The more you smoke, the more you will smoke.

A strong sense of picture comes to my mind along with the lyrics.

It was a long time ago, when he was still an innocent boy. When someone handed him a cigarette, he smiled and waved his hand and said he didn't smoke.

His dreams were wild and fearless. He would make a wish on every birthday, naively thinking that his dream could come true.

But time is the best magician.

In the blink of an eye.

The boy who once refused to smoke and drink became an old smoker who couldn't put down his cigarette.

From innocence to money-first.

From a simple birthday wish to an unattainable spiritual sustenance.

But change is not voluntary.

So, there is the last sentence "sorry".

Sorry, I still became the person I once hated the most.

The few lines of lyrics in this song "Born as a Human Being" instantly touched the tears of countless people.

They are no longer innocent teenagers.

They have long gone against their dreams, their minds are full of money, and their lives are sad and helpless...

The song continues.

"It is said that life can be equal,

but some people are born to be called young masters."

"Some people can only look at the ground,

and look up to see dirty faces."

"I am motivated to be at the forefront of society,

but I always lose to power."

Countless netizens' eyes have become wet when they hear this.

Just as it is written in the lyrics.

Education says that people are born equal and life is equal.

But as I get in touch with more and more people and know more and more things, I understand more and more that life is equal, but it is divided into classes.

I bow my head and bend my waist every day, suffering from oppression and exploitation, and struggling all my life, but I still can't cross the class, but am stepped on and can't turn over...

[This song is too painful to listen to. I'm sorry for being born as a human being. One wrong step, every step is wrong...]

[I haven't listened to the song much since I started working. I accidentally saw it today. The lyrics seem to be talking about me. Thinking of my past, I burst into tears. This song is really touching (tears)]

[After graduating from college, I tried my best, but I could only get a salary of 7,000 yuan a month. Every day I only think about the money for my child's milk powder, the living expenses at home, and the medical expenses of my parents. I haven't even eaten KFC once since I grew up. ]

[Who isn't? When I was born, I tried my best just to live. The lives of most of us are determined at the moment of birth. ]

A short paragraph of lyrics made countless listeners find themselves and resonate with the song.

Both the lyrics and the melody carry a strong resonance of emotion!

At this time.

The rhythm of the music suddenly became passionate.

The next moment.

Jiang Yaohuo suddenly looked up.

The song seemed to release all the emotions at this moment.

"I want to forget everything in the past,

and be a layman who doesn't ask anything."

"From today on, stay away from the crowd,

and be a cunning fox."

"That day I put my hands together,

and looked at my embarrassed self in the mirror."

"I spent half of my youth,

to think about the principles of being a human being."

"I'm sorry, my young self."

"Travel thousands of miles, never forget your original intention."


The last sentence.

Still apologizing, apologizing to my young self, sorry, I didn't live the way I wanted to.

Instead, I was smoothed by life, my sharpness was wiped out, and I became an ordinary person who worked day after day just for three meals a day.

I still remind myself that no matter how much we are hurt or how many walls we hit, we will never forget our original intention.

But who can really do it?

The boy has changed a lot, tortured by life, no longer innocent and carefree, only scarred like a puppet struggling for money.

[This song is so heartbreaking. Successful people's chicken soup will not tell you that Jobs is a second-generation rich man, and when Jack Ma was in trouble, his wife took out 500,000 to support him, and we are just ordinary people...]

[I was fired from work, I didn't cry. My girlfriend broke up with me, I didn't cry. I went home to cook and found that the power was out, I didn't cry. My mother's medical insurance needs to be paid, I don't have money to borrow money from friends, I didn't cry. Now listening to this song, I burst into tears, I am sorry for being born as a human being...]

[I am so tired, I lost a 289 headset while delivering a courier today. I worked for nothing all day and lost money. ]

[In the past, marriage in my teens only required a hot pot meal and a bouquet of flowers.

Flowers, a movie. Today's marriage requires a house, a car, a credit card, and half of my parents' lives. 】

After listening to the song, countless netizens have completely burst into tears!

No one could have thought that the lyrics of "Born as a Human Being" could be so touching. They understood the meaning of the lyrics and were also the people in the song!

It also made netizens remember Ning Buzhi, the lyricist and composer who stabbed them in the heart again!

The depression continues.

Tangyuan Community.

In the bedroom.

Bai Qinning lay on the bed, holding her mobile phone, with red eyes.

She couldn't sleep and came across this song.

I don't know what Ning Buzhi has experienced.

In what state did he write such a song?

