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"Ah this..."

After understanding He Rui's words, Shen Liang put away Zhan Yue in embarrassment.

Holding the sword of Hajime Zangetsu in his hand, he really doesn't look like a good person.

"Shall I send Mr. Shen out?"

Seeing Shen Liang put away Zhan Yue, He Rui didn't relax at all.

Although the current He Rui's strength has not dropped to the Sheqing level.

But He Rui's memory has been reshaped, and she has become weird before she realizes it.

Quan thinks that she is still that 16-year-old girl.

So facing Shen Liang, He Rui didn't want to have more contact with him.

This man is too dangerous.

"None of you can get out."

Just when Shen Liang was thinking about how to answer He Rui's question, a disembodied voice sounded in the ancient tomb.

The next moment, astonishing resentment soared into the sky in the palace.

With the sound of armor rubbing against each other, a group of soldiers wearing heavy armor walked out of the palace.

"I knew it wouldn't be possible without a back-up plan."

Looking at the heavily armored soldiers appearing in front of him, Zhan Yue reappeared in Shen Liang's hand.

The importance of He Rui is self-evident.

Under such circumstances, how could the person behind the use of soul-destroying ghost-refining techniques to refine He Rui not arrange some back-ups?

If someone intercepts this, I will cry to death.




At this time, He Rui looked at the heavily armored soldiers in front of him with panic on his face.

What's happening here?

Why did the legendary ghost appear in my home?

Before she could figure out what was going on, He Rui was washed away by the resentment of these strange soldiers in front of her, holding her head in pain and squatting on the ground.

"Just these few people are not enough."

"Now that you've spoken out, don't hide your head and show your tail."

"Show up!"

There are 50 heavily armored soldiers in total, and all of them are weird at the level of ghosts.

It looks very powerful and oppressive.

But what Shen Liang cared more about was the one who just spoke.

With only one soul left in He Rui's state, and still able to maintain the strength of She Qing level, this group of heavily armored soldiers cannot restrain him.

Therefore, the person who just spoke is the final insurance.

"I didn't expect that the soul-destroying ghost-refining technique would go wrong at the end."

"Fortunately, I have a backup plan."

"He Rui..."

"Go back to Shexiang Palace and sleep well."

"Do you still want your mother to suffer more torture?"

The owner of the voice didn't pay attention to Shen Liang's intention.

Instead, he called He Rui.

As for Shen Liang, he was not taken seriously.

Demon-level strength?

It really can't make any waves.

"Am I being ignored?"

Shen Liang didn't expect that he would be regarded as little Kalami.

But Shen Liang is not upset, we will directly see the real chapter under his hands.


And He Rui, when she heard the name mother, felt strange memories flooding into her mind again.

After a while, He Rui's face turned extremely ugly.


Are you still being tortured by this person?


Why do you have to suffer this kind of sin?

"Now you go back to Shexiang Palace obediently, and I will treat it as if nothing happened."

"If you don't obey..."

"I will take good care of your mother."

In the darkness, a brazier burning with resentment flickered on and off.

In the bone-white flames, one could even vaguely see an erratic figure wearing Taoist robes.

And he was the yellow-robed Taoist priest who used the soul-destroying ghost-refining technique on He Rui.

More than a hundred years ago, the yellow-robed Taoist priest was already the younger brother of a ghost king.

The king he spoke of was the ghost king who commanded a thousand miles around.

In that era when weirdness was still very active, as a fierce soul, he was not taken very seriously by the Ghost King.

But as a Taoist priest during his lifetime, he learned a few crooked secret techniques.

Relying on these secret techniques, the Taoist priest's resentment grew not too slowly.

Normally, under the instructions of the leader, I would find rations for the Ghost King, and occasionally I would take some to line my own pockets, so I could live a relatively comfortable life.

However, after arriving in the small town where He Rui was located, the Taoist priest felt that his opportunity had come.

By chance, the Taoist priest noticed He Rui, who had a special physique.

Yincao fate?

This immediately reminded the yellow-robed Taoist priest of a secret technique he had mastered.

If He Rui can be refined...

Do princes and generals like Xiang Ning have the guts?

Who again

Are you willing to be a younger brother forever?

As for He Rui, the yellow-robed Taoist priest must get her.

But the yellow-robed Taoist priest, who is still under the ghost king, also knows that he needs to plan it carefully.

Through the secret technique, the Taoist priest controlled Su Yuanshan.

Originally, Su Yuanshan was a famous playboy in the local area, so it was not uncommon for him to take in a few more unmarried girls.

And since he was planning to get He Rui, he could also use other goods to get rid of his superiors.

Killing two birds with one stone.

In fact, things have been progressing very smoothly.

He Rui was refined, and he also found a secret hiding place.

But the Taoist priest didn't expect that things were a little beyond his expectations.

After more than a hundred years, He Rui still has one soul and one spirit left.

Normally, the soul-binding and soul-destroying ghost-refining technique will only take twenty years.

What the Taoist priest didn't expect was that He Rui's resentment was too great.

When her soul was complete, He Rui's overwhelming resentment even made her reach the level of Ghost King.

This really scared him.

But fortunately, the ghost refining technique finally slowly refined He Rui.

Isn't it just a little longer?

He waited.

More than a hundred years later, the Taoist priest also reached the Sheqing level.

For the Ghost King above, ordinary ghosts cannot break through without opportunities.

He Rui is his last hope.

And now it is the last critical moment. He Rui, who only has one soul and one spirit, will not take much time to be completely refined.

At that time, let alone attacking the Ghost King, even the Ghost King, the Taoist priest feels that he can attack.

But now the variables have appeared, He Rui has awakened.

Fortunately, he has been sleeping in the Shexiang Palace, so He Rui did not run away.

As for He Rui's mother...

She has long been dead.

In order to stimulate He Rui to explode more resentment, he used all the tortures he could think of on He Rui's mother.

How could an ordinary soul bear such torture?

He Rui's mother was not destined to be in the underworld.

But he couldn't say that to He Rui.

As He Rui's weakness, this was the best way to control her.


"As long as you don't torture my mother."

"I'll listen to you in everything."

Sure enough, what He Rui cared about most was her mother who depended on her for life.

After the Taoist said this, He Rui's original anger came to an abrupt end.

She didn't want her mother to be tortured again.

"Really a naive person."

Shen Liang, who had been ignored, shook his head when he saw He Rui's reaction.

Can he believe what he said?

This man obviously knew He Rui's weakness. Just saying this, even He Rui's mother was still there, and Shen Liang had to question it in his heart.

But at this time, He Rui probably wouldn't listen to anything Shen Liang said.

He Rui's mind was too pure and kind to say that she could send herself out.

Now He Rui's mind was probably focused on how to save her mother.


Shen Liang decided to take action directly.

Force this bug hiding behind to come out.


"Crescent Moon... Tenchong!!"

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