When people get busy, they feel that 24 hours a day is not enough.

Li Shuo has only written 100,000 words in his short story, and it has been more than a week.

These days, he types more than 20,000 words every day. Except for eating, sleeping and occasionally going out to improve social anxiety, he almost sits in front of the computer to type.

In addition to wanting to make money quickly, Li Shuo can update so hard because the feedback from readers is extremely enthusiastic!

How enthusiastic is it?

Every day, a new chapter is updated in less than an hour, and the number of readers who urge for update can exceed 10,000, and the popularity has risen to the top ten of the urban popularity list.

This seemingly ordinary book title and its popularity stand out in the rankings, and also give him extra motivation.

After taking a walk after dinner, he sat in front of the computer and typed for several hours as usual.

He really likes typing.

If he didn't need to go out to improve his social anxiety, he could sit in front of the computer for a whole day.

Of course, his social anxiety problem hasn't improved much despite going out every day these days.

However, walking around more won't do him any harm, but he really can't sit in front of the computer all day, which is bad for his health.

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, Li Shuo was still typing on the keyboard, and Penguin suddenly received a message from the editor.

"Huole, I have good news for you. Several editors-in-chief of film and television companies are very interested in adapting your short story. They are in contact and negotiating. The largest one is Bailu Film and Television Company. If we cooperate with them, once we really reach an agreement and sign a cooperation contract, Bailu Film and Television should invite Bai Muge, who often cooperates with them, to play the female lead. With the wonderful plot and the blessing of the popular beautiful female star, the popularity of this novel will definitely be even more popular!"

Dahe is a quiet editor. Today is the first time he sent such a long message to Li Shuo at one time, and it was late at night, which shows how excited he was.

Li Shuo was of course happy to see that a film and television company wanted to adapt his novel into a TV series.

However, when he saw Dahe saying that Bailu Film and Television Company would find a popular female star, he frowned.

In his impression, any female star who became popular because of traffic has no decent acting skills.

Especially this Bai Muge, Su Yu said that she is only 24 or 25 years old, and there are not many good works she has shot. Li Shuo thinks that the main reason for her good-looking face is her appearance.

If such a popular actress with no acting skills is really allowed to play the role of the fishmonger in this novel, it will be counterproductive and affect the derivative income of this novel in the later stage.

"Please help me decide on the adaptation cooperation of this novel, but I don't want to find a popular actress to play the role. The adaptation fee I charge can be lower. During the adaptation, I can retain some rights so that I can give my own opinions and participate in the adaptation of the work."

This novel is really wonderful. Li Shuo doesn't want to sell it to others just to make money.

He is a very senior book fan. In his previous life, many of his favorite novels were adapted into TV series because some young actors and actresses were invited to play the roles. The result was a mess. Don't mention how upset he was.

The person on the other end was silent for a long time before sending a message.

"You are the first man I have seen who dislikes Bai Muge (laughing and crying)"

"But I can't refute the facts you said. I personally think Bai Muge has good acting skills. The dramas she filmed are very popular. The ratings and audience feedback are really hard to describe. It may be that her studio is not very good at choosing scripts."

"I will communicate with the editor-in-chief about your request, but according to your request, the copyright fee may be reduced a lot. Originally, I estimated that I could get 700,000 yuan in copyright fees, but now it is capped at 400,000 or 500,000 yuan. You have to be mentally prepared."

Li Shuo did not hesitate for too long and quickly replied to the other party with a thank you.

The copyright fee of 400,000 or 500,000 yuan for a short story is enough for him at present.

Anyway, he has more than just the fishmonger in his head. As a senior novel fan, the inventory in his head is amazing.

Of course, he will not only write novels in the future.

When he makes money from writing books, he will go to study music.

As a social phobic, he dare not sing on the stage, but he can be a songwriter behind the scenes.

There is too little entertainment in this world. Li Shuo has already opened the first path, and what awaits him next is a smooth road.

Even if he lives in a small house every day, he will have the opportunity to live a life without worries about food and drink through his own efforts in the future.

Follow the editor

After finishing the chat, Li Shuo typed more than a thousand words, and a call came to his mobile phone. It was from his grandmother Wu Cuixiang.

Li Shuo didn't want to answer the call at first, but considering that the other party was an elder after all, he had to answer the call.

Just after saying hello, Wu Cuixiang's angry shout came from the other end.

"Is your wife at home? If she is, ask her to come and answer the phone!"

Wu Cuixiang was really angry to death. I don't know what means Li Shuo's wife used. The day after Li Huan complained to her boyfriend, her boyfriend wanted to break up with her. Li Huan tried hard to keep her for several days and cut her wrists and went to the hospital to barely keep her.

Before she had time to happily keep her golden grandson-in-law, her second grandson Li Shicong was fired by Baishi Group, and it was the second young master of the Bai family who said it personally.

The Li family reacted quickly. Thinking that this might be some means used by Bai Qinning, they immediately called to question.

They are all family members, and Bai Qinning is really too extreme!

Even if Bai Qinning was at home now, Li Shuo would not let her come over to talk to Wu Cuixiang on the phone.

He replied coldly: "She is still working overtime at the company. Tell me if you have anything to say."

"What is it? Don't you know? I don't know what means your good wife used to make Huanhuan's boyfriend break up with her and lose Shicong's job!"

