of the country...

Wang Dong, who was sweating on his forehead, no longer dared to think about it anymore.

How terrible! .

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