Just as stipulated in the contract, the decoration team started construction very quickly.

It hasn't been a few days since I ordered the blonde here, and the other party has already started to offer a sweetheart.

As for Lin Hao, he would visit the Xinhe Building basically every day to supervise the construction issues.

There is no problem with the general decoration direction. It has been determined before. All he can do is to let the workers pay attention to the details.


For things like registering a company and submitting review materials, I have to go to the local government affairs hall a few times, and the progress is pretty good.

It was just that the name of the company he had thought of was repeated and could not be used, which caught him by surprise.

Then changed and changed.

Finally, it was determined to be the "Cote d'Azur Company".

Compared with the progress of the decoration, Zhao Jing's side is going much faster.

Still rushing forward non-stop during the day and night, it took about a month and a half, and the entire Death Note was completely completed.

She doesn't care what Lin Hao is up to recently.

But the manga was finished, so he had to take a look at it.

If there are places where the painting is not in place, or where it is not working, we must hurry up and correct it.

Lin Hao had no objection to this, and immediately reviewed Zhao Jing's completed work.

After reading the whole comic, I can generally find no faults, and the artistry is in line with his aesthetics, so just use it directly.

With his affirmation, Zhao Jing began to contact the editorial department of Baihe.

Tan Zhifei was very pleasantly surprised when he saw Zhao Jing's call.

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since the author of "Dreamweaver" created Mobile Suit Gundam last time.

During this time.

The overall atmosphere in the editorial department is not good.

During this period, the editor-in-chief Tang Hongzhou urged himself more than once to quickly ask about the progress of the other party's next work.

But what can I do?

Urge the other party directly?

Too bad.

So on weekdays, he could only talk to Zhao Jing tactfully, but the other party basically didn't answer his questions directly.

So Tan Zhifei has been very worried recently, and even has some small opinions on his editor-in-chief.

Things have turned into the way they are now, and it is said to be caused by the last decision.

Circulation of the first printing of 50,000 copies.

It's ridiculous to think about it now.

According to statistics from the editorial department of the manga writers who published works in the same month as "Dreamweaver", there are 18 people.

But how much did the works of these 18 people sell together?

Less than 35,000 volumes.

On average, there are only about 2,000 volumes per person, which is like rushing home.

Looking at others, a Mobile Suit Gundam sold a full 450,000 copies, and it was still without the third reprint.

450,000 volumes!

It is not a big problem to lock in the annual sales champion in advance.

Such a manga author would be able to win the head in those big companies, but his manga editorial department didn't take them seriously.


Tan Zhifei didn't know what to say.

Although he was emotional, he was not slow at answering the phone at all.

"Ms. Zhao, hello." The tone is kind, this is the first step in cultivating a relationship, Tan Zhifei deeply agrees.

"The new manga is ready, the first part has already been mailed, and it is estimated to have arrived." Before he could speak, Zhao Jing said.

New comics?

Mailed over?

Tan Zhifei could hardly believe his ears.

This surprise came too suddenly.

"That. Ms. Zhao, may I ask if it's still a Gundam theme?" He couldn't help asking cautiously.

"You can understand it as a detective suspense class." Zhao Jing said.

"Detective suspense comics?"

Tan Zhifei was taken aback when he heard this.

Isn't the difference before and after this too big?

However, there are still many comics of this type on the market, but the popularity is not high.

To sum it up.

It's a difficult category to sell.

He thought so, but he didn't dare to draw a conclusion.

The last Mobile Suit Gundam has already learned a profound lesson, so the subject matter this time may not be what I think it is.

"Well, let's take a look first, and then confirm the treatment." Zhao Jing said.

"Don't worry, we absolutely promise to give you the highest treatment in the comics industry." Here, Tan Zhifei spoke firmly.

He couldn't be the master of this kind of thing.

But Tang Hongzhou told him more than once, whenever the other party mentioned the issue of remuneration, he had to raise it to the highest level, without even thinking about it.

Otherwise, what would his small editorial department compete with other companies?

This means that there is Zhao Jing's relationship, otherwise the last Gundam manga may not have fallen on my head.

"Editor Tan, it's best to be like this."

After Zhao Jing finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Here Tan Zhifei hurriedly got up and came to the guard's room. It was freezing cold outside, but he didn't even have time to put on a coat.

It can be seen that I am really anxious.

On weekdays, the editorial department's submissions are basically temporarily stored here, and then moved to the office the next morning.

But Tan Zhifei couldn't wait at all.

This is the masterpiece of 'Dream Weaver', so you have to read it now.

