After a long time of crying, the two of them were still together.

Bai Qinning failed to deal with Li Shuo. She went back to her room and buried her face in the pillow and cried for a long time before she called Hua Wan with red eyes.

As soon as the call was connected, she asked for help in a trembling voice: "Wanwan, what should I do? Li Shuo... He doesn't accept me."

Bai Qinning's eyes were red and swollen. When she thought of Li Shuo not accepting her and ignoring her, she couldn't control her tears even if she tried to raise her head.

It was too painful.

It was the first time in more than 20 years that she confessed her feelings to a man, and she was rejected just like that.

She didn't want to lose Li Shuo just like that.

On the phone, Hua Wan heard Bai Qinning's trembling voice, and her mind was full of the scene of her sister's collapse and crying. She was shocked and hurried to comfort her: "Don't cry, don't cry, talk to him nicely, you have expressed your feelings to him, but he still doesn't accept it?"

Today, Bai Qinning mentioned that she wanted to make it clear with Li Shuo.

In Hua Wan's imagination, as long as Bai Qinning made it clear, the two of them should not be too stiff.

Why is she emotionally collapsed now?

It was the first time Hua Wan saw Bai Qinning like this. She was at a loss and didn't know how to comfort her at all.

When Bai Qinning heard Hua Wan's words, her emotions collapsed again and again, and she couldn't control it at all. She buried her face in the pillow and cried violently.


She expressed her feelings, but Li Shuo still ignored her.

She even hugged him, but Li Shuo not only didn't hug her back, but even pushed her away.

Bai Qinning simply couldn't tell Hua Wan about these things. As soon as she opened her mouth and recalled Li Shuo's attitude, she couldn't help crying.

She had never liked crying since she was a child, and even despised girls who cried easily.

But since she met Li Shuo, Bai Qinning felt that she had become incontinent to tears. As long as it was about him, she couldn't help crying when he stimulated her.

She was so angry at herself.

She hated girls who cried like this, let alone Li Shuo.

Just now, she almost couldn't help crying in front of Li Shuo.

Fortunately, she ran back early.

She didn't dare to cry loudly, so she could only hide in the pillow.

After a pile of tears soaked the pillow, she picked up the phone again and said to Hua Wan with sobs: "I'm not mean to him anymore. I told him in a very good manner. I said..."

Bai Qinning raised her hand and wiped the tears on her face, trying to control her emotions, and continued: "I said I like him and don't want to divorce him, but he still doesn't want to, and doesn't communicate with me..."

Hua Wan on the other end of the phone was even more puzzled, and even felt that Li Shuo was too ungrateful, and her anger was rising.

Her Ningning took the initiative to confess, so she is not without merit.

She bought him gifts, accompanied him to meet his parents whenever he was called, and stayed in the hospital to take care of him even when his head was cut open. Her father-in-law divorced, and there was that Lu Meijuan who was making trouble, she did her best to protect Li Shuo.

Why is this guy so ignorant today!

They have been together for so long, it is impossible for him to have no feelings for Bai Qinning!

She resisted the urge to rush over immediately, calm down as much as possible, and asked Bai Qinning: "You tell me how Li Shuo responded to you." She felt that Li Shuo couldn't ignore Bai Qinning and ignored her. When I came back, I went to find him, where to consider not to consider, he had to go out and think about it, and then he was very angry and rejected me directly, saying that we were not suitable. This is Nizi died again. Even though she had controlled her emotions and kept reminding herself that the other person was not only her little sister, but also her boss, Hua Wan couldn't help but scold: "I don't know what to say to you. You locked him up and didn't want to give him freedom. How dare he agree to you? Is he a masochist and likes you to lock him up?"

"You can think about it from another perspective. If it was a man you had a crush on, and he locked you up at home every day to restrict your freedom, and he told you that he did it because he loved you, would you like him? Would you agree to be with him?"

Definitely not!

Bai Qinning did not comment, and replied seriously: "If the other party

It's Li Shuo, he doesn't need to lock me up."

She wished she could stick with him every day.

Hua Wan: "..."

She opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

It can be seen that Bai Qinning was the first to fall in love with the two.

And she fell too deeply.

She never fell in love, but this time she finally liked someone, and now she was too afraid of losing him, holding him too tightly.

Hua Wan sorted out her thoughts and said to Bai Qinning earnestly: "Ningning, I saw a sentence before, which said that love is like sand in your hand. The tighter you hold it, the faster it will flow away. If you want Li Shuo to be with you, while there may be a little chance now, give him freedom, you really hold it too tightly."

Hua Wan no longer blamed Bai Qinning. This kind of thing is originally confusing for those involved, and clear for those who are on the sidelines.

