It's not until noon.

Lin Hao sent Zhou Ren to the place.

The Hengfu community is similar to that of their family, Minhuili. They are all old buildings, but there is an elevator here, which is very convenient.

Zhou Ren's house was on the eighth floor, and the two carried their things up the elevator with their hands and arms.

The door was opened by Zhou's mother. Seeing the two of them, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she was surprised.


"Hello, Auntie."

Zhou Ren and Lin Hao shouted at the same time.

Then there was another burst of busy work to get things into the house.

"Come on, come here, what else do you want to buy?" Zhou's mother said politely, when Zhou's father heard the sound, he also came out of the room to say hello.

Say a few pleasantries.

Lin Hao originally planned to leave the things like this.

But Zhou's father and Zhou's mother insisted on staying for him, saying that it would not be too late to leave if they wanted to have a meal together.

Zhou Ren added fuel and jealousy to the side, saying that he had nothing to do.

Lin Hao was completely betrayed by this guy, so he could only accept it.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Ma was busy for a while.

Taking advantage of noon, I managed to get a table of meals.

At this time, Zhou Ren's eldest sister, Zhou Yaning, was also off work. She was wrapped in a thick woolen windbreaker with a thread, and she was thin and tall.

It's not the first time Lin Hao has seen each other, but the two of them haven't communicated much, and calling out sister is considered a greeting.

Zhou Yaning nodded in surprise.

It was a bit of a surprise that he appeared here.

at the dinner table.

Zhou's father took out his collection of liquor, saying that he wanted to have a touch with the two of them.

Zhou Ren was fine, he never refused to come, Lin Hao drove here, so naturally he couldn't drink.

Dad Zhou felt a little regretful about the loss of a drinking buddy.

Instead, it was Zhou's mother who saw a burst of anger.

If it weren't for the presence of Lin Hao, he would probably have lost his temper.

"If you don't drink, don't drink. That uncle and aunt will not take care of you. You can pick what you want to eat. Just treat this as your own home."

Mother Zhou said to Lin Hao kindly.

Lin Hao nodded, but he wasn't very polite, and he wasn't very polite.

"Zhou Ren, Dad, both of you should drink less alcohol, as drinking too much will hurt your health." During the meal, Zhou Yaning couldn't help but reminded with a frown.

"I know, I know."

Father Zhou couldn't hold back, so he had no choice but to agree, but he didn't stop much.

From talking to eating to drinking, it took more than two hours.

Zhou Ren drank too much.

Father Zhou also fainted.

Mother Zhou was furious.

Lin Hao naturally couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this, but he still took the initiative to help carry the two of them into the house.

"Xiaohao, come to uncle's place often when you have free time. Next time, let's have a good drink." Lying down, Dad Zhou didn't forget to make an appointment.

"Okay, no problem." Knowing that Zhou's father likes to drink, Lin Hao had no choice but to respond first. His little drinking capacity is actually just a foil when he comes.

After the two of them fell asleep, Lin Hao also got up to leave.

Zhou's mother was looking for a quilt in the house and asked Zhou Yaning to give it to him. Lin Hao waved his hand and said no, but the latter didn't listen and followed him out.

"Sister Yaning, go back, you don't need to come out, it's cold outside, and my car is at the door." Lin Hao said when he got out of the elevator on the first floor.

"Then you go back slowly and pay attention to safety on the way." Zhou Yaning thought about it and ordered.


Lin Hao nodded, and then drove away.

He actually drove very carefully on the road, but the sky didn't go his way, and he encountered a traffic jam on the expressway, saying that there was a large-scale accident ahead.

This block was blocked until night.

After finally getting through, Lin Hao had to rush home overnight.

It was almost dawn when we got home.

Parents got up quite early, Lin Hao explained the situation to the elders, and then went back to the house and fell asleep.

After driving all night, he was really sleepy.

Close your eyes and you can go straight to dreamland.

It was already afternoon when I woke up again.

There seemed to be guests coming in the living room, and some voices could be heard.

Lin Hao got up and went out.

It was discovered that some distant relatives came to visit.

For these relatives, to be honest, he is somewhat incomplete, and can only call them uncle or sister-in-law under the guidance of his parents.

At the end of the year.

This kind of thing is quite normal, almost every year.

However, the topics that these relatives talked about did not have any gold content. It was nothing more than family or children, and there was some element of showing off.

For example, their family recently bought a house, their family bought a car, or their family made a lot of money this year, and so on.

Moisture is definitely there.

But the words are full.

It seems that the purpose of visiting is to gain attention.

In addition, there are other things that have to be related to him. Ask about work status and marital status, and then give guidance on a macro level.

For these.

As a junior, Lin Hao just nodded his head in agreement, and then went in his left ear and out his right ear.

There's no practical point in arguing about these things with a bunch of older people.

After finally sending all these people away, they finally calmed down, Lin's father and Lin's mother were too tired, and they didn't bother to cook.

"Tell me what kind of relatives these are. Year after year, year after year, what's the use of telling us this?"

