The doctor said that the doctor was very happy.

In the cardiovascular ward.

Li Xuejun was also eating breakfast.

It was brought to him by his attending physician Xie Jingshu himself, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Although he knew that the other party was his daughter-in-law's aunt.

"Director Xie, you go and do your work. I have almost recovered. I really trouble you for the past two days." Li Xuejun said to Xie Jingshu gratefully.

He was really grateful. His life was saved by Xie Jingshu.

There was no one to take care of him these two days, and Xie Jingshu also helped to take care of him. When she was away, she also arranged a nurse to come and help him.

While he was grateful, he felt that he really couldn't repay the other party's kindness.

This kindness was really too great.

Xie Jingshu smiled, added clean fruits to the plate on the bedside table of Li Xuejun, and said: "Brother-in-law, you are too polite. We are all family. Now Xiaoshuo is injured and can't take care of you. It is normal for me, as Ningning's aunt, to take care of you."

She recalled what happened on the train a while ago, walked to the bed, pushed the food on the table closer to Li Xuejun, and continued with a smile: "Even if we are not family, you don't have to feel embarrassed. This is a courtesy. You have helped me before."

She was originally going to take a plane that day, but she was delayed by a knee injury and missed the flight. In the end, she had to take the train.

She met the kind-hearted Li Xuejun, who not only helped her put the suitcase when she got on the train, but also remembered to take it down for her when she got off the train.

Even during the several hours on the train, Li Xuejun almost never took the initiative to say a word to her.

She was deeply impressed.

Although Xie Jingshu is over 40 years old, she has not experienced the destruction of marriage and childbirth. She is very well maintained and now looks only in her 30s.

She is not young, but she has the charm and elegance unique to this age.

When she goes out, she often meets people of the opposite sex who like to chat with her.

Li Xuejun is different from those men.

Xie Jingshu thought at the time that the other party might be thinking about his wife at home and would not have much contact with other opposite sex outside.

She thought that the other party’s marriage should be like her sister and brother-in-law Bai Yingtang, a rare and beautiful marriage.

But she didn’t expect that the real situation was so cruel.

Not only did the relationship between the couple break down to the point of divorce, but it also destroyed the person like this.

Xie Jingshu didn’t want to criticize anyone.

It just made her more determined that marriage is indeed the grave of love.

She will never step into the grave of marriage in her life, or even find a partner, how chic it is to live alone.

When Li Xuejun was young, Fang Lanying was too strict, so he got used to not looking at the other person's appearance and figure when he was with the opposite sex.

Now when Xie Jingshu suddenly said that he had helped her, he had no impression at all.

He looked up and looked at Xie Jingshu seriously, and asked: "When did I help you?"

Xie Jingshu: "..."

Sure enough, I forgot...

Otherwise, I should have recognized her long ago.

She was a little amused and said: "It was the one who took my suitcase on the train to Gancheng!"

After Xie Jingshu's reminder, Li Xuejun recalled it for a while and remembered it. He smiled embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, I was busy at the time and didn't pay so much attention. I didn't think of it just now."

"It's okay, this is normal, so don't be polite to me, we are not only relatives, you have helped me."

"But I didn't expect that you were my niece's father-in-law at the time."

Xie Jingshu said with a smile.

Li Xuejun couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect it either."

I didn't expect that he helped a lady who was not only the aunt of his daughter-in-law, but also the director of cardiovascular department of Lucheng First Hospital.

He saved his life from the gates of hell.

Xie Jingshu cooperated with her niece to play an ordinary person and did not reveal that she was the vice president of Lucheng First Hospital.

Otherwise, the Bai family has a deep background. If anyone is picked out, Li Xuejun and his son would be shocked.

Both father and son are good, but their family background is a bit ordinary.

If they knew that Bai Qinning was the daughter of Bai Group, they would be under great pressure.

So don't put pressure on the father and son. She also cooperated with her niece. Now she is just an ordinary director of cardiovascular department.

Not a vice president, a doctor of medicine, a vice chairman of the Provincial Hospital Association, an executive director, or various members.

These achievements and halos

In front of Li Shuo and his son, she didn't have any of that, and she didn't have to put on a good image, it was so easy.

It was a little after ten in the morning.

The lawyer that Bai Qinning contacted arrived at the hospital ward to meet her. She was a short-haired and elegant beauty, Yu Qian.

She grew up with Bai Qinning and they were good sisters.

Born into a legal family, her parents were both engaged in legal work. Now Yu Qian has a huge law firm under her. In addition to other businesses, she also set up an independent team to help the Bai family solve various legal disputes, and she has never failed.

Lawyer Yu is also a good hand in divorce cases. Even foreign royal family members are willing to travel thousands of miles to pay a high price for her to handle divorces.

Now she is a famous "divorce queen" in the circle of wealthy people in China and abroad.

Generally speaking, Yu Qian doesn't need to take action in the divorce case entrusted by Bai Qinning this time.

But this man is Bai Qinning's father-in-law, so Yu Qian will naturally not despise him, although she also knows that the two are in a fake marriage and Bai Qinning can't fall in love with an ordinary man.

"Mr. Li, don't worry. I can handle your father's divorce lawsuit within a week. I am a professional in handling divorce cases."

Yu Qian smiled and spoke to Li Shuo in the elevator on the 17th floor.

But when she spoke, Yu Qian's eyes would always involuntarily stare at Bai Qinning's hand holding Li Shuo's arm.

Li Shuo did feel a little dizzy when he walked, especially after entering this elevator. He didn't want to bother Bai Qinning, but he didn't expect this girl to take the initiative to reach out and help him.

There were two or three other people in the elevator, so he couldn't do anything. He could only let Bai Qinning support him, and a little warmth flowed in his heart.

In fact, this girl is pretty good when she is not willful.

Bai Qinning regretted bringing Li Shuo out, thinking that it would make his condition worse.

She wore a mask, held his arm with both hands, tilted her head to look at him, wanted to ask, but was afraid that there would be her fans in the elevator, so she could only observe his face.

Li Shuo noticed his wife's gaze and could feel the tension in her eyes. He looked back at her, as if to say to her, "I'm fine."

Yu Qian held the briefcase and tightened the straps of the bag as she looked at the couple who seemed to be acting strange.

Didn't they agree on a fake marriage?

Why does it look a bit like the real thing?

In order to be on the safe side, she came here to help Bai Qinning draft a post-nuptial agreement to limit the distance between the man and Bai Qinning in the marriage relationship.

It also prevented the man from pestering her in the future divorce, and she thought of more than a hundred clauses.

Why do the two people look different from what she imagined now?


Now that Li Shuo is injured, Bai Qinning is taking care of him a little bit. After all, she is Li Shuo's wife in name, and she can't really ignore him.

Yu Qian thinks that this should be the case.

Normally, with Qinning's personality.

She must keep a considerable distance from this fake husband.

Considering that the divorce case of the two will be taken over by her sooner or later.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

It is still necessary to give the post-nuptial agreement to Qinning.

Otherwise, what if the man falls in love with the woman?

We must prevent this from happening. We must make the man sign an agreement to keep his distance from Bai Qinning at all times and not to covet her Qinning!

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