It is said that women's IQ is 0 when they are in love, and now she really believes it.

Bai Qinning was still reluctant to let Li Shuo go, and said worriedly: "I'm afraid he will run away. "

Hua Wan: "... then can you keep his body and his heart? You see, you are keeping him by your side now, are you happy?"

What a crying face.

This is the first time she heard Bai Qinning cry so miserably.

Speaking of this, Bai Qinning couldn't help crying again and said, "I'm not happy, I'm so uncomfortable."

"That's it, you force him to stay by your side, you feel uncomfortable, he feels uncomfortable too, and he may even reject you more and more. If you give him freedom, maybe he will calm down and think about it."

"My wife Bai Qinning actually has many advantages. She is beautiful, respects her parents-in-law, and loves me very much. She doesn't interfere with my freedom. I can consider being a real couple with her."

Hua Wan imitated Li Shuo's tone, which was a bit funny, but it was very useful to Bai Qinning.

She wanted to hear Li Shuo say this in her dreams.

She sniffed, thought about it seriously, and murmured, "How about... I try? "

Hua Wan agreed immediately: "Yes, try it, let him go, give him space, don't push him too hard, maybe there will be unexpected surprises."

Bai Qinning: "Okay, I'll tell him right away."

She wanted to coax Li Shuo right away, and now the increasingly strained relationship with Li Shuo made her too uncomfortable.

But she couldn't let Li Shuo go back to China. After thinking for a while with her phone in her arms, she didn't get out of bed to find Li Shuo. She was so scared of the angry and cold Li Shuo that she only dared to send him WeChat.

"Li Shuo, are you asleep (dazed) I thought about it, I really shouldn't restrict your freedom, how about this, you continue to wait for me in Los Angeles, I won't lock you up in the hotel, you can go wherever you want, and when my activities are over, we will go back to China together, I won't restrict your freedom, just follow the original plan, don't go back alone early. (Dazed)"

In order to prevent her message from appearing too serious, Bai Qinning deliberately added two emoticons.

Li Shuo was of course not asleep, as he was mad at his wife.

A message popped up on his phone, and he immediately clicked it to read.

Seeing that it was sent by Bai Qinning, he didn't want to read it at first, but it was amazing that she would add emoticons to the message, and this was the first time, so he glanced at it.

After reading the content inside, he was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that she would not restrict his freedom, and the anger in his heart instantly dissipated a little.

But he was still not satisfied with Bai Qinning not letting him return to China, and replied to her: "You have so many bodyguards now, and you don't need me, why don't you let me go back first?"

Bai Qinning quickly replied: "I've said it all, I like you, of course... I want to see you every day, and Su Ran is waiting for you at the gate of our community every day, if I let you go back, wouldn't it be sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth? "

Of course, she was afraid that Li Shuo would go to court to sue her for divorce after he returned.

Li Shuo: "..."

He suddenly understood why Bai Qinning would coax him to come abroad for a business trip.

It is worth investigating whether she wants to see him every day. I'm afraid that hiding from Su Ran is her main purpose...

She is a jealous person.

However, Bai Qinning's sudden retreat was very useful to Li Shuo. He was not so angry now. After thinking for a while, he replied to Bai Qinning with a "good".

As long as he does not restrict his freedom, it should not be difficult to find Ye Xuan tomorrow and return to China.

Li Shuo only said a simple word, but Bai Qinning in the room was so excited that she almost cried again. She jumped for a long time while holding her mobile phone, turned over in bed, and replied to him: "Okay, good night then. "

Li Shuo finally agreed to pay attention to her.

Even though she felt a little upset that Li Shuo didn't reply, she wasn't as sad as before. She immediately reported the results to Hua Wan, and received a big thumbs up from Hua Wan.

That night, the young couple always

It was a relatively peaceful sleep.

The next day.

Bai Qinning left home early because of work.

Li Shuo, who finally gained his freedom, got up quickly after his wife left, cleaned up and planned to go out for a walk to breathe the air of freedom.

Then he contacted Ye Xuan to see if he could get him a passport. Now the passport was still with Bai Qinning, and he didn't like the feeling of being controlled by her.

Whether they would return to China together or not was another matter. He could get a passport first.

Li Shuo left the hotel in a good mood and wandered around the area.

Until he took out his mobile phone and was about to call Ye Xuan, he turned around inadvertently and saw more than a dozen familiar faces following him from a distance.

A group of bodyguards in plain clothes saw Li Shuo's sight:





Hide quickly, the eldest lady said not to make the son-in-law angry.

Li Shuo: "..."


——It's another long day, nearly 6000, the update is a little late, thank you for the gifts and videos and urging for updates! And the interaction! ♥️

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