"Editor Tan, what are you doing out in this cold weather? Don't freeze your body to death. You don't need to worry about it. I'll just take it in later."

Seeing this, the security guard at the gate hurriedly persuaded him.

"No, I have to come in person this time."

Tan Zhifei said and smiled.

After entering the guard room, I didn't feel cold anymore, so I just squatted on the ground and flipped through the mail.

After searching for a while, there was indeed a mail from Zhao Jing, and I put it in my arms, and then returned to the office satisfied.

The other editors, of course, saw his behavior and were suddenly a little curious.

"Old Tan, what's the situation? Why did you bring back one alone." Someone raised his head and asked.

"I can't afford to wait for Dreamweaver's new work." Tan Zhifei answered the manga in Yang's hand.


As soon as he said this.

Suddenly there was a sound of surprise in the office.

Immediately afterwards.

It was the sound of the chair quickly rubbing against the ground.

"Hurry up, hurry up, take it apart and watch it together." Everyone immediately gathered around.

To know.

Dreamweaver's upper manga is a hot seller.

Now there are not a few high imitations outside.

Even some of their authors have been researching this subject recently.

I didn't expect the other party to have another work, so I naturally had to watch it.

Tan Zhifei was speechless for a while, but he could only unpack the package in front of everyone.

Soon, the name of the manga emerged, and it was drawn by hand, which is quite beautiful.

"death Note."

He muttered something, and the others were also stunned when they saw this.

"Isn't it the sequel of Gundam? Is this a change of theme?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"This time it's detective suspense." Tan Zhifei had no choice but to explain.

"A comic about detective suspense?"

Everyone frowned.

But then everyone recalls what the latest popular detective comics are about.

But no matter what you think.

Can't seem to find a good example.

So someone said in an uncertain tone: "Aren't detective comics quite popular recently?"

When he said that, the others nodded.

The subject matter is too niche, and it is not popular in the market.

"What's wrong with the unpopularity, you have to see who the author is."

Tan Zhifei couldn't help but refute.

When I faced Mobile Suit Gundam last time, I said it was a robot.

In the end, it wasn't the same thing at all.

They created a theme.

Now look at it, how many authors have attracted imitation.

"That's right, stop arguing and take a look first." Someone suggested.

Tan Zhifei nodded, and then slowly turned to the first page of the plot.

But then.

Everyone is Barbie Q again.

The next moment, they looked at Tan Zhifei suspiciously.

Didn't you mean detective suspense comics?

But what does it mean to expand from the Death God Realm?

Take another look at the painting style of these gods of death.

The one with the long tongue gnawed on the bone, the one with only one eyeball, the one covered with scars, and the one with only one head rolling back and forth.

This is too disgusting.

However, the other party's exquisite painting skills can better reflect this point.

Being watched by everyone, Tan Zhifei was also a little confused.

Zhao Jing did tell him so on the phone.

But he can't explain clearly, because everyone is watching it for the first time.

"Look first, the author of Dream Weaver cannot be treated with common sense." After Tan Zhifei said this, everyone nodded.

In fact, this explanation is correct, otherwise how could people become popular?


They all looked over again.

As the story unfolds.

The more people watched, the more shocked they became.

A notebook that kills people by writing their names on it

Ryuk, the god of death who loves apples.

The confrontation between Yagamitsu and L.


No one can write detective stories like this.

This kind of creativity is no longer possessed by ordinary people.

It simply opened their eyes.

And the connection of the plot is really good, there is no urine point at all, and the gang of big bosses watching are nervous.

Just when he saw his strength, suddenly there were a few coughing sounds behind him.

look back.

It was discovered that Tang Hongzhou appeared behind.

"Editor in chief."

Everyone hurriedly said hello, and so did Tan Zhifei.

As for the comics.

Just stop and watch.

"What are you watching here if you don't work well? Do you want to deduct your salary? Hurry up and go back to your station." Tang Hongzhou said in a bad tone.

When everyone heard this, they withdrew one after another.

It's just that everyone is still thinking about the next plot direction of the Death Note comic.

How should it develop in the future?

Who will win out of two well-thought-out opponents?

It's really worrying.

If I had known this, I might as well not have seen it.

"What is this?" Tang Hongzhou couldn't help asking when he also saw the cartoon behind Tan Zhifei.

"Editor-in-Chief, this is a new comic delivered by Zhao Jing." Tan Zhifei explained.


Tang Hongzhou's complexion changed when he heard the words, and then he scolded: "Why didn't you know to tell me about such a big matter in advance, it's just nonsense."

With that said, he took away the manga on the table and walked towards the office.

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