At the same time, at the Dimo ​​Coffee Shop, Hua Wan was drinking coffee with a young girl. When she heard what the other person said, she almost spit out a mouthful of coffee. "What? You fired me just because I didn't bring her takeaway?" Hua Wan asked Xiao Mei with her eyes wide open. This is Xiao Mei, an employee who was just fired by Shenghong Electronics yesterday and a subordinate of Lu Meijuan. The latter pushed her glasses, almost crying with grievance, nodded, and said: "On the second day after I went in, she asked me to pick up a package. I asked if it was the company's package. Because I was busy at the time, she was very angry and called me to the office to scold me."

"I was still a little angry at noon the next day. She asked me to get her takeaway. I was queuing in the cafeteria and it was almost my turn. I was emotional and retorted and let her go by herself."

"Then that afternoon, the HR said that I contradicted my boss and the company decided to fire me. Did I really do anything wrong?"

The girl couldn't help crying when she said this. She even began to regret whether she should have flattered her boss so that she wouldn't have lost the job.

Hua Wan hurriedly took out a tissue from the tissue box and handed it to her: "It's okay, you're right. This woman is really too much!"

"In your case, you can actually apply for compensation. Have you mentioned it?" Hua Wan asked.

As a worker, Hua Wan has always been paying attention to labor arbitration in order to prevent her boss from over-exploiting her.

Even if it's her sister, it won't work.

Generally, if you are fired for no reason during the probation period, you can apply for an extra half month's salary as compensation.

Xiaomei nodded: "I did ask for compensation. At that time, I felt that I did nothing wrong. Then they said that I was fired because I contradicted my boss and didn't cooperate with the arrangement. It was my responsibility and they wouldn't compensate me."

"Ah, that's really too much. They just bully and exploit graduates like you."

Hua Wan looked at the young girl in front of her with sympathy, frowned and approached her, and said: "I also have a big grudge with your boss. Otherwise, we will join forces and report her together. I have a way to report it here. You just need to provide your chat records and useful information. I guarantee that the report will be successful and you will get compensation!"

She has more than 1,000 contact information of major media and television and even bloggers. Now that she has caught Lu Meijuan's handle, it is too easy to deal with her.

Especially this kind of old-fashioned person who suppresses newcomers in the workplace, as long as she posts it online and buys a few hot searches, Lu Meijuan can see her name on the hot search list in minutes.

The girl felt wronged, and she couldn't do anything about Lu Meijuan, a high-ranking supervisor.

Now after hearing Hua Wan's proposal, she hesitated for a while, and soon nodded and agreed.

"Okay, I still have her chat records with me here, I'll find them for you."

Hua Wan's task was in full swing.

It was past eleven o'clock.

Li Shuo and Bai Qinning also returned home.

As soon as Li Shuo entered the door, Da Yuanzi, who hadn't seen Li Shuo for many days, jumped into Li Shuo's arms and kept barking, complaining about why the two-legged beast hadn't been home for so many days, and rubbing his head against Li Shuo's neck.

Li Shuo carried the little guy to the living room, touched its head, and his heart was almost melted by the little guy's rubbing, and said: "Miss me, don't you? I miss you too."

"Meow~" Da Yuanzi cried and rubbed coquettishly.

Bai Qinning, who followed the man and the cat: "..."

Seeing Da Yuanzi rubbing unscrupulously in Li Shuo's arms, she felt a sour feeling in her heart.

She couldn't help but think, if she and Li Shuo were a real couple, would Li Shuo come back one day, and she could throw herself into his broad arms and hug him, and he would hug her and kiss her lovingly?

Bai Qinning imagined the scene in her mind, her cheeks flushed, and she quickly pulled her thoughts out.

What was she thinking about?

She put down the things in her hand, walked forward, and stretched out her jade hand: "Give me the big dumpling, it has gained a lot of meat in the past two months, it's quite heavy."