Sitting on the sofa, Mama Lin couldn't help complaining: "What's wrong with buying a house and a car, what's wrong with being rich, it's as if we can envy you."

"Just get used to it. It doesn't happen every year. They come all the way, and you just listen to it." Father Lin comforted.

"Mom and Dad, to be honest, I think it's right for these relatives to show off." Lin Hao who was peeling oranges at the side suddenly interjected.


Ma Lin and Pa Lin looked at him immediately.

"People are really good at buying houses and cars. It's the Chinese New Year soon. I think our family should buy more, right?" Lin Hao said.

"Add what?" Mama Lin asked puzzled.

"No way, follow these relatives, buy a car for my dad first, haven't I sent money home for the past six months, it's almost enough."

Lin Hao persuaded.

"Go, go, what nonsense are you talking about? The money is reserved for you to marry a wife. What kind of car should you buy?" Mama Lin vetoed it.

"That's right, the money can't be moved." Father Lin also echoed.

"Mom and Dad, I've made a lot of money in the past six months, and besides, my job is quite stable, so I'm not in a hurry." Lin Hao said.

"That's not enough, how much does it cost to buy a house now." Lin Ma shook her head and said calculatingly.

"Mom, what do you think this is?" Seeing that he couldn't overcome his parents' thoughts, Lin Hao had to take out his car keys.

"Did you buy a car?"

Seeing this, Lin's father and Lin's mother were shocked.


Lin Hao nodded, and then explained slowly: "Don't be surprised, you two. Didn't I tell you before that I joined a good company with good benefits and higher wages? In addition to sending money to you, I actually saved some."

saved some?

How much have you saved?

Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at each other, and suddenly felt that what their son said was so scary.

"How much did you pay for this car?" Mother Lin couldn't help asking.

"I bought it with a loan. The down payment is tens of thousands of yuan, and I will pay back a little bit every month."

Lin Hao didn't dare to say too much about the car, but changed the subject: "Actually, I not only want to buy a car for my dad this time, but I also want to change a suite for our family."

"Change rooms?"

Hearing that the car loan cost tens of thousands of yuan, Mama Lin felt a little distressed.

Now this kid actually plans to change rooms?

Why not go to heaven?

"You and my dad have also worked for so many years. Don't we still have savings in our family? I will pay the rest." Lin Hao thought for a while.

"Are you going? Do you know how much it costs to buy a suite?" Mama Lin asked with staring eyes.

"This is the money your son has saved these days. It's not much. It's about 2 million yuan. Is it enough?" Lin Hao took out a bank card in a 'aggressive manner'. 2 million yuan is shocking enough for parents. Let alone nearly 40 million, let's transition slowly.

"Where did you get so much money?"

Hearing this, Lin's father and Lin's mother stood up straight away, all with shocked expressions.

For working-class people like them, if they can save 50,000 yuan a year, that's good news.

How long has this kid been working?

About half a year?

This is another way to buy a car with a loan and take money.

"You two, don't be surprised all the time. I earned all these. I completed a lot of advertising copywriting for the company, so the commission is relatively high."

Lin Hao explained as much as possible.

"Really?" Lin's father and Lin's mother couldn't accept it for a while, but seeing his son's appearance, it didn't look like he was lying.


When did money get so easy?

"Really, Mom and Dad, if you don't believe me, you can ask my friend, Zhou Ren, you all know each other, right? You didn't lose money this year." Lin Hao said.

Lin's father and Lin's mother nodded.

Zhou Ren and the others knew each other naturally, they used to come here all the time, and they were chubby and very good at coming.

This kid also earned so much money?

What kind of company is it, and it gives too much, right?

"Mom and Dad, don't be surprised. It's different now. This amount of money is not too much. Think about the relatives who left just now. Why are they so calm when they have money? To put it bluntly, it's still I've seen a lot." Lin Hao used the provocative method.


Lin's father and Lin's mother were immediately unhappy when they heard this, and immediately glared at him.

Isn't it just 2 million, it's like no one has seen it.

"Why don't you just listen to your son?" With money all of a sudden, Father Lin's mind was shaken.

"What are you listening to?" Mama Lin grabbed the bank card on the table and put it in her pocket: "I'll talk about it later."

"Mom, your son and I are still earning money. How much interest can we get from depositing in the bank? Why don't we change the apartment first, so we can live more comfortably?"

Lin Hao saw that there was something going on, and continued to persuade: "Besides, you and my dad usually have to run up and down to buy groceries, how inconvenient."

"Your dad and I can overcome it," Lin Ma said.

"Okay, even if you and my dad can overcome it, it's inconvenient to have a friend or colleague or something." Lin Hao continued.

Mama Lin stopped talking immediately.

Obviously, he was a little swayed by his son's words.

"Then let's do this first. Tomorrow, I will take your two elders to have a look first, and then we can decide whether to buy it or not." Lin Hao ran back to the house after speaking.

Father Lin and Mother Lin looked at each other, both speechless.

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