The old man was still alive, but he was still alive.

Li Shuo wrote until late at night.

He didn't write a song today, which made netizens who have been depressed for three consecutive days feel uncomfortable.

Millions of netizens opened Douyin on time, but they didn't push Jiang Yaohuo's depressing singing video. They even took the initiative to find Jiang Yaohuo's homepage from their followers.

Seeing that the video really hadn't been updated, waves of people flocked to the comment section of Jiang Yaohuo's "Born as a Human" video to urge for more.

[What's the matter? No songs today? Ning Buzhi, is he okay now? ]

[I'm here too. Although Ning Buzhi's songs are very depressing, I can really find resonance when listening to his songs, my family (crying)]

[It's twelve o'clock, and I subconsciously opened Jiang Yaohuo's homepage. There was no update today. Is the composer Ning Buzhi okay? I'm so afraid that he will be depressed. His songs are so depressing, and his life must be very bitter. ]

[I'm also a little worried. I can hear despair and lovelorn in every one of his songs. I'm so afraid that he will suddenly be depressed one day. ]

[Maybe he is a patient with severe depression. A song that seems to have seen through life for people like me. A decent song that writes about having to let go of unrequited love! Born as a human being directly presents the despair of the world in an almost torn way. That kind of sad mood has been lingering in the text, lingering, full of being born as a human being, I'm sorry! I'm really worried about Ning Buzhi's condition now. ]

[Don't give up on life. Born as a human being, please work hard and live hard. There will always be sweet times. 】


The sudden suspension of the account made fans very anxious.

They even ignored that many singers only release a few songs a year.

It was mainly because the lyrics and music written by Ning Buzhi were too sad. Netizens felt that his life must be very hard and were afraid that he would be depressed.

Even Bai Qinning, who was so excited that she couldn't sleep because she was going to see her husband tomorrow, couldn't help but start to worry.

Will Ning Buzhi really be depressed?

Bai Qinning is a public figure. She has listened to Jiang Yaohuo's songs for several days in a row these days, but she didn't follow him without permission.

I didn't wait for an update today, and I was also worried about Ning Buzhi's next state.

She had 0 followers in her follow list, but today she clicked on Jiang Yaohuo's avatar for the first time and followed him.

She left a message to Ning Buzhi in the comment section of "Born as a Human Being": "Flowers will bloom along the road, and so will your future. I wish you a promising future."

Bai Muge, who has almost never had any updates on Douyin but has millions of fans, actually followed Jiang Yaohuo tonight for the first time and left a message in the comment section.

This dynamic quickly attracted the attention of various netizens and Bai Muge's massive fans.

A simple comment quickly caused a stir, and a group of shocked fans came over.

[In her lifetime, goddess Muge actually posted a dynamic. Muge also likes Jiang Yaohuo and Ning Buzhi's songs. My goddess and I finally have a common hobby (crying)]

[Ning Buzhi is probably the only one in the entire entertainment industry who can attract the attention and comments of goddess Muge. Now the whole network is worried about his safety. It would be good if Jiang Yaohuo or Ning Buzhi came out to report that he was safe. ]

[Is there a possibility that the singer and the songwriter are both severely depressed, Ning Buzhi's lyrics and music are very desperate, Jiang Yaohuo has not run away from several girlfriends, and he can't sing such a song even if he has experienced the darkest moments of his life. Are the two really okay now? ]

In one night, the entire Internet exploded because Jiang Yaohuo did not comment and pay attention to Bai Muge.

And the two people who were paid special attention by netizens and even the big star Bai Muge.

One typed until late at night without feeling sleepy.

The other ran 10 kilometers home, practiced dancing at home until late at night, and finally fell asleep on the ground due to exhaustion.

Both of them were working hard for the future.

They simply left their sadness to their fans and kept their positivity and happiness to themselves.

Especially Ning Buzhi himself, Li Shuo, who was followed by his wife again.

He is not negative or sad at all now, and is working hard to improve himself every day.

The next day.

On the Internet.

The news that Bai Muge followed and liked Jiang Yaohuo was unsurprisingly searched on major websites.

When Jiang Yaohuo woke up and saw this news, he almost died on the spot.

Bai Muge!

