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Within the barrier of resentment, two members of the Demon Slayer Squad were fighting several strange beasts.

The two of them cooperated very well, but the strange beasts on the opposite side had a numerical advantage, so they were at a disadvantage for a while.

"Broken Path No. 31 - Red Fire Cannon!"

After passing through the barrier, Zhang Xinyao was directly supported by No. 31, who was chanting "Breaking Abandonment".

At the same time, Shen Liang took Xu Jinjiang and Erwa, and Pan Xu took Hu Jun, and ran over to attract the hatred of several strange beasts.

"Thank you thank you."

"You came at the perfect time."

"We are almost overwhelmed."

The hatred was taken away by Xu Jinjiang and Erwa, and the two members of the Demon Slayer Team breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that there was support, they helped each other and sat on the ground.

"Be careful."

"There is also a wolf king Weigui behind."

"These dozen wolf cubs are just soldiers."

After taking a breath, the two Demon Slayer team members also provided information in time.

"Do not worry."

"piece of cake."

"It will be solved soon."

After Zhu Xiaolin comforted the two members of the Demon Slayer Squad, she also joined the battle with her psychic.

Zhu Xiaolin's medium is a rouge box, and the spirit that resides in it is a girl named Qiaoer.

During his lifetime, he was a famous actor in a theater troupe and sang Wudan.

His voice is extremely penetrating and he is good at soul attacks.



Wang Qian, who is in charge of assisting, has a pipe as a psychic medium.

The person staying inside is an old woman named Grandma Hu, who is good at using smoke to confuse enemies and is proficient in illusions.

Just when Wang Qian asked Grandma Hu to use mist to trap a wolf cub that was about to escape, she didn't expect that this was just a feint attack by the wolf cub. With a fierce look in her eyes, she pounced and bit Wang Qian.



Xu Na, who had been paying attention to the situation here, rushed over with a long blood-stained knife.

Hengdao caught the wolf cub's attack and kicked it away with his right foot.

Then he threw the stick forward in his hand.


With a scream, a dashing woman with short hair took the long knife and split the wolf cub in half with one stroke.

This is Xu Na's psychic, Wang Jiao.


Suddenly, a wolf howled in the forest.

A larger gray wolf quickly ran out of the forest.

"It's good to come."

When Xu Jinjiang saw this, he was not afraid at all.

The wolf king at the ferocious soul level is not something to be afraid of.

"Second baby!"


"I thought you wanted to fight with him."

Next to Xu Jinjiang stood a strong man who was about 5 meters tall and with bulging muscles.

This is Erwa's fighting form.

After complaining about his host, Erwa looked hard.

The muscles all over his body swelled again, he turned slightly sideways, dodged the Wolf King's bite, grabbed the Wolf King's two hind legs with his backhand, and threw him over his shoulder.


The Wolf King cried out in pain, but Erwa didn't give it any time to breathe.

A knee strike knocked down the Wolf King again, who had not yet gotten up. He turned over and sat on the Wolf King, and punched him in the waist.


Erwa's continuous attacks made the Wolf King howl in pain.

Bronze head and iron bones, tofu waist, describes the wolf.

The waist is the weak point of the wolf.

Erwa's punch hit the waist and eye, which was considered to be a critical hit with an outstanding effect.

"Don't scream!"

He shouted in a deep voice, and a spiritual flame ignited on Erwa's fist.

With a punch, there was just a click, and the Wolf King's waist collapsed.

The whole wolf is twisted into a 'V' shape.

After a few more painful howls, the Wolf King also died under Erwa's iron fist.

With the wolf king being eliminated, the remaining wolf cubs were also eliminated by others.

7:14, from support to end, 8 minutes.


As the last wolf cub passed away, the surrounding resentment barrier also disappeared.

The defense formation of the Forest Zoo also flickered for a few times before going silent.

"Are you really college students?"

Seeing Shen Liang and the others neatly dispatching the wolves, the two members of the Demon Slayer Team were stunned.

Are all college students today so competitive?


"oh oh."

"My name is Liu Feng, and he is Liu Yue."

Seeing Shen Liang hesitate to speak, Liu Feng spoke.

"These are two brothers."

"In this case, Brother Feng, Brother Yue, you have nothing to do

What a big deal, right? "

Shen Liang asked with a smile when he heard their names.

Although the two of them were a little embarrassed when facing the wolves, there were actually no serious injuries on their bodies.

It's just that the wolves have an advantage in numbers and they can't find a good opportunity to attack, so they can only defend passively.

Both of them are also at the peak of their ferocious spirits and are not that fragile.

"It's nothing."

"It just happened so suddenly."

"I'm ashamed to say that we were attacked first."

Hearing Shen Liang ask this, Liu Feng also smiled awkwardly.

From the time when the resentment broke out to when the wolves attacked, it only took a minute.

It was not yet seven o'clock at that time, and all boarders knew that it was most likely to fall asleep at this time.

This wolf king also knows who is the greatest threat in the zoo.

Just after awakening, the target was directed at the two brothers.

It just so happened that Liu Yue was still feeling a little uncomfortable today, so the wolves suddenly took advantage of him.

Otherwise, facing a pack of ferocious-level wolves, we wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"That's fine."

"I'm really sorry, but I have to trouble you two to deal with the aftermath."

"We all came here for the scenery of the forest zoo."

"So I wanted to take a walk inside."

"Thank you for your hard work, the two eldest brothers come to Genhuazi."

After hearing what Liu Feng said, Shen Liang also climbed up the pole.

After all, they came here just for the scenery of the forest zoo.

Although there was a little accident, it was still early.

The handover time is eight o'clock, which is enough time.

And Xu Jinjiang was also very discerning and started smoking directly next to him.

"Forget it about smoking."

"No smoking allowed inside."

“If you want to smoke, there is a special smoking area.”

After receiving the Hua Zi from Xu Jinjiang, the two brothers pinned it on their ears and at the same time gave instructions to Shen Liang.

"It doesn't matter, don't be so polite."

"It's okay, you go shopping."

"Just the two of us will handle the aftermath."

“Here is a road map with introductions.”

After giving instructions, Liu Feng also spoke directly to Shen Liang.

"Okay, let's go shopping first."

"Brother Feng, don't worry. I'll hand it over on time before eight o'clock."

After Liu Feng said so, Shen Liang handed Xu Jinjiang the remaining half of the box of Huazi in his hand.


"It's a picnic!"

Several other people also heard the conversation between several people, and when they saw that the conversation was over, they all cheered.

Everyone cheered and celebrated, but Xu Jinjiang was the only one staring at Shen Liang resentfully.


"Boss, if you give gifts, give them gifts."

"Why did you send my Huazi away?"

Ps: I wish the bosses good fortune from all directions!

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