Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

I have to say that Zhang Xinyao is getting better and better at it.

I don’t know how long I can carry it?


Seal your heart with cement!

in love?

do not know!

"The train will leave soon. Let's get on the train and wait."


"Here's an egg pancake for you."

Seeing more and more classmates around him, Shen Liang asked Zhang Xinyao to get in the car and wait.

This training session is only for psychics who have successfully contracted as psychic mediums.

This year, a total of 64 people were awakened in the four classes of senior high school.

It just so happened that the bus that came to pick us up was a 33-seat bus.

Counting the two Demon Slayer members following the car, the two cars were just right.

And at this time, there is no need to divide into a first class and a second class.

Sit wherever you want.

Shen Liang and Zhang Xinyao got on the bus and found a two-seat restaurant. Shen Liang and Zhang Xinyao took out the egg pancakes and started eating.

Once we arrive at the Demon Slayer Squad, we might start training directly.

It remains to be seen whether we will be able to eat by then.

By the time Shen Liang finished the two egg pancakes, everyone gathered was almost there.

After all, he was going to the Demon Slayer Team for training, so the students still took him seriously.

After everyone gathered, the bus did not wait for the time to arrive.

Depart immediately after closing.

"You are the ones going to the Demon Slayer Team training camp from Shengjing No. 1 Middle School this year."

"Before arriving at the Demon Slayer Squad, there are some things that I need to explain to you clearly."

The vehicle started, and the members of the Demon Slayer Corps who were accompanying the vehicle also stood up from the seats in the front row.

He glanced at these young juniors with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

In these people, Wang Long seemed to see his fledgling self.

"My name is Wang Long."

"I will be responsible for your usual basic training from now on."

"You can just call me Instructor Wang."

"Now, let me tell you about the training process..."

As he said this, Wang Long started talking.

Two months of training for the Demon Slayer Corps.

The main purpose is to familiarize newcomers with the essentials of fighting with psychics.

Although the psychic and the medium have reached a preliminary synchrony through the successful exchange of psychic powers through the contract, there is still a long way to go before they can fight together with the same mind.

Combat style training takes up a part, and the rest is basic training which accounts for the largest proportion.

The initial strength of a psychic is several levels higher than that of a psychic.

If you want the weirdness in the psychic to emit 100% or even 120% strength, the psychic who serves as the bridge needs to have matching strength.

Therefore, basic training is to enable the psychic to accommodate more spiritual power, and even need to have means of self-protection under certain circumstances.

In addition, it is the final practical training.

The training is just to familiarize these newcomers with the profession of psychic.

The fastest way is through actual combat.

No matter how much you learn, it is better to experience it directly.

However, because they will go to the Psychic University after the training camp, the proportion of actual combat is not high.

There are many opportunities for this kind of practical experience after going to college.

The main purpose of this training camp is to lay the foundation.

"That's about it for the training."

"I hope this training will give you a new understanding of psychics."

"The weird world is not as simple as you think."

"When facing strange situations, I hope you will always stay alert."

"This is not only responsible for yourselves, but also for your teammates and your families."

"at last···"

"Work hard to improve your own strength."

"I hope one day this weird fucking era will be brought to an end by you."

After saying that, Wang Long went back to his seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Although he spoke passionately, Wang Lung said these words almost every year.

The vision is good, but how could the weird era end so easily?

Especially since strange activities have become more frequent recently.

I hope these little guys can save their lives in troubled times.

Thinking about it, Wang Long sighed quietly.

This is a fucking era.

"End the weird era?"

After hearing Wang Long's last words, Shen Liang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

It is not easy to end the weird era.

Once humans gain power, their ambitions will continue to expand.

To put it most directly, the weird era is really over.

The psychics who put an end to the strange era will also become new ghosts and gods.

Thinking of this, Shen Liang suddenly felt a little dazed.

Now these so-called ghosts and gods...

Could it be that he is also a psychic of unknown generation?

Thinking too far ahead.

"Shen Liang, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Shen Liang's sudden wry smile, Zhang Xinyao came over curiously.

Did you think of something?

"It's okay."

"Are you tired from walking?"

"Put your feet over here."

"I'll rub it for you."

Shen Liang didn't tell Zhang Xinyao what he thought.

Seeing Zhang Xinyao's ankles covered with black stockings exposed, Shen Liang felt a little itchy.


"I haven't walked much."

Hearing that Shen Liang wanted to rub herself, Zhang Xinyao didn't react at first.

But noticing Shen Liang's gaze, Zhang Xinyao understood.


The mouth is too upright.

Thinking about it, Zhang Yao put her two long legs on Shen Liang's legs.

In this way, Shen Liang became addicted to his hands along the way.

When the bus arrived at its destination, I reluctantly put it down.

"Can't bear to part with it?"

Seeing Shen Liang still looking like he was still unfinished, Zhang Xinyao felt dumbfounded.

She never expected that such a beautiful woman like herself was right in front of her, but what attracted Shen Liang the most was her jiojio?

"Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm just afraid that you haven't recovered yet."

When Zhang Xinyao said this, Shen Liang shook his head and denied it.

How could he possibly admit that he had such a fetish?

Wouldn't that mean he was regarded as an old pervert?


"Next time, I'll change to a pair of white silk stockings for you to rub?"

Seeing Shen Liang's stubborn mouth, Zhang Xinyao was happy to accompany him.


"Fishing net?"



"Shredded pork?"



"Let's talk about it first."

"I just care about your body."

When he heard that he wanted a name, Shen Liang finally spoke.

"I know."

"You damn duck has a tough mouth."

Seeing Shen Liang like this, Zhang Xinyao looked like she understood everything.

Sure enough, it was easy to handle.

After getting off the car, everyone gathered in the open space.

Wang Lung stood at the front of the team, waiting for everyone to gather.

"This is just an outpost."

"Your final destination is the headquarters twenty kilometers away."

"Everyone listen to my command now!"

"turn right!"

When everyone got off the bus, Wang Long started practicing with a grim expression.


"Start practicing now?"

"I haven't had breakfast yet!"

Seeing that Wang Lung wanted to train them directly, most of them were immediately confused.

Is this progress too fast?

Shouldn't they be familiar with the new environment first?

Not to mention the welcome party, you still have to have a bite of breakfast, right?

"What's all the fuss about?"

"Don't you understand me?"

Looking at the noisy and wailing classmates, Wang Long showed no mercy at all.

"If you can't accept it, you can just leave."

"If you understand, follow my footsteps!"

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