I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 41 Killer, People Will Always Kill Him!

"How are you still alive?!"

The moment he saw Wang Zibin, Yu Feiguang pointed at Wang Zibin and yelled in disbelief.

In Yu Feiguang's mind, Wang Zibin should be a dead man.

"Cough," Wang Zibin coughed dryly and reminded:

"Although I really want to explain this problem to you, I don't think you have time to listen to me explaining..."

Before Wang Zibin could say anything, the sound of a heavy object falling sounded behind Yu Feiguang.

Startled, Yu Feiguang hastily turned his head to look behind.

Seeing this, Yu Feiguang was so frightened that he almost lost his wits!

All I saw was a wild pig with blood-red eyes and rough gas from its nostrils, getting up from the ground and staring at him viciously!

"Help me!" The moment Yu Feiguang saw the wild pig, he turned around and asked Wang Zibin for help.

However, Wang Zibin, whom he regarded as his savior, has disappeared.


This was the only thought in Yu Feiguang's mind!

The deadly sense of danger coming from behind made Yu Feiguang's adrenaline secrete wildly, and then, as if a chrysanthemum had been exploded, he ejected and ran forward.

There is one thing to say, at this time, Yu Feiguang ran the fastest speed in his life.

Even the wild pig behind him didn't catch up, and even distanced himself.

However, Yu Feiguang's top speed didn't last long, and his speed dropped suddenly because of physical problems.


The sound of the wild pig kept approaching, and Yu Feiguang's mind began to empty.

At this moment, Yu Feiguang thought a lot, and finally stopped on Wang Zibin and the wild pig:

Unexpectedly, the wild pig I prepared for Wang Zibin turned out to be "enjoyed" by myself...

Yu Feiguang, who had such an idea in his mind, was hit on the back by the pig's nose, was smashed through instantly, and then broke in two!

After the wild pig killed Yu Feiguang, it didn't stop, and went all the way, smashing down all the trees along the way.

Wang Zibin looked at Yu Feiguang's miserable situation from a distance, shook his head and walked back:

If I knew this earlier, why bother?


In the afternoon, on the way back, a piece of news spread among the teams of each college:

Yu Feiguang from Baixing Academy was killed by a monster and was smashed into two pieces. His death was miserable!

Li Xing of Baixing College was in a coma, and after being rescued by a fifth-level mage, he lost his mind. According to the fifth-level mage, he was hit by a high-level psychic magic!

For this reason, Kama, the vice president of White Star Academy, was furious, and arranged for all the sky knights of the academy, plus people from the army, to enter the forest for a thorough investigation!

When this news spread, the students of White Star Academy would pretend to pass by Wang Zibin's figure unintentionally from various angles.

Both Yu Feiguang and Li Xing, who had the accident, had conflicts with Wang Zibin.

And it is recognized that the two will attack Wang Zibin in this Warcraft riot.

But now, Wang Zibin is back alive and kicking, while Yu Feiguang and Li Xing are both dead and crazy. If there is a problem here, no one will believe it!

In the team of the Noble Knight Academy in White Star City, Cathy, who heard the news, lost her eyesight for a while, and her heart was extremely shocked!

After Li Rou heard the news, she remained silent on the surface, but secretly said in her heart:

Sure enough, Wang Zibin is really confident!

Thinking of Wang Zibin's handsome face, Li Rou looked at the absent-minded Cathy in front of her, and laughed again in her heart:

No wonder Wang Zibin is not interested in Cathy, because he thinks Cathy is not good enough for him!

He, and us, are no longer in the same class...

Suddenly, Li Rou had this feeling.


At night, after Wang Zibin completed today's knight training in the dormitory, he began to wait quietly.

What is he waiting for?

Wait for the worst result!

Letting Yu Feiguang die, making Li Xing unconscious, since Wang Zibin dared to do it, he had already imagined the worst possible outcome:

Just as all students doubted Wang Zibin, Karma must also doubt Wang Zibin.

Although Wang Zibin is confident, Karma and the others can't find direct evidence, at least not in a short time.

However, you must know that sometimes you don't need evidence to do things, just have doubts!

The worst result is that Karma came directly to Wang Zibin.

At that time, there are two roads in front of Wang Zibin:

Either show talent and make Karma worry.

or run away.

If possible, Wang Zibin would not want to go to the current situation. After all, he loves peace and just wants to develop with peace of mind.

It's just that this world doesn't run according to Wang Zibin's will, Wang Zibin was forced to come to this point by them.

Who made Wang Zibin, a person who refuses to suffer?

Just like when Yu Feiguang came to trouble Wang Zibin for the first time, why did Wang Zibin let him go? Let him bully?

Therefore, Wang Zibin, who does not want to be bullied, has come to today step by step.

And Yu Feiguang, who wanted to bully Wang Zibin, stayed in that forest forever.

Killers, people will always kill them!

Wang Zibin didn't regret what he did, so he waited quietly in the room, and in the end, no matter good or bad, he could handle it!

Time passed bit by bit, and soon it was midnight.

The worst didn't happen, Wang Zibin went to bed.

The next day, Wang Zibin got the latest news from the discussions of other students:

After a joint investigation by Kama and the army, a major discovery was made:

A spy from the Haori Empire died in the forest, suspected of being a mage!

After a few more days like this, the White Star City officials finally announced the results of the investigation on the incident that day:

Yu Feiguang's death was caused by a Tier 1 Warcraft Wild Pig. After investigation, it was confirmed that the rioting Wild Pig finally died in the hands of the army.

Li Xing's insanity was caused by high-level spiritual magic, which was done by a mysterious mage.

It was discovered that a third-tier knight spy of the Haori Empire died, which was done by a mysterious mage.

In this regard, Baixing City officially issued a reward for all clues related to the mysterious mage.

At the same time, the officials of White Star City have stepped up their crackdown on the spies of the Haori Empire, and any whistleblower can get a lot of rewards.

Arriving here, it seems that there is a meaning of closing the coffin.

Yu Feiguang was really killed by a monster, and Li Xing was also delirious because of a mysterious mage. It has nothing to do with Wang Zibin.

The students in Baixing Academy no longer peeked at Wang Zibin with suspicious eyes all the time, and everything returned to normal, except that there were two people missing in Baixing Academy.

But is it really back to normal?

of course not!

At least not for Wang Zibin!

From that day on, Wang Zibin could feel that he was being watched!

To be able to monitor him in the academy, Kama's approval must be obtained.

This shows that even if Karma did not find evidence, Wang Zibin was listed as a key suspect.

Under such circumstances, once Wang Zibin made any changes, he would definitely be arrested.

The one who has the same treatment as Wang Zibin is his cheap uncle Dean...

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