The film festival was held in Los Angeles, but it was already early morning in China.

In the Bai family villa, all the men in the Bai family were watching the live broadcast from Los Angeles.

Including the old man Bai Shunian.

He just found out two days ago that this stinky girl was secretly in love, and his blood pressure had just dropped after soaring for two days.

He also heard from Bai Yingtang and several grandchildren that the man was Qin Ning who was looking for them to deal with their family in order not to fulfill the engagement with the Li family.

It is impossible for Ning Ning to fall in love with a person of the opposite sex so suddenly.

Bai Shunian calmed down and thought that his son and several grandchildren's analysis made sense.

He had just urged Qin Ning to come back and get married a few days ago, and two days later, the girl's love affair was all over the place.

Mr. Bai felt that this was a normal move by his rebellious granddaughter, who deliberately found a bad boy to pretend to be in love to fool him, an old man.

He was thinking about waiting for her to come back to do some ideological work.

But what about the live broadcast from the film festival today?

His granddaughter was obviously unhappy and cried!

In the impression of the Bai family, the number of times Bai Qin Ning cried since she was a child can be counted on two hands.

She never showed such an uneasy look.

So it is probably related to her current bad boy boyfriend!

But Bai Shunian didn't know that in the family group where he urged several grandchildren to get married and angrily quit the group, his grandson-in-law had already been pulled into the group chat by his granddaughter.

Now Bai Cheng, as the eldest brother-in-law, has taken out his mobile phone and quietly tagged Li Shuo to ask questions.

The men of the Bai family had always believed that Li Shuo and Bai Qinning were just pretending to be a couple. Since the photos of the two were exposed two days ago, several men have begun to get uneasy. Has the big cabbage of the Bai family really been taken away by Li Shuo?

Bai Qinning was so depressed at the film festival today, how could they sit still?

They took out their mobile phones silently, opened the group chat, and stared at the mobile phones with dark faces.

The temperature in the whole villa hall suddenly dropped.

The old man Bai Shunian was angry and cold, staring at the live broadcast site, and asked his son Bai Yingtang to quickly get him a blanket.

Los Angeles.

After a moment of confusion, Li Shuo did not answer his brother-in-law's question immediately, but went online to search for news about Bai Muge on the red carpet of the film festival.

You don't know until you search, and you will be shocked when you search.

"Bai Muge's tears on the red carpet are painful, and it is suspected that she is in crisis with her mysterious boyfriend"

Li Shuo:?


He is in a more serious crisis, as Bai Qinning has locked him up in a hotel.

《No matter how beautiful she is, she is still betrayed. Bai Muge's broken feeling is heartbreaking!》

Li Shuo: ? ?

Frustrated? Who betrayed her?

It couldn't be him, Li Shuo.

After reading the news with exaggerated headlines and gimmicks, Li Shuo sat on the sofa and was completely stunned.

He obviously did nothing, but now he has become a hotly discussed scumbag on the Internet...

Originally, I felt very wronged and even angry. After watching the video clips that Bai Qinning cut from the film festival, I felt inexplicably guilty.

Is it possible that it was really because of me?

But on second thought, I felt that Bai Qinning was not so fragile. He just ignored her these two days.

She couldn't control her emotions and cried at the film festival just because a fake husband ignored her, right?

Now Li Shuo is very conflicted, and he doesn't even know how to answer his brother-in-law's question.

Bai Cheng didn't wait for Li Shuo's response. After waiting for a while, he tagged him again.

"@Li Shuo, please answer my question, what happened to Ningning today?"

Hua Wan had already informed Li Shuo, the big boss, about Bai Qinning's identity. Now, except for Mr. Bai, who cannot be too stimulated and knows little about Li Shuo, the Bai family basically knows the general situation of the two.

Li Shuo already knows that his wife Bai Qinning is Bai Muge.

In fact, this matter is irrelevant to them, anyway, the two are just fake husband and wife.

But Bai Qinning's mood today made the hearts of several men in the Bai family rise to their throats.

Intuition tells them that this matter must be related to Li Shuo!

After Bai Cheng popped up again, the men of the Bai family popped up one by one, taking turns to @ Li Shuo.

Li Shuo saw that several brothers-in-law and even his father-in-law had popped up and tagged him, which made him feel overwhelmed.

After a long silence, he popped up in the group and said frankly: "Qinning and I did have some conflicts these two days, but I think her low mood is

The reason is not because of me.

He even wanted to confess to the men of the Bai family that they were a temporary couple, but considering that Bai Qinning married him just to deal with her family, he was more tactful and continued: "I am not important enough in her eyes to make her have any emotional fluctuations because of me."

As soon as Li Shuo said this, all the men of the Bai family understood it almost instantly.

Sure enough, the facts were as they expected, the two were really in a fake marriage.

Bai Yingtang's dark face instantly eased a lot, looking at the boss, silent but eloquent: "I hope my bad mood this time is not because of this brat. "

If it was really because of Li Shuo, then his daughter was really deceived by this stinky boy.

Bai Cheng nodded silently to his father, feeling relieved.

Since Li Shuo said it so clearly that his little sister had no feelings for him, he was relieved.

At least the little cabbage of their Bai family was not really taken away by Li Shuo, the stinky boy.

Several sister-loving maniacs were relieved instantly, and sent an OK emoticon package in the group one by one, indicating that they knew.

And they were very satisfied with Li Shuo's answer.

The temperature in the room suddenly echoed, and Mr. Bai lifted the blanket covering him, feeling a little depressed.

Why was he so cold and hot, was he upset by the grandson-in-law he had never met?

Li Shuo was also relieved instantly.

He had seen these brothers-in-law before, and each of them had a strong aura. The situation just now was even in the WeChat group chat, All of them made him feel a huge pressure.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and now he didn't want to continue to maintain a temporary marriage relationship with Bai Qinning.

She is a famous beauty star. Although her brothers are just office workers, they all work in large companies. Even her parents have stable and high-income jobs.

In terms of family background and her status, Li Shuo feels that he is out of reach.

Now there is a huge conflict between the two of them. He can't tolerate Bai Qinning restricting his freedom, interfering with his social life, and using force against him without considering respecting him at all.

Why should he continue this marriage?

At this time, the phone that he had just put down suddenly rang.

It was a call from Ye Xuan.

"Old Shuo, have you seen the news? Bai Muge's relationship has only been exposed for two days, and her relationship with her boyfriend has problems. I feel that I have hope again! "

Ye Xuan said excitedly on the phone.

He thought he knew Bai Qinning very well. With her personality, even if she was dating someone of the opposite sex, she would not cross the line in a short time.

The two of them probably hadn't even kissed yet.

If they broke up due to a conflict, he happened to be in Los Angeles. The Ye and Bai families were so close, so he could take care of Bai Qinning.

Li Shuo could hear the keyboard clacking in Ye Xuan's heart through the phone line. He frowned and said seriously, "They just might have a problem with their relationship, and there's no rumor of breaking up. Why are you so excited?"

After all, he is still Bai Qinning's husband. As a man, it's hard not to be angry when he hears his friend thinking about his wife like this in front of him.

Ye Xuan: "??? "

Is this still his wife-chasing coach Li Shuo?

Why is his tone of voice so weird?


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