After the divorce, Li Shuo thought that his divorced father Li Xuejun would be more negative, but he did not show any negative emotions in front of him.

After Yu Qian left, the father and son took Li Xuejun's few luggage back home. After lunch at home, Li Xuejun asked Li Shuo to go back to work, and he also had to go to Guankou's company in the afternoon.

When he went to the hospital to rest, the company's production progress slowed down a lot. Now that his body has recovered, he has to go to the company to keep an eye on things.

Being busy with work is a good way to divert negative emotions.

Li Shuo did not stop Li Xuejun too much. He only repeatedly told him not to be too tired when the father and son parted, and to recruit more workers. He also said that he would go abroad with Bai Qinning in a few days.

"Okay, okay, I won't tire myself out by walking from the hospital. Xiao Shuo, you still need to save the manuscript, go back quickly, don't delay."

On Xiangfu Road, Li Xuejun raised his hand to stop a taxi and told him to go back quickly.

Li Shuo got into the car and looked at him with some worry before leaving, "Dad, don't be too sad. You need to adapt at the beginning, and it may be fine in a few days."

Although Li Xuejun didn't say anything, he could see the impact of divorce on his father's mood.

He just didn't want to show it in front of his son.

He could understand it, after all, it was a marriage of more than 20 years. Even if the relationship broke down and they divorced, no one would be happy.

Li Xuejun smiled, "Okay, don't worry about Dad. Remember to accompany Qin Ning well and make money well. Don't spend too much. Pregnancy and childbirth will cost a lot in the future."

He and Fang Lanying have come to this point today. In addition to the fact that they are not destined to be together for life, it is also because he, as a husband, is not good at making money, so these messes about money have worn out their feelings.

Poor couples have many sorrows, Li Xuejun doesn't want Li Shuo to follow his old path.

Although the couple seems to have a good relationship now, he also wants to give his son a shot of prevention.

Li Shuo is sure that he and Bai Qinning will not be able to have children, but it is not good to break Li Xuejun's fantasy now and affect his mood, so he nodded to him.

"Okay, don't worry, Dad."

Li Xuejun watched his son's taxi go away, and immediately got a taxi and went back to the company to work again.

After the divorce, he had to make more money and strive for the opportunity to help his son raise children and reduce the burden on the couple.

The next few days.

Li Shuo and Bai Qinning were very busy.

Li Shuo stayed at home almost every day to write, and rarely went out. Ye Xuan Su Yu and others asked him to go out and play several times, but Li Shuo decisively refused.

The two people already knew that he was married, so he didn't hide it from the two people. He said that he would accompany his wife to Los Angeles on a business trip in a few days and must save the manuscript in advance.

Li Shuo was busy, and Bai Qinning was also busy. They went out early and came back late every day.

Three days before leaving for Los Angeles, Bai Qinning went on a business trip to Xiangcheng.

He was there for two or three days.

He went to Xiangcheng TV station to record a very popular variety show.

Today is Tuesday.

Li Shuo spent seven days saving the manuscripts for the next week and set a timer for release.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about the novel for the next week, just concentrate on being abroad with Bai Qinning.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening.

Li Shuo was holding Da Yuanzi on the balcony, enjoying the night breeze, waiting for the hostess to come back.

Tomorrow is the day to leave for Los Angeles. It's so late now, and Bai Qinning hasn't come home yet.

He also paid the manuscript fee today. The total amount of several books after tax deduction is more than 30,000.

Originally, he planned to transfer 6,000 directly to Bai Qinning, but this trip also required his air ticket and travel expenses, so Li Shuo decided to bear it himself.

As a husband, he was obliged to accompany his wife on a business trip, and it was not good to eat and use her.

Anyway, he has the ability to cover his own expenses now, so he won't take advantage of Bai Qinning, a working class person.

So he planned to wait for Bai Qinning to come back and ask her.

And he didn't take the initiative to contact Bai Qinning these days for fear of disturbing her work.