The dream of 3.5 billion men.

He never actively interacted with any star, but actually followed him.

An ordinary fat man who became famous by Li Shuo's lyrics and music.

This is what Jiang Yaohuo did

I dare not even dream of it.

But he can also see that Bai Muge's attention and likes for him are more concerned about the current state of the songwriter Ning Buzhi.

And the number of comments in the comment area of ​​his latest video "Born as a Human" exceeded 700,000+ in one night.

Most of the comments are concerned about Ning Buzhi's current mental state and safety.

Jiang Yaohuo does not know Li Shuo's specific mental condition, but through these days of contact, he does not think that Li Shuo will be very negative and depressed.

He just likes to write songs and leave the sadness to him, the singer, and millions of fans...

In the morning, Jiang Yaohuo immediately released a simple text dynamic to clarify Ning Buzhi's current state. He is fine and lives as usual.

Once this dynamic was released, a group of netizens who were concerned about Ning Buzhi's state were slightly relieved. They did not call the police and urged the two people to look at it more openly in the comment area.

Jiang Yaohuo is really trying to look at it openly.

Li Shuo does not need it at all.

He has never been depressed.

He has no time to be depressed.

Li Xuejun called this morning and said that he called Bai Qinning last night and she was coming over for dinner.

Now he has to write an update for Doudi, write a short story in the afternoon, and then go shopping and come back to cook.

Li Shuo is typing away on his laptop.


Wancheng Airport.

Li Shu is sitting in a seat in the waiting hall, with a book on his legs, and a white steamed bun in his slender and rough hands. He is reading a book and tearing off the buns layer by layer and putting them into his mouth.

Her hair is tied into a simple high ponytail, and her beautiful oval face has a pair of big and round eyes, long eyelashes, beautiful facial features, and a straight nose.

The only flaw is that the girl may be exposed to the sun frequently, so her skin is not very white.

The loose T-shirt she is wearing has become somewhat deformed and faded, completely covering her beautiful figure, and her slender legs are wrapped in faintly white denim bones.

She doesn't dress well and is a bit dark, but even so, it can't hide the bookish smell of a girl.

You can tell at a glance that this is a top student.

It's the peak period for college students to go back to their hometowns during the summer vacation, and most of the people sitting in the waiting hall are college students who are going back to their hometowns.

Many boys of similar age are attracted by Li Shu's temperament and facial features, but they are deterred by the girl's darker skin.

In this era, fair skin and beautiful appearance are the mainstream aesthetics. A girl can be not so beautiful, but she must be white.

A white complexion can cover up a hundred ugliness.

Li Shu doesn't mind her current skin color. She deliberately tanned it under the sun when she was handing out flyers part-time.

Fang Lanying always said that she would find a rich second-generation man for her to marry into a wealthy family, just because she has a beautiful face.

Li Shu didn't dare to resist Fang Lanying blatantly, so she simply tanned herself while making money. Now that she is dark, the effect is immediate, and she has even lost the title of school beauty in the school.

Now, she is not worthy of any rich second-generation man, unless he is blind.

Li Shu eats steamed buns and reads books as if no one is around.

This is the steamed bun she likes to eat the most in the three years in Wancheng, bought from a steamed bun shop owned by a northern boss.

This steamed bun is not the kind of steamed bun in the south that will only leave a little when you pinch it with your hands.

This kind of steamed bun is very filling, and it will never become watery even when it is put back into the pot and boiled again.

The more you chew it, the more delicious it tastes, with its own wheat flavor and a little sweetness.

In the past two months, her brother Li Shuo has given her living expenses, which she can't spend all of it, and she has also eaten some expensive things that she wanted to eat but didn't have the money to eat in the past three years.

After eating it over and over again, Li Shu still thinks the steamed buns are delicious.

Maybe it's a habit, and her body has become accustomed to this taste.

Three years of hardship have made her half a northerner.

It was her concentration on eating steamed buns and reading a book that attracted the attention of a man in a high-end suit sitting by the window in the VIP lounge on one side of the airport more than ten minutes ago.

The man's hair was meticulously groomed, and he exuded a cool and noble temperament.

This was Bai Qinning's second brother, Bai Sheng.

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