The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

In late April, just after the Grain Rain, the summer heat hit the city and swept across the city.

Just after noon, the family of three had finished their meal. As usual, Li Shuo cleaned up the leftovers on the table and took the stacked bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen.

"Although our Li Shuo has some personality defects, his ability to take care of himself is similar to that of ordinary people. He will be 26 next month, and it is almost time for him to get married."

"I have a relative and friend who has a girl of the same age. She looks good, but she has some mental problems. They want to find a live-in son-in-law. They just know the situation of our Li Shuo and want to match them up."

Fang Lanying smiled rarely, and her tone was much softer. She continued to say to Li Xuejun: "The other party's conditions are good. No dowry is required, and they also give A house in Zhonghai Huawan Community is a great bargain for Li Shuo. "

"I'll take him to meet the girl in the next few days, and then our two families will discuss and get married quickly. We can't drag on and ruin such a good thing."

Li Xuejun was stunned, surprised at first, and then angry: "Marriage? Live-in son-in-law? Do you think Li Shuo can get married in this situation? And still be a live-in son-in-law?"

Besides, the girl's family gave such good conditions, and their mental state might not be as good as Li Shuo's!

Just put two poor children with defects together like this?

Li Xuejun would rather Li Shuo not get married for life than let him live under someone else's roof and look at other people's faces.

When Li Xuejun spoke, he habitually looked at Fang Lanying. Seeing her face darken, his tone immediately softened: "Lanying, before I married you, I made it clear that my son Li Shuo has severe autism and mania, and I must take him with me, and you agreed."

Fang Lanying glared, obviously very unhappy: "Then I have to support him for life? Li Hao and Li Shu, two college students, don't need to spend money? Don't need to buy a house to get married? You are counting on your monthly salary of 6,000 or 7,000 yuan driving your bus to support an idle person and delay the future of Li Hao and Li Shu, right?"

"Now it's hard to find a family that doesn't despise Li Shuo, and you are still picking it up! Anyway, I've said this today. If you don't want to send him out, just rent a separate house for him outside and let him move out!"

Fang Lanying said with a red face and a firm attitude, without any intention of backing down.

She didn't want to waste another penny on Li Shuo, who had no hope!

"Fang Lanying, you...what's wrong with you today? I can't agree." Li Xuejun has always been bad at speaking. He couldn't argue with Fang Lanying, so he stiffened his neck and firmly stated his position.

Li Shuo was not idle at home. He didn't help with washing clothes and cooking.

Just because he is not Fang Lanying's biological son, she can't tolerate him!

He has a monthly salary of 7,000 yuan, a mortgage of 2,000 yuan, and has to support two college students and a family. He has no savings, so where can he rent a house for Li Shuo?

Fang Lanying is forcing him, forcing Li Shuo!

Fang Lanying still has no intention of backing down: "Two choices, either Li Shuo moves out! Or he goes to marry! If you don't agree, then we have come to the end."

Anyway, after the divorce, Li Hao and Li Shu, two college students, will definitely follow her.

Since Li Xuejun wants this stupid son, let him take care of him for the rest of his life. Anyway, Li Xuejun's mother and her family will not take care of the father and son. Who made him a bought child and gave birth to a burden!


"Dad, I'm getting married."

Just when neither of them was willing to back down, Li Shuo stood at the kitchen door and broke the stalemate.

"You, stinky boy, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Li Xuejun quickly stood up: "Don't listen to your mother's nonsense!"

His son is autistic and sensitive, and now he must be stimulated by Fang Lanying.

Fang Lanying immediately restrained her temper, stood up, and her tone was even gentler than ever before: "Xiao Shuo, I know you are a sensible child, your father just simply can't bear to part with you, in fact, that girl looks good, she knows to run home when it rains."

She saw the photo today, short and fat, with a nose and eyes, very blessed.

Li Xuejun's blood pressure and anger soared, and he said angrily: "You are so satisfied, how come

Don't let Li Hao go to your house."

"Li Xuejun, what are you talking about? Li Shuo is your son, but Li Hao is not? He is a college student, and you let him be a son-in-law, and he is mentally ill. You are too partial!"

Besides, Xiao Shuo has agreed to go, why are you still angry with me here?"

"That's because you want to push Xiao Shuo into the fire pit."

Seeing that the two people were arguing endlessly, Li Xuejun couldn't say anything to Fang Lanying, Li Shuo frowned slightly and raised his voice: "Stop arguing, I'm getting married!"

In addition to autism, Li Shuo also has intermittent mania. Under normal circumstances, he doesn't have an attack, but when he does, he can sometimes tear down the whole house. Now the obviously impatient tone is immediate, so that the two stopped arguing.

The two finally stopped, and Li Shuo glanced at Li Xuejun, whose eyes were slightly red.

"I'm going back to my room." Li Shuo left a stiff sentence, turned to his bedroom, and closed the door.

Li Xuejun was still unwilling to give up. He thought his son must have been provoked by Fang Lanying, so he quickly walked towards Li Shuo's bedroom.

Fang Lanying grabbed him and said, "What are you going to do again! Are you going to bother him and let him turn the whole house upside down?"

The memory of Li Shuo's out-of-control last time was still vivid in her mind. He almost set the whole house on fire.

Fang Lanying was annoyed and afraid of him now. She just wanted to send this big Buddha away quickly.

Li Xuejun glared at Fang Lanying, and wanted to deal with Li Shuo's marriage. He didn't want to make things too awkward. He could only suppress his anger, thought about it calmly, sighed secretly, and took a step back: "Since he agrees, I can agree to let him meet the woman. If the other party's conditions are too bad, Xiao Shuo doesn't like it, and it's not suitable, then this marriage can't be concluded."

Otherwise, even if they divorced, he would not agree to Li Shuo and another poor child to make do with each other for the rest of his life.

Seeing that Li Xuejun was willing to give in, Fang Lanying also went down the stairs, "Don't worry, I'll take the two children to meet when I have time. If we get along well, the adults from both sides can make an appointment to get to know each other's families. You can check it yourself."

The argument ended temporarily.

Li Xuejun was working the night shift today. In order to avoid being deducted for being late, he basically left home 40 minutes earlier and arrived at the company at one o'clock.

Seeing that it was getting late, he didn't continue to discuss this topic with Fang Lanying.

Before leaving, he knocked on the door of Li Shuo's room again, "Xiao Shuo, I'm going to work first. I'll tell you about marriage when I come back in the evening. Don't think too much."

After a long time, a faint "OK" came from the room.

Li Shuo sat in front of the computer desk, responded, and continued to type on the keyboard in front of the computer desk:

"The Xiao family suffered a huge humiliation. Xiao Yan was hot-blooded and could not tolerate such a situation no matter how strong his tolerance was. He clenched his fists, wrote a letter of termination with hatred, and shouted at Nalan Yanran, "Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, don't bully the poor young! ..."

This road may be his fastest chance to turn over on this planet.

In more than half an hour, Li Shuo typed a few hundred words again. Just when he got into the state, the bedroom door was suddenly opened from the outside.

Fang Lanying glanced at Li Shuo sitting in front of the computer desk, thinking he was playing games: "Xiao Shuo, stop playing, come on, mom will take you to see your future wife! "

The computer at home was discarded by Li Hao. Li Shuo would sit in front of the computer and play some small games when he had nothing to do. Fang Lanying didn't like this and would basically scold him.

But forget it today. As long as she takes Li Shuo out to meet a girl in the afternoon and coaxes him to agree to come to the Wu family, she will have nothing to do in the future.


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