After the wedding, the two sides finally came to an end.

Bai Qinning held Li Shuo's backpack and sat on the sofa, searching for a long time before finding the agreement in the compartment inside the backpack.

It can be seen that Li Shuo attaches great importance to this post-nuptial agreement.

Unlike her, she had already taken it to the company to destroy it.

The more he valued it, the more Bai Qinning hated these pieces of paper that got in her way.

After zipping up the schoolbag and gently putting it back in place, she immediately took the agreement to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she tore the agreement into pieces with her bare hands, threw it into the toilet twice and flushed it into the sewer, destroying the body and leaving no trace.

Finally dealing with the post-nuptial agreement, Bai Qinning's mood was as beautiful as the sun in the sky.

After returning to the living room, she immediately called You Hong and asked her to arrange for someone to send her another set of bedding.

You Hong was very efficient.

In a few minutes, she brought someone to bring a new set of bedding.

After everyone left, Bai Qinning quietly covered Li Shuo with the bed sheet. Before leaving, she looked at the man's sleeping face and couldn't help but kneel down, holding her cheek with one hand to admire her husband's handsome face.

Her favorite thing about this face was his eyes. Whenever she accidentally looked at him, they were deep and dark, like the night sky with starlight.

But every time he would quickly shift his gaze. Although he was introverted, he always felt cold and indifferent.

Bai Qinning turned her head and frowned slightly. When would his eyes be hotter when he looked at her?

As hot as the eyes of those male fans.

She never liked the look in men's eyes, but when facing Li Shuo, she longed for him to look at her with affection in his eyes one day.

At that time, he must have fallen in love with her.

As for now.

Bai Qinning sighed softly, stretched out her hand, and tapped his cheek twice with her white and slender fingertips.

Her cheeks were slightly red, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she whispered, "No matter what, you will be my husband in the future. No one can take you away, and you can't escape."

Li Shuo was sleeping soundly now. He felt a strange touch on his cheek, frowned, and turned his face to the side.

Bai Qinning resisted the urge to kiss him and secretly declare her sovereignty, and quietly left him.

Li Shuo must not be woken up now.

Otherwise, the other party will not be able to find the agreement when he wakes up, and she is next to him, it is difficult not to suspect her.

He did something big secretly.

Bai Qinning rushed back to the room.

She had adjusted her work and rest schedule and was not sleepy. She did not play games, so she could only lie in bed and stare blankly.

She had nothing to do now.

The task for the next two days was to adjust to the jet lag and adjust to attend the film festival.

Li Shuo slept from nine in the morning to twelve at noon.

He was awakened by the urge to urinate.

He opened his eyes and was confused for a second or two, then he ran to the toilet in a daze.

After flushing the toilet, he flushed the toilet, which made him refreshed.

Li Shuo looked at the rising water level in the toilet and doubted his life.


The toilet was blocked just by flushing the toilet?

He looked around and found that there was no toilet plug in the hotel, and there was no tool suitable for unclogging the toilet in the bathroom.

"What, what's going on?"

Li Shuo did not expect that the toilet would be blocked after he urinated.

What should he do now?

Go to the hotel to find staff to unclog the toilet?

But the water he just flushed was still in the toilet.

This was really embarrassing for him.

Standing in front of the toilet and thinking for a while, Li Shuo decided to go out and find a tool to clear it himself.

At the same time, he was also thinking that the toilet should not be blocked by Bai Qinning, right?

This girl only eats a few bites a meal, and her stomach is about the same as a big dumpling. It is not likely that she will block the toilet when she goes to the toilet.

It may be blocked by the last guest.

Thinking of this, Li Shuo pushed open the bathroom door and found that Bai Qinning came to the living room.

She just heard some noise outside and came out to see if Li Shuo was awake.

As soon as she came to the living room, she saw Li Shuo opening the bathroom door.

Li Shuo thought Bai Qinning was going to go to the bathroom, and asked nervously: "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Bai Qinning was embarrassed to say that she just came out to see him, and immediately nodded: "Yes."

Li Shuo was so embarrassed that he blocked the door of the bathroom, "Ah, I, that, the toilet may be blocked by the last guest, and it can't be used now. I, I'll deal with it first."

After Li Shuo finished speaking, he quickly closed the bathroom door and returned to the bathroom.

Bai Qinning was stunned for a moment before he

After realizing it, it was not the last guest who blocked the toilet, but she flushed it and might not have flushed it cleanly.

Li Shuo must not find out!

In a hurry, Bai Qinning rushed to the bathroom door and pushed it open with her jade hands, "I, I'll do it, don't move!"

Li Shuo, who was embarrassed and distressed in the bathroom, turned his head to look at the girl who rushed in: "???"

Bai Qinning: "... Maybe it was me who blocked it."

"You?" Li Shuo looked at her in disbelief.

"You... You go out, I'll take care of it!" Bai Qinning blushed, she would never block the toilet!

But this time it was really her who blocked it...

In the end, it was Bai Qinning who called the hotel staff to clean the toilet and got some suspicious shredded paper.

The staff did not ask much, just threw the shredded paper into the garbage bag, cleaned the bathroom again, and said goodbye to the young couple.

In the room, both people were embarrassed.

Bai Qinning felt ashamed to talk to Li Shuo. In Li Shuo's eyes, she must be a woman who clogs the toilet when she goes to the bathroom...

Li Shuo was also embarrassed, but he could see that Bai Qinning was even more embarrassed than him. After a long silence, he took the initiative to break the silence and change the subject, asking her: "By the way, Qinning, don't you have to go to work today?"

It's daytime now, she has been in the hotel, don't she have to go out to work?

Bai Qinning sat opposite Li Shuo with her legs together, trying to look natural and replied: "I only need to adjust to the time difference in the next two days, and I will start to be busy in two days."

"Oh." Li Shuo nodded, thinking of perfecting the agreement, reached out to take the backpack next to him, and said: "By the way, while we have time now, perfect the post-nuptial agreement, and give it to Yu Qian when you return to China, and let her draft a new one for us after the improvement."

While Li Shuo was speaking, he opened the zipper of the backpack compartment, but did not touch the agreement he put in. He was stunned for a moment, and immediately took out the clothes inside and continued to search.

Bai Qinning saw her husband's actions and said calmly: "Okay, take out the agreement and we will perfect it together."

Li Shuo turned over all the pockets in the backpack compartment, frowned, and said: "My agreement is not in my backpack."

But he remembered clearly that he put it in the bag?

It couldn't be stolen, right?

Even if it was stolen, there was no need for people to steal these pieces of paper.

Li Shuo began to doubt his life and carefully recalled all the details from leaving home to now.

Bai Qinning looked calm and said regretfully: "You didn't bring the agreement, so there is no way to perfect it."


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