If conditions permit.

Hong Shaoshan definitely didn’t want to put such an excellent program in the first half of the Spring Festival Gala.

After seeing the special effects in the second trial.

Their entire program team was extremely shocked.

Everyone thinks that this kind of program can be used as the finale.

But due to the sharp decline in ratings.

He was forced and had no choice.

We can only let X girl group come out first to absorb the popularity.

This is the most cost-effective way.

Because if you put it off until the end.

Not necessarily how many people continued to stare.

The viewership curve shows a downward trend every year.

Pre-exam is not a bad thing.

And he was undoubtedly right to do so.

The song "As You Wish" is released together with the holographic image.

The audience's trigeminal nerves were all excited.

"Brothers, hurry up and watch the Spring Festival Gala. The X girl group is here, and their performance is simply explosive."

"What? The X girl group is here?"

"I just walked out the door. Damn it, isn't this a joke?"

"Don't panic, you can just use your phone to read it."

"You're not so excited, are you? The Spring Festival Gala in previous years was not interesting, so it will be like that when the X girl group comes."

"It's really different. The holographic image is so invincible. Not only does it have a giant dragon, but it also transforms into flames. I feel numb."

"What are you talking about, dragon? Are you really lying?"

"Why are you lying to me? Come on and see."


One pass to ten.

From ten to one hundred.

In an instant, a wave of heated discussions broke out.

Many people did not watch the Spring Festival Gala from beginning to end or left after watching the first part.

With such strong recommendation.

Then he turned on the TV with a skeptical attitude.

I want to see if it is like what they said.

However, most people arrived late.

When they arrive.

The X girl group has already finished and left the stage.

On to the next show.

It's very embarrassing.

"No, where are the people?"

"Where's my X girl group? Why did it turn into children's acrobatics? I'm really going to vomit."

"Fuck, are you lying? Where is the X girl group? Where is the hologram?"

"My god, I came back from outside specifically for the X girl group, and this is the result?"

"Disappointed, so disappointed."

"What's so good about this?"

"I knew I wouldn't open it. I was so disgusted that I gave it back."

People watching the Spring Festival Gala seemed to have experienced a small climax.

But the complaints have also reached their peak.

Because everyone is attracted by the X girl group.

But they have already withdrawn.

So these audiences come quickly.

Slips away quickly.

Fortunately, during this period, someone captured the video of the X girl group's performance and put it online for people to enjoy.

This is incredible.

Once issued.

It immediately caused an uproar.

Netizens only felt their scalps numb.

Catching and moving songs.

A five-clawed dragon swimming in the hall.

A sea of ​​beautiful simulated flowers.

Wonderful transformation after burning in flames.

There is no place that is not surprising.

This Spring Festival Gala may still not be remembered in people's hearts.

But this show is enough to make many people feel excited.

beyond imagination.


This kind of performance is definitely the first of its kind on such a stage.

Many people even felt sorry.


Because the X girl group is like a firework that disappears in an instant.

Even though it is gorgeous and beautiful.

But it still can't light up all the night sky.

Other programs are too lame.

Time goes by second by second.

Until the early hours of the morning.

The Spring Festival Gala ended slowly with a chorus.

"The soaring singing voice sings the unforgettable years and condenses the unchanging plot in the heart."

"The familiar melody interprets the excitement of the times and echoes the true feelings that never change."

"Today will be unforgettable, let the past days be like running water, and let the vision of the future be like dawn."

"We will cherish all the joy and laughter together."

"May our country be more prosperous."

"I wish you all a prosperous career."

"I wish you all happiness and good health."

"In the new year, let us——"

"Work hand in hand to reach new heights!"

Under the impassioned speeches of the four hosts.

The Spring Festival Gala signal was completely cut off.

And at this same time.

X girl group's new album "Poetry of a Hundred Battles" was officially released on the Echo Music platform at the right time.

Under the burst of firecrackers and fireworks.

There was not even any promotion for this album.

It's like giving every fan a great surprise in the form of a New Year's gift.

"Oh my God, what did I see? The X girl group album is out."

"Awesome, it was posted early in the morning."

"Hurry up and listen."

"This is really unexpected. I thought it was just that one song, but I didn't expect there was more."

"Haha, isn't this more exciting than the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Buy, buy, buy."

"I won't let my wallet rest during the Chinese New Year."

People who got the news flocked to the place.

Without hesitation at all.

The X girl group’s album songs are still the same as before.

Half Chinese.

Half English.

If changed to before.

Some people may even criticize them for admiring foreign things.