Li Shuo touched the cat's head and looked at the cat in his arms lovingly: "It's okay, it's not heavy."

It's effortless to hold it.

Da Yuanzi turned his head and nudged Li Shuo's chin, squinting his eyes comfortably: "Meow~"

Bai Qinning: "..."

She took back her hand, and suddenly felt a little bad. She said: "It's up to you. I'll go back to the company later. You can't cook for yourself now. I'll order your favorite takeaway for lunch."

She stared at Da Yuanzi rubbing Li Shuo's neck and chin with her beautiful eyes, and her heart was itchy and blocked.

Li Shuo heard

After hearing the words, Bai Qinning turned to look at her: "I can order it myself. Tell me the name of the restaurant."

The takeaway that Bai Qinning gave Li Shuo every day was specially cooked for him by the kitchen of the Di Le Hotel. When she told him that he couldn't order it, she just said: "No need. It's just a private restaurant. It can't be listed on the takeaway platform. I will order it for you."

Di Le: Wow, I, a five-star chain, have become a private restaurant?

Bai Qinning said a few words to Li Shuo briefly, then turned and walked away.

Li Shuo was already used to his wife's aloofness. He turned around with Da Yuanzi in his arms. When she walked away, he whispered to Da Yuanzi: "Yuanzi, say goodbye to your mother."

While speaking, he pinched the little guy's paw and made a gesture of saying goodbye.

Unexpectedly, his aloof wife listened to all his whispered words, was stunned for a moment, turned around, pursed her lips gently, and said: "Da Yuanzi should be good at home with Dad."

Her pretty face was serious, and she strengthened her tone when she said the word "Dad".

She is the mother and he is the father.

Da Yuanzi is just a cat.

She and Li Shuo are husband and wife.

Li Shuo obviously didn't get used to Bai Qinning suddenly turning around and saying this.

Even Da Yuanzi was stunned for a moment.

Then, Li Shuo nodded unnaturally.

Acknowledged the title of "Yuanzi's father" that Bai Qinning suddenly gave him.

In fact, he never thought of being Da Yuanzi's father, after all, he was just a fake male owner.

Bai Qinning's mood suddenly improved a lot. He walked to the entrance, stepped into high-heeled sandals with his tender white feet, lifted his heels, and went out.

After his wife left, Li Shuo held the cat in the living room for a while before returning to the room.

Turning on the computer and clicking into the writer's background, Doudi's comments urging him to update have exceeded 10,000.

There are also many readers under the circular bus urging him to start a new book, hoping that there will be another suspense novel for them to grow their brains.

Li Shuo was amused by the readers in the comment area and sat in front of the computer thinking for a while.

He now has to put music learning on his agenda, and he can't stop writing short stories during his studies. To keep his income stable, he should try to write shorter and more exciting topics.

Speaking of suspense short stories, in addition to the novel he started with, he now really remembers a suspense crime novel that left a deep impression on him.

It tells the story of three children who accidentally filmed a man pushing his father-in-law and mother-in-law down the mountain while playing in a scenic spot. For various reasons, the two sides began a confrontation.

When this TV show became popular, it also cast a great shadow on the lives of the audience.

I have a resistance to climbing mountains, taking pictures, helping to pose, and swimming, all because of this drama.

"Look, do I still have a chance?" This sentence once became a hot topic on the Internet.

Since readers haven't seen enough, Li Shuo decided to expand the psychological shadow of netizens and write them a "Secret Corner".

After making the decision, Li Shuo sat in front of the computer, quickly got into the state, and started typing.

I will write a new book after writing the update of Dou Di.

After not typing for two days, his dizziness symptoms were greatly relieved. Now when he touched the keyboard again, he felt a surge of excitement in his body and his thoughts flowed like a spring.

He simply loved typing.

At the same time, on the Internet.

A report titled [A girl was fired for not bringing takeout to her boss after get off work] suddenly began to ferment on major media websites.

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