Bai Qinning seemed very busy and didn't contact him either.

After sitting on the balcony for half an hour, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening. Seeing that the night was getting darker, Li Shuo picked up his phone and took the initiative to send a message to Bai Qinning.

"Qinning, good evening, are you on your way back?"

After sending the message, there was no reply from the other end for a long time, so he put the phone aside and continued to reach out to stroke the head of Da Yuanzi lying in his arms.

Da Yuanzi is also

It was particularly clingy to Li Shuo, twisting its furry body and head in his arms, and making a "purring" sound in its stomach.

Li Shuo stroked the cat for a while, and finally received a reply from Bai Qinning on his phone, saying that they would be home in more than half an hour.

The man and the cat continued to wait for the hostess to come back on the balcony.

In the Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle, Bai Qinning replied to Li Shuo's message, and her face, which had been tense for several days, relaxed a little.

After two or three days, Li Shuo only remembered her today and took the initiative to send a message to ask.

This guy really treats the two of them as a temporary couple now, and is getting more and more distant from her.

Bai Qinning thinks that a large part of it is the problem of the agreement in their hands. If there is a chance to cheat Li Shuo's agreement, she will definitely destroy it immediately.

Hua Wan sat aside and saw Bai Qinning staring at her phone in a daze. In addition, the girl had been in a bad mood for the past two days, so she came over and asked her curiously in a low voice: "Ningning, do you have any conflicts with your brother-in-law again? Otherwise, tell me, maybe I can help you with some ideas."

In addition to wanting to gossip about Bai Qinning and Li Shuo, Hua Wan, as an agent, also had to take care of her sister's emotions, otherwise, if Bai Qinning was not in good condition during the Los Angeles Film Festival, it would be a disaster.

The camera at the film festival is different from that in China. If the camera is slightly worse, some photos will also cause a lot of impact.

Bai Qinning was indeed very worried about the inability to get closer to Li Shuo. She was always strong-willed, and she didn't want to show that she was upset because she couldn't handle her husband.

But she also wanted to ask Hua Wan for some methods to ease the problem of her and Li Shuo becoming increasingly distant.

After a long silence, she finally said, "I hurt his heart before, and it seems useless to give him a gift."

After a pause, she continued, "Yu Qian gave me another post-nuptial agreement a while ago. The general content is to restrict Li Shuo's behavior so that he can't covet my property, get close to me, and fall in love with me."

Hua Wan's eyes widened: "Oh my God, you didn't really sign it with him?"

If you signed it, wouldn't it push people further away?

After Hua Wan asked this, Bai Qinning didn't know how to continue.

She could have returned it to Yu Qian immediately.

But maybe she was afraid that the other party would see that she was interested in Li Shuo, and Li Shuo was also there. It would be embarrassing to put it back if Yu Qian asked again, so she didn't put it back immediately out of guilt.

Maybe if she directly refused to accept the agreement at that time, there would be no trouble later.

She skipped these processes, tacitly agreed with Hua Wan's words, and asked the other party directly: "What do you think I should do next?"

She wanted to destroy the agreement.

But she was embarrassed to tell Hua Wan.

It would be better if I could ask her for some other methods for reference.

"Oh! You really signed it." Hua Wan slapped her thigh in anger. If Yu Qian hadn't been so bad-tempered, she would have called her and scolded her.

But she also understood that Yu Qian didn't know what happened between Li Shuo and Qin Ning.

She didn't know that Bai Qinning's iron tree had begun to bloom.

"Well, in fact, this matter is not difficult to solve." Hua Wan touched her chin and analyzed it seriously.

Bai Qinning looked at her and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Look, Li Shuo is a man, and you are so beautiful, and your figure is also amazing, the best of the best. If he doesn't take the initiative to approach you, you take the initiative to approach him. Anyway, you have a marriage certificate, so just throw him down, kiss him and hug him hard, can he still keep away from this distance?" Hua Wan blinked at Bai Qinning frantically.


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