But now everyone understands it very well.

Because X Girl Group is an international group.

Their sales in the United States.

No less than at home.

There is even an extra part.

So there is no need to spray at all.

Chinese here.

They are "As You Wish", "If One Day", "The Boy Opposite Looks Over", "Who" and "With Love".

In English.

It's "21", "Flightless Bird", "Come Back To Me", "Umbrella", "Scars To Your Beautiful".

Benefit from the Chinese New Year.

There are many people waiting to eat dumplings in the early morning.

Many people who usually go to bed early have become night owls.

This also leads to the fact that the number of fans who listen to songs is not that small.

And don’t look at it as a mixed Chinese and English album.

In just one hour.

"A Hundred Battles into a Poem" alone sold 1.84 million copies.

The popularity of the X girl group cannot be built on.

Don't look at the fact that they have only released one album before.

They really belong to that kind of singer group that jumps from the ground to the sky.

There is no transitional stage at all.

From the time she came out of the "Girl Group Creation Camp" program to being signed and releasing her first album.

He was directly promoted to a position that is even more terrifying than that of a first-tier singer.

All at home and abroad.

There is no comparison with other singers in the company.

Even Lin Hao.

It's hard to say that he suppressed the three girls.

No joke at all.

This night was destined to be extraordinary.

It's not just the fans who are partying.

Music critics are also working hard to write song reviews.

"Let's analyze the single "If One Day". How should I describe it? This is an emotional song suitable for people who are lost in love. The melody of this song is very nice and quiet. The three girls of the X girl group expressed it very well. Very mature, gentle and sentimental, and the meaning of the lyrics written by Jingluo is probably to recall the lover. Although he has experienced many emotional disappointments, he still misses the one he loves, and the love even humbles him to the dust. Every relationship is worthy of blessing. , but when you meet the wrong person, no matter how much hurt you encounter in this relationship, let's wish each other the best to find the right other half, after all, we are the people we have loved."

"Originally I wanted to analyze the Chinese songs in the album, but I was really surprised by "21" in the album. This song has no obvious chorus and the transition is very smooth. The whole song is relatively clear. The sound of the guitar almost reached consensus with the voices of the three girls in the A touch of colorful clouds in the fresh sky, a clear feeling, midnight neon lights, are your stunning beauty. The speed of the car is my ruthless turning of the head. I drive away from this interpersonal fast lane. You fall in love with this wanton ignition. The sense of love and intertwined emotions are really hard to stop listening to.”

"Jing Luo's skills in lyrics and music can still make me unable to extricate myself from listening to it. This can be seen from the song "Who". Every part reveals the ultimate sadness of love. I am not afraid of burning myself to death with a cup of hot water, nor am I afraid Your glass of ice water froze me to death, and I was most afraid that your glass of warm water would drain me. You only liked me briefly, but I remembered it for a long time. At first, I felt that performing this song as a group was not as good as doing it alone. It’s wonderful, but their cooperation is really good. Yu Liya and Cheng Xiaoxi took over the telling part, and Xu Mo started to vent his emotions. Everyone represents each stage, which is really suitable for looping."

"Perhaps when people of our generation hear the song "Ruishi", they will put the pleasantness first and not have much emotion, but many of our parents have a lot of emotions when they hear this song. Resonance, because it is more consistent with their previous experiences. In my opinion, this song is about material inheritance or spiritual inheritance. It is precisely because of the spirit of self-improvement, self-improvement and hard work passed down by our ancestors orally. Give us such a good life today."

"As a New Year's gift, "A Poem from a Hundred Battles" is too perfect. Although there are only five short Chinese songs, each one is so moving. The X girl group almost combined youth, It has been performed for us over and over again with maturity and affection. An album like this is definitely worth the money, what are you still hesitating about?"

It's past three in the morning.

A series of song and album reviews have come out one after another.

But there is no need for them to be the icing on the cake.

Releases by artists from Cote d'Azur are must-buys for most fans.

Listen so far.

I haven’t said which singer has collapsed yet.

The quality assurance is very strong.

Inside the album.

The most popular song is definitely "As You Wish".

Because of the blessing of the Spring Festival Gala and holographic images.

It can't be shaken at all.

Next is "The Boy Opposite Look Over".

Its melody is not complicated.

It doesn’t have the depth of emotion that progresses layer by layer.

It's just a simple guitar accompaniment and a catchy melody.

The reason why this song is so popular is not because of how good the lyrics and music are.

But in the eyes of many young people.

This song is a confession song.

It's absolutely possible to express your feelings to each other.

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