"I think she seduced the second young master of the Bai family with that beautiful face. You useless stinky boy, you can't even keep your own wife!"

Bai Qinning married Li Shuo, and the Li family didn't think highly of her family conditions.

Now that the young master of the Bai family has removed Li Shicong's job, Wu Cuixiang and Wan Fenlan agreed that she must have used her beauty to seduce the second young master of the Bai family, so that the second young master turned against her!

After all, Bai Qinning's appearance is indeed the most beautiful they have ever seen. It is too easy to seduce a man, even a man in a high position!

As soon as Wu Cuixiang said this, Li Shuo's face tightened almost instantly, and he said to the person on the phone in a deep voice: "Don't use your dirty thoughts to speculate about her. Your thoughts are dirty and filthy, but she won't. She is not the same kind of person as you! Li Shicong lost his job, and you deserve it!"

After cursing, Li Shuo hung up the phone and blocked Wu Cuixiang's phone number immediately.

Although he didn't know what Bai Qinning did to make Li Shicong lose his job, he believed that she would not do anything to seduce people.

After hanging up the phone, he was still very angry, so he put down his phone and planned to go out for a drink to relieve his mood.

When he turned around, he saw the door that had been pushed open and the girl standing at the door of his room staring at him.

There was surprise in her beautiful eyes, and when she looked at him, there was surprise in her eyes.

Li Shuo was so focused on the phone that he didn't notice Bai Qinning coming into his room after she got home. After a pause, his tense expression immediately relaxed: "You... are off work."

"Well, I did some work on Zhongshan Road today, and I brought you some snacks on the way." He was filming on Zhongshan Road today, so he packed some for him after work.

But he didn't expect to get an unexpected reward as soon as he got home.

Did this guy really defend her just now?

"Was the call just now from your grandparents?" Bai Qinning walked into the room and asked.

Li Shuo saw the other party coming over, and immediately stepped forward to take the things, thanked him, and asked: "Did they cause you trouble?"

Li Shuo felt that Bai Qinning couldn't have entangled with them for no reason. There was only one possibility, that the Li family started it first.

"It's true that he caused me some trouble, deliberately slandering you and me, and trying to affect my job. It just so happened that my boss really valued me as an employee, and he had a good relationship with Mr. Bai from the head office, so he taught the Li family a lesson."

Bai Sheng called her today and told her about the Li family. In addition to telling his friends about the Li family, he also found out that a younger generation of the Li family worked in Baishi Group, and fired him on the same day.

Swift and resolute, this is indeed her second brother's style.

Of course, she didn't expect that Li Shuo would get angry with the Li family for her today without knowing the whole story.

She was a little stunned just now.

It felt that he was more handsome than ever at that time.

Li Shuo was a little embarrassed, and felt that Bai Qinning had to face this kind of trouble because of him, so he apologized and said, "I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Bai Qinning did not deny it, and lightly raised her thin eyebrows, snorted, and said proudly, "I'm glad to know."

"See if there is anything you need me for, and just call me in the future." Li Shuo hoped to do something to help Bai Qinning and alleviate his guilt.

The affairs of the Li family must have caused her a lot of trouble.

Bai Qinning heard this, but tilted her head and looked at him.

What can this guy do for her? What can she do?

I don't need anything.

After staring at Li Shuo for a while, she suddenly teased him seriously, "Okay, let me touch your face again now."

Although it was so beautiful, she wanted to touch it.

But she knew Li Shuo didn't dare.

Li Shuo: "..."

What is this request?

It was obviously teasing him again.

He was also very disappointing. Knowing that Bai Qinning was teasing him, his ears gradually began to heat up.

The old face also became hot.

"How about it? This request is not difficult for you, right?" Bai Qinning looked cold and teased her innocent husband seriously.

Li Shuo was teased by his wife and couldn't speak. He was even so angry that he glared at Bai Qinning.

It's too much.

Just because he is socially anxious, you tease him again and again, right?

Bai Qinning saw that Li Shuo's ears were indeed red, and even his face seemed to be moving, so he couldn't stop and raised his white chin: "Didn't you say you could agree to my request? Why are you unwilling to do it as soon as I mentioned it?"

Her beautiful eyes were full of naked provocation, and Li Shuo really couldn't bear it. Before his old face was about to be hot from her teasing, he looked at the overly beautiful face in front of him that made him very angry, raised his hand in anger, and gently stroked her white cheek.

Then, in front of Bai Qinning's wide pupils, he pinched her face as a punishment.

His tone was threatening, and he said in a deep voice: "If you tease me again, I will not be polite."

This is what he has been saying these days.

Bai Qinning never thought that Li Shuo would dare to touch her face!

Her beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at him in disbelief. Before she could startle him, she met the man's meaningful eyes. She realized that something was wrong, and she shifted her gaze like a frightened deer, took two steps back, and the cheeks touched by Li Shuo's fingertips began to heat up and spread...

Miss Bai, who was as cold as a glacier and teased her husband a moment ago, now blushed.



[Everyone, this chapter is 3,300 words! This is also the first time that our brother Shuo has been tough in front of his wife (applause)♥️If you saw the title of the table and jumped to see the plot of this chapter, remember to go back and brush up on the previous chapter. How badly Shuo was bullied in the previous chapter, and how cool it is to see him tough now. (///▽///)】

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