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After solving the strange sheep's head, Shen Liang's team has completed all their tasks for today.

At the same time, it also means that Shen Liang and his two-month rookie training has come to an end.

Then they had a break of almost a month.

Then it’s time to start college life.

"Time flies so fast."

“Two months have passed before I knew it.”

Pan Xu was a little emotional.

It seems like yesterday was the same morning when I was out of breath after just running twenty kilometers.

Now, two months have passed in a flash.

"Who says it isn't?"

"But there is good news."

"I asked the instructor about it."

"After we went to college, we still worked as a team."

"That means we will still be roommates from now on."

Xu Jinjiang also sighed.

But then he told me a piece of good news that he had learned about.

"This is indeed good news."

"I would like to ask for your advice on my future college life."

Lin Beizhi also laughed when he heard the news.

After two months of getting along, the four of them regarded each other as good brothers.

I was originally afraid that we would be reassigned after college, but I didn't expect that we would still be together.

This is indeed good news for them.

"Please give me more advice in the future."

Shen Liang also laughed.

After some laughter, Shen Liang's team returned to the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

One after another, people from other teams also came back under the leadership of official team members.

At night, in the training compound, all the newcomers of this year stood quietly in the open space.

Standing in front of everyone was their chief instructor Wang Long.

"After two months of getting along, I have also seen your growth."

"I see all your progress."

"I'm proud of you."

"But there is a saying that goes well, there is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever."

"But don't be sad, don't be sad."

"This parting is for a better encounter next time."

"I look forward to fighting alongside you after you graduate from college!"

In two months, these newcomers in front of them have gone from being immature at the beginning to being able to face strange things without fear.

Wang Long saw all this.

And today, it's time for them to say goodbye.

The training camp is over.

Next, they will go to university for further studies.

When will we meet again...

Can we even meet...

None of these king dragons know.

Now they are just young eagles who have just been able to soar into the blue sky.

If you want to dominate the sky, you still have a long way to go.

All Wang Lung can do is give them blessings.

The rest of the way is up to them.


"Don't cry."

"The cafeteria has prepared a sumptuous dinner for you tonight."


"Everyone has it!"

"Forward to the cafeteria!"

As Wang Long issued the order, the 62-man team suddenly became uniform.

Maybe they all knew that this was the last time they heard Wang Lung's command.

So this time, it's neater than ever.

Parting is always sad.

But there is always parting in the world.

The carnival in the cafeteria ended, and early the next morning, the newbies from the training camp left one after another.

But before Shen Liang left, Zhang Mingwu called him to his office.

Accompanying him was Zhang Xinyao.

"Are you two here?"


Arriving at Zhang Mingwu's office, Shen Liang no longer felt as reserved as the first meeting.

"Uncle called me here because of Wang Lei's matter?"

After sitting down, Shen Liang also knew Zhang Mingwu's impatience, so he went straight to the topic.


"I didn't expect this grandson to be so calm."

After taking a glass of hot water, Zhang Mingwu sat down and nodded.

In order to get the Wang family to take the bait, Zhang Mingwu used Wang Lei as a breakthrough point.

But unexpectedly, Wang Lei seemed to be avoiding the plague god these days, taking a detour when he saw Shen Liang.

I haven't found any opportunities yet.

Wang Lei originally had an arrogant and domineering character, but for his sudden change of attitude, he must have been warned behind his back.

"But now your training is over."

"But there's still a month's vacation left."

"There is a high probability that Wang Lei will choose to target you at this time, so you should be careful."

"At the same time, I will send someone to protect you."

"As long as he dares to take action,

I will definitely protect your safety. "

Wang Lei calmed down, but Zhang Mingwu felt that it was more like the calm before the storm.

After all, Wang Lei was used as the breakthrough point, so this was also the area where great efforts were made.

Although Wang Lei usually avoids Shen Liang and Zhang Xinyao.

But the little movements behind the scenes never stopped.

Contact information for Chen San became more frequent as the training camp came to an end.

Zhang Mingwu knew that Wang Lei couldn't keep his temper.

However, Zhang Mingwu looked up to him for being able to endure it for so long.

I originally thought that Wang Lei was just an arrogant, domineering, and good-for-nothing second generation.

I didn't expect that I could hold back my anger for so long.

It was beyond his expectation.

"I see."

"But if you send someone to protect you..."

"Is it easy for others to notice?"

"If I were more careful..."


"That would be too dangerous!"

Hearing that Zhang Mingwu wanted to send someone to protect him, Shen Liang resisted.

Although it was protection, it also restricted his movements.

This way he can't move around freely at night.

But before Shen Liang finished speaking, Zhang Xinyao interrupted him directly.

Although Zhang Xinyao also knew that this was an important plan against the Ghost and God Sect.

But compared to inflicting severe damage to the Ghost and God Sect, Shen Liang obviously has a higher status in Zhang Xinyao's heart.

To be more selfish, it doesn't matter if the mission fails.

Shen Liang cannot be put into danger.

"Yao Yao is right."

"That would be too dangerous."

"But I will ask those who protect you to be careful."

"The most important thing is your safety."

Zhang Mingwu originally thought that Shen Liang was right.

But after being glared at by Zhang Xinyao, she could only agree.

"All right."

"Then I will follow the arrangement."

Seeing that there was no room for maneuver, Shen Liang had no choice but to accept it.

I just hope Wang Lei can take action soon.

After saving for a while, Zhang Mingwu also chatted with Shen Liang about his gains in the past two months.

"Okay, I believe you will definitely become the mainstay of the Demon Slayer Squad in the future."


"Take this thing."

When he finally left, Zhang Mingwu handed Shen Liang a piece of transparent diamond-shaped crystal.

"This can be considered a life-saving charm."

"When receiving a powerful attack, a spiritual shield can be generated."

"The defense can withstand a full blow from Sheqing level."

"With it, your safety will be better."

Seeing Shen Liang's confused look, Zhang Mingwu explained.

"Thank you uncle."

Shen Liang also saw that this was obviously a personal gift from Zhang Mingwu.

This uncle is quite nice, he really gives you good things.

"Just one?"

"No more?"

"Wouldn't it be safer to put a necklace on Shen Liang?"

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