I, Who Wields A Hammer, Am Really A Mage!

Chapter 58 Traveling Through Thousands Of Mountains And Rivers, Just To Meet You!

Originally, even if it was brought back here by Wang Zibin, Violent Bear didn't feel any interest.

But just now when Wang Zibin released [Tianshichengjin], he was very interested in the spell fluctuations:

As a violent bear who has traveled a long, long way, it has seen all kinds of spells.

But what it perceived just now was different from anything it had seen before.

Not an attack.

Not defensive.

Not a buff.


This is a kind of spell fluctuation that it has never seen before, which arouses its interest.

And when it watched Wang Zibin, who turned into a mummy, run from in front of him to the kitchen, his interest became even greater:

Obviously, Wang Zibin's appearance was caused by casting a spell.

What kind of spell would need to pay such a price?

It's more interesting.

Wang Zibin, who was squeezed into a mummified corpse, stopped after eating all the food in the kitchen.

After eating so much food, although his complexion was pale, it was much better than the mummy just now.

However, Wang Zibin himself is clear.

This is just a superficial phenomenon.

He could clearly feel the loss of essence in his body!

This means that before the energy is replenished, all knight training must be stopped!

Otherwise, without the support of sufficient energy, Wang Zibin forcibly practiced knight strength, which would actually hurt himself.

The gain outweighs the loss, the gain outweighs the loss!

Wang Zibin shook his head regretfully.

If he did it again, he would definitely not choose to use [Tianshichengjin].

Even if it takes a little time to go to the Xingyue Mountains to make money, it is better than the current lack of energy.

But people are always like this.

Before losing, I always feel that taking shortcuts is the best.

However, some shortcuts always make people lose something.

Just like the current Wang Zibin, because he wanted to make quick money, he lost his energy, temporarily interrupted his knight practice, and suffered a blood loss!

Wang Zibin came out of the kitchen with a sigh, stood in the yard, looked up at the sky, and thought about life.

After some reflection, Wang Zibin consciously classified "Tianshichengjin" into a sequence that is no longer used, and let it lie there to eat ashes.

Wang Zibin, who had finished his reflection, suddenly remembered something, scanned the yard vigilantly, and felt relieved.

Just now, he remembered the appearance of his mummy. This is the dark history of his death, which will damage his image and must not be known by outsiders.

Fortunately, in order to cast [A stone into gold], Wang Zibin had already sent Markas and two servants to inquire about the manor in advance.

Therefore, no one is in the yard.

No, not right!

There is also a violent bear who is not human!

Wang Zibin's eyes instantly locked on the violent bear in the cage.

However, what greeted him was Violent Bear's naive gaze.

Taking a hard look at the strand of white hair on the bear's forehead, Wang Zibin inexplicably felt that the bear was a little cute.

Such a cute violent bear must be very stupid, he can't understand what happened just now.

Wang Zibin, who was looked forward to by Violent Bear Hanhan's eyes, thought this way and decided to give up the irrational idea of ​​killing the mouth in his heart.

Obviously, Wang Zibin was wrong.

This violent bear who stared innocently at it is not only very smart, but also completely understands why Wang Zibin became like that.

But Wang Zibin is right about one thing.

That is to give up the unrealistic idea of ​​"killing the bear to silence the mouth".

Let's put it this way, as long as Wang Zibin takes action, the mana in his body will be exhausted, and his body will be crushed and beaten by the violent bear.

This is still the case that Violent Bear is interested in him and doesn't want to kill him.

If the violent bear becomes murderous, Wang Zibin's fate will definitely be crushed, including the kind that crushes all the bones in his body...

"My lord, we have inquired about five manors that are interested in selling..."

Markus came back with two servants, and Wang Zibin reported what he had heard.

Hearing Markas' quotations from low to high, Chou Zibin nodded calmly:

Marcus was still very considerate, knowing that Wang Zibin was short of money, he prepared a cheap manor for him.

After listening to the quotation, Wang Zibin turned around and entered the room, took out the ball of gold, (bcch) handed it to Marcus and said:

"Turn it into money and see what it's worth."

After taking the gold, Marcus blamed himself very much:

"My lord, it's my fault that I want you to pay..."

Before Markas finished speaking, Wang Zibin interrupted him:

"Okay, instead of talking about this, it's better to go to work quickly and buy a manor so that this violent bear can be settled..."

"Obey!" Immediately, Markas walked out with the gold and two servants.

He knew that Wang Zibin interrupted him because he didn't want him to blame himself too much.

This moved him very much.

When Wang Zibin watched Markas go out, the Violent Bear was extremely excited.

Just now, when Wang Zibin walked into the room and took out the gold, Violent Bear's eyes burst out with brilliance!

Originally, it wondered what kind of spell Wang Zibin had unleashed in the room, which it had never seen before, and it even turned back on itself.

Now the moment he sees the gold, Storm Bear connects with the stone that Wang Zibin took in at the beginning.

Turn stone into gold?!

Of course, Violent Bear has never seen such a qualitatively changing spell!

No, simply unheard of!

But this is not important, what is important is that what this spell reveals is something that Violent Bear dreams of!

qualitative change!

What is the limit of the violent bear to continue to grow stronger?

It is the essence of a fifth-order monster!

It is the shackles of the essence, which locks the violent bear at the fifth level!

At this moment, Violent Bear felt that he had finally found the meaning of the direction pointed by the great wise man.

It traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers just to meet this handsome human mage in front of it!

Tears filled, excited, rejoiced

No one can feel the joy and excitement in Violent Bear's heart at this moment.

If it wasn't for fear of scaring Wang Zibin, the violent bear would have opened and closed its cage in an instant, and jumped in front of Wang Zibin to express its current mood.


Wang Zibin, who heard the abnormal noise, turned his head vigilantly and looked at the cage where the bear was locked:

This cage is very ordinary, because the auction house thinks that the sixth-level great mage Wang Zibin does not need a cage that really holds fifth-level monsters.

But you know your own state.

The current Wang Zibin is really not an opponent of a fifth-order monster, the violent bear.

If the bear breaks out of the cage at this time, then Wang Zibin can only call for backup...

Fortunately, the moment Wang Zibin turned his head, Violent Bear's gaze became naive, it's just that it was a little strange holding on to the railing of the cage.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zibin was relieved and just grabbed the railing instead of breaking the cage.

However, to be reasonable, why does this cage give me the feeling that it may be broken at any time?

Wang Zibin, who was aware of it, looked at the cage suspiciously...

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