Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

"Sister Mi Huang, do you know it's a joke?"

"Do you still know what the light bulb means?"

Hearing Mi Huang's teasing, Shen Liang said awkwardly.

With that serious expression, Mi Huang felt embarrassed even to Shen Liang.

"Sister Mihuang knows a lot."

Seeing Shen Liang's embarrassed look, Zhang Xinyao laughed heartlessly.

"What are you laughing laughing."

"Don't forget, you lost this time."

After patting Zhang Xinyao's butt, Shen Liang said with a grin on his face.


"Why did I lose?"

Upon hearing what Shen Liang said, Zhang Xinyao's eyes widened.


"Did you start your mission when you came here?"

Looking at Zhang Xinyao who was unconvinced, Shen Liang began to give examples.


"now it's right."

“We all started this mission together.”

"In that case, I'm here to find you now."

"I came here at a trot."

"You drove here."

"Then you must have more time."

"These are all tasks I completed first."

"Didn't I win?"

After hearing Shen Liang's analysis, Zhang Xinyao began to think deeply.

Why do I always feel like something is wrong with that place?


"You want to be a cheat?"

Looking at Zhang Xinyao who was deep in thought, Shen Liang said deliberately.

"How can it be?"

"Am I a cheater?"


"I'm willing to admit defeat!"

Sure enough, Zhang Xinyao said directly after being so provoked by Shen Liang.


"Then can I make a request?"

Seeing Shen Liang's happy look, Zhang Xinyao smiled knowingly.

A girl knows everything. She just wants her boyfriend to be happy. Is there anything wrong with that?

"Okay, okay."

"You tell me."

"I will definitely do what I say."

After nodding, Zhang Xinyao raised her eyebrows at Shen Liang provocatively.

"That's it..."

Shen Liang tilted his lips and whispered in Zhang Xinyao's ear.


"Is that okay?"

Hearing Shen Liang's request, Zhang Xinyao looked at Shen Liang in surprise.


Can that place also be used?

"Your request..."

"It's not that I can't promise you."

"But if I feel pain..."

"Then stop."

"I just want to try."

Seeing Zhang Xinyao's determination, Shen Liang also knew not to push too far.

Girls are so accommodating to you, Shen Liang still knows the appropriate concessions.


"Then I'll go and hand over the task first."


"Let's go home."

Hearing what Shen Liang said, Zhang Xinyao raised her eyebrows.

The task was handed in, and the two's first weekend task was successfully completed.

Have a fun day on Sunday.

Driving home, Shen Liang couldn't wait to cash in his victory prize.

He took out a courier bag that he had bought a long time ago and took out the props.

A cat tail.


Early the next morning, Shen Liang announced that he failed to unlock the new channel yesterday.

There is no way, the equipment exceeds the standard.

But Shen Liang wasn't depressed either. He couldn't do it at the back. There were still two mountains ahead.

Finally, a new channel has been unlocked.

On the rest day, Shen Liang and Zhang Xinyao went out for a day of fun.

On Monday morning, the two returned to school.

"very good."

"You have completed your tasks well."

"This is not the first time I have fought against Weirdness."

"I believe you all have discovered a problem."

"That is, as psychics, what role do you play in the battle against the weird?"

In the first class, the class teacher Xu Xiu walked to the center of the podium and started talking directly.

"Students who have weapon psychics, do you feel a little powerless?"

"In addition, students who are not weapons psychics, don't you feel that you can't help the psychics?"

"Does anyone know the root cause of these phenomena?"

Two intersecting circles were drawn on the blackboard, and the class teacher Xu Xiu's eyes scanned the audience.

"Okay, Jiang Tian, ​​please tell me."

Seeing Jiang Tian raise his hand, Xu Xiu motioned for him to answer.

"Because the body's strength can't keep up."

Standing up, Jiang Tian said directly.

"Okay, sit down."

"Jiang Tian is right."

"That's the root cause."

"Your physical strength does not match your spiritual realm."

At the intersection of the circles, Xu Xiu wrote the four characters "physical strength".

"Although as your spiritual power level rises, the medium will feed back to you and improve your physical fitness at the same time."

"But relying solely on the medium's feeding back, your physical strength is far from keeping up with the speed of spiritual power improvement."


"How to solve this problem?"

"The answer is..."

"Spiritual skills."

After a pause, Xu Xiu wrote two more characters on the blackboard.

"Spiritual skills."

"You should be unfamiliar with this word."

"This is the most important thing you need to master during college."

"Spiritual skills are skills that use spiritual power to drive."

"Learning spiritual skills can make up for the difference in your physical strength."

"Of course, spiritual skills are not permanent passive skills."

"To summon a medium, you need to use spiritual power as nutrients."

"The same is true for spiritual skills."

"Although it makes up for the physical gap, it also greatly shortens your combat time."

"So, you can't fall behind in your usual physical training."

After speaking, Xu Xiu drank a sip of water.

"I'll tell you."

"The battle of a psychic is not just about command."

Hearing what Xu Xiu said, Shen Liang looked as if it was true.

He said that a psychic could not just be a commander.

It should be a combat partner who cooperates with the medium.

"In addition."

"Students who are not weapon mediums should still have questions."

"That is, even if your physical strength is improved, can you only rely on fists and feet and weird fighting?"

"Of course not."

"Spiritual martial arts is what I will talk about next."

"Although spiritual martial arts cannot directly increase the power of psychics like weapon mediums."

"But it can also fully exert the power of your current spiritual power level."

"It must be said that non-weapon mediums are indeed at a small disadvantage before learning medium weapons."

"But isn't there a way to make up for it?"

"And speaking of it, medium weapons are strictly speaking also spiritual skills."

"Just meet the strength requirements, and you will learn it naturally."


"I will send the training methods of spiritual skills to the group later."

"My requirements are not high."

"Before the patrol mission this week, you must at least be able to use this spiritual skill in 4 days."

Next, Xu Xiu talked about some techniques on how to quickly master this body-building spiritual skill.

We have almost finished talking, and the class is about to end.

As the get out of class is about to end, Xu Xiu reiterated the importance of spiritual skills.

"Okay, the first class is over."

"Everyone, pay attention."

"Students who succeed can customize a spiritual weapon from the teacher."

"First come, first served."

Ps: I feel that the fighting style of psychics and mediums is a bit like Pokémon battles, so I added some things to make it more interactive.

Ps: 3 updates guaranteed, 1 update more, thank you for the gifts and urging for updates, thank you very much!

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