Even if she didn't experience too many twists and turns in her life, she could hear the meaning of the lyrics and music.

In fact, I didn't quite understand why Li Shuo had to walk side by side with her.

Now she seems to be able to empathize with him.

The line ": "Aspiring to be at the forefront of society, but always defeated by power" came to her mind.

The most intuitive picture this line of lyrics gave her was a foreign movie. Although the male protagonist in the movie wore a suit and behaved elegantly, he was not a member of the upper class after all. No matter how strong the hardware was, if the software could not keep up, it was just a facade and suffered cold eyes.

The upper class society was indeed very cruel. Even marriage was more of a transaction or reorganization of resources.

She didn't mind Li Shuo's family background, but when he followed her to contact all kinds of people, without strength, Li Shuo would definitely be treated with a lot of cold eyes and scolding.

Even if she was just a star now, it was the same.

However, at Li Shuo's current speed, how long would she have to wait before he could walk side by side with her.

Before he could lie beside her and let her hold him to sleep.

Bai Qinning hugged the quilt tightly, buried her face in the quilt, smelled the faint fragrance left by Li Shuo, and looked forward to that day coming sooner.

One night passed.

The song "Born as a Human Being" has been on the hot search list of major social video websites without any surprise.

It has made the whole network depressed.

Countless netizens cried when they heard Bao Feng again and again, and listened to it again and again to find emotional resonance from the song.

They hated Ning Buzhi, the composer of the song.

For three consecutive days, they felt like they were stabbing a knife in their hearts.

Every song is heartbreaking but classic!

They can't resist coming to be tortured over and over again!

It was more than ten o'clock in the morning.

All the colleges were still discussing Jiang Yaohuo's "Born as a Human Being".

Because of the three consecutive hit songs, Jiang Yaohuo, who had been excluded, began to show goodwill.

Everyone knows that Jiang Yaohuo now has a super thigh, Ning Buzhi.

If they have a good relationship with Jiang Yaohuo, they may have the opportunity to ask Ning Buzhi to help them write songs in the future.

Today, when Yu Wangshu came to the classroom, he did not find a quiet seat alone, but took the initiative to sit on the right side of Jiang Yaohuo and put a bottle of water in front of Jiang Yaohuo's desk.

"Student Jiang Yaohuo, this is for you. "

Yu Wangshu has a sweet look and impeccable figure. She has been pampered since she was a child, which makes her skin glowing white.

Faced with such a rich and beautiful girl who took the initiative to show her affection, Jiang Yaohuo was actually a little embarrassed. After all, this was something he had never experienced before.

He smiled shyly, glanced at the seat where Yu Wangshu was sitting, and said, "No, thank you, your seat is for Li Shuo."

Yu Wangshu: "..."

Just as Jiang Yaohuo finished speaking, he saw Li Shuo's figure appear at the door of the classroom.

He didn't care about the surprised and surprised looks of the whole class, and immediately stood up and greeted Li Shuo: "Li Shuo, here. "

Li Shuo smiled faintly when he saw Jiang Yaohuo, and walked towards him.

Yu Wangshu didn't take Li Shuo, a paratrooper with a show-off, seriously at all. She thought Li Shuo had been expelled today, but he came again.

Jiang Yaohuo was still asking her to stand up because of a paratrooper. For the first time, she whispered to Jiang Yaohuo with dissatisfaction: "Hechang is so good, and his future is bright, why do you have to hang out with a person who has a show-off and uses backdoors?"

She looked down on Li Shuo and didn't bother to lead the rhythm to suppress him.

She only said this to Jiang Yaohuo.

Jiang Yaohuo originally cooperated with Li Shuo and didn't want to attract too much attention, so he didn't mention his pen name everywhere. Now, when he heard Yu Wangshu say this about Li Shuo, he frowned and looked at her.

After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but whispered to her: "Li Shuo is not a show-off. Without him, there would be no me and those songs today. He is better than everyone in this training room! "

Yu Wangshu was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then he understood what Jiang Yaohuo meant.


Li Shuo...

She mechanically glanced at Li Shuo who had already walked over, and then felt that it was impossible

, turned his head to look at Jiang Yaohuo: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Yaohuo did not respond to Yu Wangshu again. Seeing that Li Shuo had not stood up yet, Jiang Yaohuo took the initiative to take Li Shuo to another seat to sit together.

Yu Wangshu, who was left aside, looked at Li Shuo's figure in the classroom seat and was shocked.

Jiang Yaohuo's meaning was too obvious. Li Shuo was... Ning Buzhi!


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