After a while, the two of them went to school.

Li Shuo returned to his home at around four in the afternoon.

Su Yu personally sent him back.

But because his marriage with Bai Qinning did not last long, and this was not his house, he did not invite Su Yu to visit today.

After sitting in the living room and playing with the cat for a while, he reached into his pocket to take out his phone, and just touched the business card that was put together, and took it out.

Li Shuo picked up the business card, just glanced at it, and planned to find a trash can to throw it away.

At this time, Da Yuanzi, who had just run away, called out beside its water basin, and a little dog pushed the empty basin towards Li Shuo, which meant very clearly.

There is no water to drink!

"Okay, I'll come over and get you some water."

Li Shuo put his business card on the coffee table and went over to check. Sure enough, there was no water. He quickly filled the little guy's bowl with water.

After Da Yuanzi finished drinking the water, he carried the little guy to the room.

He turned on the computer and looked at the daily revenue and data released by the novel backstage at noon today.

It hasn't been recommended yet, but the daily revenue of Dou Di's novel has exceeded 300 yesterday.

It's just the beginning of May now. If it continues at this pace, it won't be a problem to exceed 10,000 yuan in royalties this month.

Of course, with his current income, he can only maintain his life in Lucheng.

It's difficult to settle down in Lucheng for a while. Although Lucheng is only a second-tier city, it is an economic development zone that is given special attention by the upper level.

The housing price is second only to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Li Shuo likes quietness. In the future, he will only consider single-family villas when buying a house.

And the villas in Lucheng, even in the suburbs on the edge of the city, are at least five or six million per set, and there are no surrounding facilities.

And it is completely bare-faced and undecorated.

With the current price, it would cost at least 700,000 or 800,000 yuan to decorate a villa with water, electricity and other facilities.

So even if you buy the worst villa, it would cost 600,000 or 700,000 yuan.

Li Shuo estimated that even if he divorced Bai Qinning in a month, he would have to rent a house outside for a while.

Of course, he is already quite satisfied that he can survive in this world by writing novels.

After a while, when Dou Di's book is recommended and the updates and income are stable, he can consider writing a new urban book to attract readers of urban traffic and make money from both ends.

On the Tomato website, the two categories with the largest readership are fantasy and urban.

He plans to make money from both categories.

Opening the coding software, Li Shuo had just written a few hundred words when Li Xuejun called him.

"Xiao Shuo, have you discussed what I told you yesterday with your wife?"

Since Li Shuo moved here, Li Xuejun has called every day to ask about his life and has been talking about meeting his parents.

Bai Qinning is very busy, so Li Shuo has been shirking his responsibilities.

Maybe Li Xuejun noticed something unusual, so when he called today, he got straight to the point and talked about meeting his parents.

Faced with his father's urging, Li Shuo was also very troubled.

Bai Qinning goes out early and comes back late every day, not to mention meeting his parents. The total time they have spent together in the past few days has not exceeded half an hour.

How can she squeeze out time to come and meet his parents?

"Dad, Qinning is very busy at work recently, let's wait a while."

But it's not a solution to keep dragging it out. Li Xuejun has obviously started to get suspicious.

Li Shuo also understands. After all, his son is autistic. He is always worried that he can't meet his daughter-in-law to understand the situation after he suddenly got married.

"Why is Qinning so busy at work?" Li Xuejun asked again.

Li Shuo had no idea. He held his forehead and skipped the topic. "Dad, I'll talk to Qin Ning tonight and try to find a time to meet in the next two days."

"You were the same yesterday..."

"Dad, my phone only has 1% battery left. Wait a minute, I'll charge it."

"...Don't, don't make calls while charging your phone. Didn't I tell you that your phone has been used for a long time. It's dangerous to play with it while charging. Last year, a person in the community was playing games while charging his phone and it exploded. His hand was broken."

"Let's not talk about it for now. Remember to tell Ning Ning about the meeting."

Li Xuejun hurriedly gave a few instructions and took the initiative to cut off the call.

After the call ended, Li Shuo looked at the 30% battery of his phone and felt a little guilty.

After all, he took advantage of his father's concern for him.

It seems that he really needs to find an opportunity to ask Bai Qin Ning if he can accompany him to meet Li Xuejun

, at least it can make the old man feel relieved.

Li Shuo reopened the typing software, but he couldn't calm down because he was thinking about talking to Bai Qinning about meeting his parents.

His typing speed slowed down a lot.

It was nine o'clock in the evening.

Li Shuo was still absent-mindedly writing the manuscript.

There was a sound from the door lock outside.

He immediately withdrew his hands from the keyboard and listened quietly to the movement outside.

It was only nine o'clock now. Bai Qinning got off work so early today?

At the same time, Da Yuanzi, who had a more sensitive hearing, had jumped off the computer desk and ran away to see his mother.

Bai Qinning opened the door and came in. As soon as she walked into the living room, Da Yuanzi had already run from Li Shuo's room to her, rubbing against her feet and acting like a spoiled child.

Bai Qinning leaned over slightly and hugged Da Yuanzi in her arms. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of something on the coffee table. She saw that it was a business card and walked over immediately.

She picked up the business card and frowned when she saw the name on it.

Didn't throw it away?

At this time, Li Shuo just walked out of the bedroom and saw Bai Qinning holding the business card. Then he remembered that he forgot to throw it away.

He subconsciously opened his mouth to say something, but his wife's beautiful and sharp eyes had already discovered him and asked, "You went out today."

"Ah, I went out for a while. This business card was given to me by my friend's cousin. I was going to throw it away, but I forgot it just now."

Li Shuo subconsciously explained immediately.

"So." Bai Qinning responded lightly, and unexpectedly enthusiastic for once, holding the business card and walking to the trash can: "Then I'll help you throw it away."

After saying that, he crumpled the business card into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

Li Shuo saw this scene and always felt that something was strange, but he couldn't say it for a while.

He was also thinking that Bai Qinning came back so early today, should he tell her about going back with him to meet his parents.

Since the two of them are married, he needs to play the role of husband for Bai Qinning, and the other party should also cooperate with him and accompany him to meet his parents.

How should he ask?

Bai Qinning seems to be so busy that she doesn't even have time to meet her boyfriend. Will he be rejected if he asks her to squeeze out time to accompany him to meet his parents?

But she rarely gets off work so early today, doesn't she need to accompany her boyfriend?

Before Li Shuo could figure out how to start, Bai Qinning was already holding Da Yuanzi and walking to her room.

Li Shuo was afraid of missing this rare opportunity, so he immediately said, "Miss Bai, wait."

Bai Qinning stopped and looked back at him. She seemed to be in a good mood and waited for Li Shuo to talk.

Li Shuo, who was not good at communicating with his newlywed wife, was inevitably a little nervous and asked hurriedly, "You get off work so early today, don't you need to accompany... accompany your boyfriend?"

He didn't know what to say, anyway, he would find a topic to cut in, at least to understand the situation between Bai Qinning and her boyfriend, and then ask her when she would have time to accompany him to meet his parents.

Bai Qinning was almost shocked by Li Shuo's words and bit her tongue.

Her body suddenly stiffened, and her beautiful eyes stared at Li Shuo, her eyes became dangerous.

Get off work early to accompany her boyfriend?

Accompany her new husband?


Is Li Shuo now openly asking her to fulfill her "obligations" as a wife?

Bai Qinning's face flushed, she was angry and embarrassed.

How dare this guy?

How dare he ask her to do this openly?


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